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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Now Maulana Tausif-ur-Rehman Exposes 'Mushriq' Tahir-ul-Qadri - YouTube

okay first of all, before you guys throw any allegations on me... that mullah is not my mama or chacha.

watch the video from 1:50 to 2:50...
Youtube banned in pakistan, & you don't hve to prove a muslim wrong jst to make yourself looks right? Cause it brings taffurqa? Which could kill any ones beliefs with hate for others!
Live & practice freely what you like & let others do the same , without interference in their lives or other wise you will find yourself on some torabora?
there are mullahs out there who are cutting heads of other muslims after calling them kafirs, atleast qadri is a mullah who is not cutting heads and following saudi wahabism, and he wants political reforms thus trying to change the country in a positive way, trying to bring pakistan into modern age unlike those peadophile mullahs who only eat halwas and accept chandas to run their pathetic madressah?

atleast he understands to need for a modern change

what other mullahs are doing other than cutting heads, shedding blood and issuing killing fatwa on those who dont follow the mullah and calling all others kafir and bound to be killed?

qadri doesnt even discuss the religion, he may believe what ever he wants but he is not bringing his beliefs in the matter at hand, he is an equal pakistani by all means and he has all the rights to be a useful citizen

Do you think I give a RAT @SS for what your boyfriend mullah does! You guys need to get a life and stop bringing your boyfriends affairs in every Islamic related discussions!
Qadri has declared all Muslims kaffirs who do not believe in his idiotic concept of the oneness of prophet and god. I am just here to REFUTE his absurd claims by using my old freakin HP laptop and nothing more.
When i come across subborn people i just wonder that indeed Pakistan deserves scholars like Qadri and politician like Zardari.
if punjabi people have heads, then can they recall who started the targetted military operation in the 90s who started all this mess in the first place :lol: and who made a terror faction like haqiqi and supported it in the first place :lol:


More racist slurs and abuse from MQM terrorists. What else can you expect? These people do not believe in Pakistan

By the way a lot of Muhajirs supported operation clean-up. It was one of the best things ever done. And stop playing the victim card each and every time. You guys are a disgrace to ancestors that died for this country... the only word on their lips Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan as Sikh and Hindu mobs slaughtered them and raped their women.

Its a disgrace what this community has come to, you control Karachi like it is a baap ki jageer, you have been oppressing everyone else for years, have a GDP per capita that is Rs 13000 higher than other groups according to H&H. I am ashamed to be from a community that votes a terrorist, I am ashamed that my retarded people vote a murderer and killer constantly who called their forefathers fools by claiming the partition was the biggest blunder in the history of mankind. I was unlucky to be born in this disgraceful community.

And stop seeing everything in ethnic terms you ethno-fascists. Fatima Bhutto is an attempt to infiltrate Pashtuns in Karachi 92 operation clean up was an attempt to destroy "Muhajirs" when literally bodies of innocent Sindhis, Balochs, Punjabis, Pashtuns and any Urdu-speaker who dared to stand up were falling daily.
... I am ashamed that my retarded people vote a murderer and killer constantly who called their forefathers fools by claiming the partition was the biggest blunder in the history of mankind. I was unlucky to be born in this disgraceful community...

If you dislike the community so much then stop associating yourself with it. Plain and simple. No-one's forcing it on you.

Anyways, Javed Hashmi's comments came in recently from Yorkshire about PTI and TMQP agenda being one and the same. But he clearly mentioned that agenda is the only similarity between the two parties. The roadmap is completely different.

Waiting to see what happens on 14-Jan-2013. March or Bust ?? :police:
ok kids stop hitting on each other's ethnicities, we know there is no love in Mohajirs for Punjabis, but as of today Punjabis havent hit back with same degree of hate. lets keep it like that.

As far as MQM PTI and TQ agenda being same. good for them jack now at least PTI thinking from its head and looking for partners to defeat PML-N, which only means they are worried. But MQM cannot help them in Punjab or anywhere else and MQM will not give its seats in Karachi to anyone else. As far as TQ, he is a religious figure and people goto their gathering like they goto Mulana Diesel and Sunni Tehreek but that support is only limited to those gathering
If you dislike the community so much then stop associating yourself with it. Plain and simple. No-one's forcing it on you.

Just to clarify... I haven't seen you around on this site before so you do not know much about me. I have already disassociated myself with the community and am in the very final stages of adopting Pashtun culture. Za Pashtun yam.

BUT I am loyal to the Firangi Mahal house (my ancestral home in Lucknow where we worked actively for the Muslim League-our town is the birthplace of Muslim League in other words) and a nonchalant person very worried about the family which one day loved only and only Pakistan and all Pakistanis WITHOUT looking at everything with the pathetic mask of RACE on. A lot of people I know got killed moved from India and in India and we have harrowing tales

As for the Muhajir community, I have stopped identifying myself with it completely. I rebelled because all I have heard abuse. I advise you to look at each and every comment by an MQM supporter on this site. It either attacks a Pashtuns, Sindhi, Baloch or Punjabi even though this is ill-befitting for a community that counts itself as the most literate (though proves itself to be the most jahil of all). I saw the same things in my extended family which is why I was severely disillusioned by them other than the fact that we have the habit of voting in a mafia.

What do I mean when I say "we"? I mean our extended family and our Firangi Mahal house. I do not count the rubbish history of Muhajirs after 1947... which is basically an obfuscated MQM version of non-existent bias in 1992 in the form of operation cleanup and turning the Fatima Jinnah issue from a national issue into an ethnic one.

ok kids stop hitting on each other's ethnicities, we know there is no love in Mohajirs for Punjabis, but as of today Punjabis havent hit back with same degree of hate. lets keep it like that.

Its MQM supporters. How can they operate without showing their pathetic racist faces? Yes, don't reply with racial slurs. These ethno-fascists basically operate on their ability to utilize our divisions in society for their own purposes which is why these guys usually make racist remarks. Their purpose is to polarize Pakistani society for terror god Altaf so he can cede to India as he claimed in his speech.

They want hate to exist. Punjabis have a brain to realize they are at the top of the skyscraper and its time to make a few sacrifices for ethnic unity. Muhajirs know they are at the top but are keen to maintain that and want to maintain a separate party. Funny how our conversations always figure in "We are more educated than the rest and in a better economic position"... Question is how can an educated and financially stable person be discriminated against. All I have seen is Pashtun carpet stores being burned and Sindhi taxi drivers being forced into MQM rallies by us other than the bribes Muhajir businessmen have to pay to don Altaf.
ok kids stop hitting on each other's ethnicities, we know there is no love in Mohajirs for Punjabis, but as of today Punjabis havent hit back with same degree of hate. lets keep it like that.

That's why Punjabis did vote for them not one time but so many times... In past, not one but many times... LAME excuse by MQM, while killing Mahajir and showing that they are Mahjirs... For your kind information still a large number of Pakhtoons, Mahajirs, Baluchis lives in Lahore, yet no ethical difference.. The only why these ethical differences in Karachi are their because of MQM.. who is proclaimed to be working for Mahajir's Rights, but in reality making their life more miserable...

Interestingly in past so many years, More Non Punjabis are ruling Punjab, even at the time when Pakistan broken, a Sindhi Got support from Punjab, yet Punjabis are pronounced as ethical haters... while in-reality those who are spreading this lie are the culprit for Pakistan and their own ethical group...

Edit: Most Respect People in Punjab are actually belongs to Karachi or Mahajir Community..
That's why Punjabis did vote for them not one time but so many times... In past, not one but many times... LAME excuse by MQM, while killing Mahajir and showing that they are Mahjirs... For your kind information still a large number of Pakhtoons, Mahajirs, Baluchis lives in Lahore, yet no ethical difference.. The only why these ethical differences in Karachi are their because of MQM.. who is proclaimed to be working for Mahajir's Rights, but in reality making their life more miserable...

Interestingly in past so many years, More Non Punjabis are ruling Punjab, even at the time when Pakistan broken, a Sindhi Got support from Punjab, yet Punjabis are pronounced as ethical haters... while in-reality those who are spreading this lie are the culprit for Pakistan and their own ethical group...

Fracker, don't exacerbate the issue. A person who is by birth a muhajir having self-deprecating views is different from a non-muhajir commenting on the Muhajirs and calling them intolerant. This is a truth I admit but your comment holds the ability to spark an ethnic war and a dozen or so posts each aimed at Muhajir or Punjabi throats.

The problem is we are too ethnically polarized, too attached to ethnic identity when it should not matter and these racists use that. We are unwilling to understand that... comprehend this monumental reality. These ethnic identities should have disappeared in the background... we shouldn't even have to defend them. Who cares?

My friend MQM is basically the symptom... but where is the root of the issue? The root is in our mindset, by our here I mean collectively of Pakistanis. We want to divide ourselves into minor squabbling groups and fail to unite. Our votes can basically be read. I can easily say you will vote for PMLN if you are from Punjab, PPP if from interior Sindh, MQM if you are from Karachi or maybe even Hyderabad and ANP if you are from Pakhtunkhwa.

It is such a shame. And is there a single party amongst these calling for National interests to reign supreme? Not one. So many ethnic parties and not a single nationalist party and you know whats worse? 3 of these parties have directly stated, with their statements recorded on television that they do not believe in Pakistan.
Fracker, don't exacerbate the issue. A person who is by birth a muhajir having self-deprecating views is different from a non-muhajir commenting on the Muhajirs and calling them intolerant. This is a truth I admit but your comment holds the ability to spark an ethnic war and a dozen or so posts each aimed at Muhajir or Punjabi throats.

The problem is we are too ethnically polarized, too attached to ethnic identity when it should not matter and these racists use that. We are unwilling to understand that... comprehend this monumental reality. These ethnic identities should have disappeared in the background... we shouldn't even have to defend them. Who cares?

My friend MQM is basically the symptom... but where is the root of the issue? The root is in our mindset, by our here I mean collectively of Pakistanis. We want to divide ourselves into minor squabbling groups and fail to unite. Our votes can basically be read. I can easily say you will vote for PMLN if you are from Punjab, PPP if from interior Sindh, MQM if you are from Karachi or maybe even Hyderabad and ANP if you are from Pakhtunkhwa.

It is such a shame. And is there a single party amongst these calling for National interests to reign supreme? Not one. So many ethnic parties and not a single nationalist party and you know whats worse? 3 of these parties have directly stated, with their statements recorded on television that they do not believe in Pakistan.

I didn't call Mahajir Intolerant.. read again... I didn't said so... Infact I said WE Admire Mahajirs... The issue you guys have, when ever anyone says "MQM" You read as "Mahajir".. & on PDF I will be the last person calling any ethical group as bad or even Good...

on The top.. PML-N (Nawaz Group) is Kashmiri Not Punjabis...
I didn't call Mahajir Intolerant.. read again... I didn't said so... Infact I said WE Admire Mahajirs... The issue you guys have, when ever anyone says "MQM" You read as "Mahajir".. & on PDF I will be the last person calling any ethical group as bad or even Good...

on The top.. PML-N (Nawaz Group) is Kashmiri Not Punjabis...

Read post 74. I explained my position. I wonder if anyone ever reads my posts on this site and my efforts for ethnic unity. I am by birth a Muhajir, by choice a Pashtun and am severely against the attitude of the community of my birth (Muhajirs)

My point is Fracker... you are acting like a reactionary. Don't let the MQM racists do this to you, you want me to acknowledge the sacrifices of Punjabis, I acknowledge them and Muslim Leagues victory in the Punjab in 45 paved the way to Pakistan's formation. You don't need to defend your ethnic group from a bunch of racists because this is what they actually wanted. They want an ethnic war, Fracker. We have to be careful not to give them what they want.

They attack Punjabis, you defend them, more come and attack and say no no no "Lier"... its useless and a waste of time. Disengage yourself from race... you shouldn't feel the need to defend it. These ethnic identities are inconsequential.

Just let the dogs bark. They are traitors to their forefathers who drained their blood for this country, now they are kissing a traitor who calls partition an error on the cheek. Teaching an MQM terrorist that he is intolerant is an extremely difficult task which I have tried and failed. Don't entertain their anti-punjabi comments. We all know its rubbish. 30% of directors of radio Pakistan in Karachi were Muhajirs when their total population is 8%. GDP per capita higher than anyone else. Only a racist can abuse other people when he is at the top.
As far as MQM PTI and TQ agenda being same. good for them jack now at least PTI thinking from its head and looking for partners to defeat PML-N, which only means they are worried. But MQM cannot help them in Punjab or anywhere else and MQM will not give its seats in Karachi to anyone else. As far as TQ, he is a religious figure and people goto their gathering like they goto Mulana Diesel and Sunni Tehreek but that support is only limited to those gathering

This is an important point and TMQP has the same issues -- lack of votes when the time comes.

This is why I said that PTI may not be interested in allying themselves with Mr. Qadri and PTI's differences with MQM leadership is well known, so no alliances there either.

At the moment there might not be alliances in Punjab either, all major political parties are targetting PML(N)'s vote-bank. PPP, PML(Q), PML(F), MQM, PTI, TMQP
This is going to be problematic for the Sharifs even though they are the most popular party in Punjab.

a guy with mental issues

well thank god you disassociated yourself, atleast come as a pashtun and stop being fake mahajir, i didnt know pathans were so cowards

Pathan's aren't cowards and the history of the Lodhi's, Suri's and Abdali's prove this... but what can a parha likha jahil from my community do than spread racism against Pathans, Sindhis and virtually everyone else out there. Pakistan mein sab nasal key log rahtey hai... pakistani honey ka matlab yehi hai key hum SAB ki respect karein but unfortunately telling an MQM supporter to respect anyone from another ethnic group is like telling him to bash his skull against a wall. It goes over his head.

Our family and the race of my birth is (Muhajirs) a race of cowards. This is a reality I cannot deny. When faced with the monumental reality that we were supposed to be the strength of Pakistan and being in a relatively better economic position help other ethnic groups we hide or deny like cowards, when told about the killings, the murders, the extortion our MQM which we are voting for years and years has done we obfuscate the evidence, cover it up, when told about Altaf Hussains speech that called partition the greatest mistake in the history of mankind we defend him even when in that act there is nothing to defend... it is either that we love Pakistan or we love Altaf and I love Pakistan and the various ethnic groups in it.

But these things are incomprehensible for the average MQM supporter like you or for that matter any ethno-fascist because when faced with the truth they run around in circles like a little over-excited baby. Next time try not to bring another ethnic group in the conversation... yes I thought so... you guys cannot reply without blaming another ethnic group or playing the ethnicity card despite having a GDP per capita of Rs 13000, possibly more higher than the other ethnic groups, despite your privileged position.

And use your brain. I am from Firangi Mahal from the prominent Ansari family, you can research my house on the internet, Abdullah Ansari and many prominent people were my ancestors. And research Lucknow too while you are at it. Find out what kind of Muslims lived there and how they formed Muslim League and you might find out that they spoke pure, perfect urdu and were very soft-spoken. We were always the "pehley aap" and khalis urdu type and I am learning Pashto, did not know it by birth. Like you, our family which moved has become a disgrace to Pakistan and Jinnah.

@MonkeyDLuffy the Afghan-lover and your fanatical brother from another ethnic group made a similar post recently. I am neither praised by Muhajir chauvinists nor Afghan lovers. This is a fact I have accepted and my Nationalism and love for Pakistan gives me strength.
in the larger intrests of pakistan it will be important that at least QADRI shahib, PTI, MQM , PML q, should form a alliance, to bring the real positive change, if they can do that, i see pakistan shaping up fast, if not thugs will be there to rule, none of the he discussed political parties hve thse required money , & control over local adminstration to win against thugs?
& if really QADRI shb, IMRAN, ALTAF, chowdries are true to pakistan, that task is not , imposible?
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