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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk


ITS only pmln opposing new change, cause they think they already are in as the next govt?
well its not going to happen, wait till 2 years, till that time there willncluding be new NAB to deal with everyone, including NAWAZ & ZARDARI & thier crouption?

Brave words Indeed when ground realities only suggesting “The Titanic is about to hit the Iceberg” very soon.

So instead of continuing with morale boasting tunes foolishly and than sunk with the ship, it would be a lot lot better to save life (credibility, people’s trust) to fight for another day.

The current political chess board is however turned by raw political forces very intelligently this time.:wave:
I already see Altaf Hussain on Qadris feet, Imran Khan has been issuing statements left and right in the support of Qadri. Perhaps both parties are just trying to get some votes from his bank.
Shafqat Mehmood is not in command he said that before, its IK who said oh gosh hamary aur TQ k nazriyat milty hain..:D

Similar ideology does not entail an alliance between them.
It is not even clear whether Mr. Qadri is even going to contest elections himself or not. His speech was a bit vague and based around the same set of reforms that PTI was proposing. There was hardly anything new.

And while PTI was working in Pakistan, Mr. Qadri left on an extended vacation away from the country and surprisingly returning mere months before the elections.

I do not doubt Mr. Qadri's intentions nor his vision, but his political sense is clearly not functioning. This is not the sort of politician that PTI would like to align themselves with.

The only PTI-TMQP coalition (not necessarily an alliance) I can see happens after both have won seats in the Assemblies, either as govt. or opposition.
This thread... with no inkling of a proof whatsoever continues to attract visitors like flies to a cake...

*Yawn. Has anyone bothered to confirm this or is rumour-mongering now a pesha.

Imran Khan only makes alliances with ideologically similar groups. Tahir Ul Qadri I can think but the man has been criticizing MQM for like forever.
All lame excuses, elections on time. TQ with his grand love affair with democracy jumped onto Musharraf band wagon now he wants to derail elections. The problems he has mentioned won;t be sorted in a decade left alone two weeks.

Its sad but many people here seem to suffer with kala babu syndrome who have become champions of saving Pakistan from Pakistanis.

This thread... with no inkling of a proof whatsoever continues to attract visitors like flies to a cake...

*Yawn. Has anyone bothered to confirm this or is rumour-mongering now a pesha.

Imran Khan only makes alliances with ideologically similar groups. Tahir Ul Qadri I can think but the man has been criticizing MQM for like forever.

I wanted to answer your question in that BD thread. I have voted for PMLN once, once for PTI (back in 97 or 99) and I even went to vote for Musharraf in a referendum which was a complete eye wash (there was no one there except me and another friend).

PMLN IMO has delivered on the promise, no more army intervention in politics (which I consider THE issue with Pakistan). They didn't try to overthrow PPP govt when they had the chance. Secondly Baluchistan issue is more likely to be solved considering the history and the links between major Baluchistani political players and PMLN.

I know they is rampant corruption within PMLN but andho mein kana raja they are the best bet at the time.
Brave words Indeed when ground realities only suggesting “The Titanic is about to hit the Iceberg” very soon.

So instead of continuing with morale boasting tunes foolishly and than sunk with the ship, it would be a lot lot better to save life (credibility, people’s trust) to fight for another day.

The current political chess board is however turned by raw political forces very intelligently this time.:wave:

there is no Titanic to hit the Iceberg, instead its fake situation, just created by theives to run over pakistan again , its all dam agli bari, & when they see instead they get ehtisaab , they are crying for DAMO-CRAZY, in which they hve looted, every thing, from the poor pakistanis?

“The Titanic is about to hit the Iceberg” infact its been destroyed long time ago!
what a joke?:lol:
This thread... with no inkling of a proof whatsoever continues to attract visitors like flies to a cake...

*Yawn. Has anyone bothered to confirm this or is rumour-mongering now a pesha.

Imran Khan only makes alliances with ideologically similar groups. Tahir Ul Qadri I can think but the man has been criticizing MQM for like forever.

Just a rumour spead by the PMLn supporters to gain back the hearts of the people of Punjab by making use of the Hate and propoganda fed to the people of that region about MQM..

Though ideologically PTI and MQM have same motives, but the coalition to work between the two is highly unlikely for the likely same reasons i stated in the above para, So the noora kushti walay are trying to win the hearts of the people of region Punjab by trying to make use of the the ANTI MQM hatred propoganda and linking it with the IMRAN KHAN.

Such a Failures they are.
Just a rumour spead by the PMLn supporters to gain back the hearts of the people of Punjab by making use of the Hate and propoganda fed to the people of that region about MQM..

Though ideologically PTI and MQM have same motives, but the coalition to work between the two is highly unlikely for the likely same reasons i stated in the above para, So the noora kushti walay are trying to win the hearts of the people of region Punjab by trying to make use of the the ANTI MQM hatred propoganda and linking it with the IMRAN KHAN.

Such a Failures they are.

lol my a$$ propaganda, 19 people killed in Khi yesterday people of Punjab have eyez and ears we don't need PML-N or any other party to tell whoz good n bad. Sadly you people don't enjoy this luxury and freedom if you don't vote altafa or talk against him you will probably die. :lol:
This thread... with no inkling of a proof whatsoever continues to attract visitors like flies to a cake...

*Yawn. Has anyone bothered to confirm this or is rumour-mongering now a pesha.

Imran Khan only makes alliances with ideologically similar groups. Tahir Ul Qadri I can think but the man has been criticizing MQM for like forever.

nothing is permenent in pakistani politics, mark my words!
with crunt electoral process , PTI knows that even though they get highest of the votes , but they will never get the chance to make the govt in fedrl govt!
new political & electoral process, will gruntee PTI gets biggest bite of the cake, fairly!
for that, they can hve hard bt, strong understandings with MQM,PMLQ, & QADRI SHAHIB sure!

lol my a$$ propaganda, 19 people killed in Khi yesterday people of Punjab have eyez and ears we don't need PML-N or any other party to tell whoz good n bad. Sadly you people don't enjoy this luxury and freedom if you don't vote altafa or talk against him you will probably die. :lol:

hope fully you will put your adress online, so can all the evidence against MQM, killing everyday in karachi couldbe collected from you by fedrl agencies?
lol my a$$ propaganda, 19 people killed in Khi yesterday people of Punjab have eyez and ears we don't need PML-N or any other party to tell whoz good n bad. Sadly you people don't enjoy this luxury and freedom if you don't vote altafa or talk against him you will probably die. :lol:

if punjabi people have heads, then can they recall who started the targetted military operation in the 90s who started all this mess in the first place :lol: and who made a terror faction like haqiqi and supported it in the first place :lol:

Then be a good muslim urself & don't pick & choose...

Tahir Qadri said Prophet Muhammad & Allah were one & the same thing... !!!!!!! Talk about that.

He gave two opposite statements before western audience & locals... !!!Talk about that.
I am sure Tahir Al Qadri doesnt propogate Wahdat Al Wajood

one doesnt have to be a wahabi to distance himself from such belief. its an essential requirement of being a Muslim that the difference of Abd and Ma'bu'd is kept.
Beralwis put the Holy Prophet PBUH above the rest of the mankind (the hint is in the title Asraf Al Makhlukaat, doesnt make him PBUH part of Khaliq) thats something similar to concept of trinity or Christianity in general.
sorry to say that I havent come across such accusation before.

please prove it to me if he has said such a thing its very serious and please provide authentic references otherwise thank your lucky stars that you dont live in the time of Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab RA may Allah Grant us a leader who punishes the hoaxers and liars

Hadiths to ponder on

"a liar is one who passes on the hearsay without authenticating it"
Personally not a fan of anyone Islami who has a following and my perception for Qadri is no different.

But I'm not about to launch a mohim against him since hes preaching not forcing his views nor asking others to get his views enforced... Yes I disagree with many of his views and that's the end of my issue with him. Unlike other nutjob Mullahs who I would move against.

But the propaganda machine is full active and ALL the usual suspects are now being Anti-Qadri. Just look at the Anti-Qadri threads here.

One guy a PML-N supporter - since some quarters are theorizing that Qadri will use his influence to make PTI win.

One guy a member of a terrorist sympathizing organization

One guy a PPP supporter

Is that you? since you live in Middle east a terrorist heaven. :woot:
I am sure Tahir Al Qadri doesnt propogate Wahdat Al Wajood

one doesnt have to be a wahabi to distance himself from such belief. its an essential requirement of being a Muslim that the difference of Abd and Ma'bu'd is kept.
Beralwis put the Holy Prophet PBUH above the rest of the mankind (the hint is in the title Asraf Al Makhlukaat, doesnt make him PBUH part of Khaliq) thats something similar to concept of trinity or Christianity in general.
sorry to say that I havent come across such accusation before.

please prove it to me if he has said such a thing its very serious and please provide authentic references otherwise thank your lucky stars that you dont live in the time of Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab RA may Allah Grant us a leader who punishes the hoaxers and liars

Hadiths to ponder on

"a liar is one who passes on the hearsay without authenticating it"

Now Maulana Tausif-ur-Rehman Exposes 'Mushriq' Tahir-ul-Qadri - YouTube

okay first of all, before you guys throw any allegations on me... that mullah is not my mama or chacha.

watch the video from 1:50 to 2:50...
Now Maulana Tausif-ur-Rehman Exposes 'Mushriq' Tahir-ul-Qadri - YouTube

okay first of all, before you guys throw any allegations on me... that mullah is not my mama or chacha.

watch the video from 1:50 to 2:50...

there are mullahs out there who are cutting heads of other muslims after calling them kafirs, atleast qadri is a mullah who is not cutting heads and following saudi wahabism, and he wants political reforms thus trying to change the country in a positive way, trying to bring pakistan into modern age unlike those peadophile mullahs who only eat halwas and accept chandas to run their pathetic madressah?

atleast he understands to need for a modern change

what other mullahs are doing other than cutting heads, shedding blood and issuing killing fatwa on those who dont follow the mullah and calling all others kafir and bound to be killed?

qadri doesnt even discuss the religion, he may believe what ever he wants but he is not bringing his beliefs in the matter at hand, he is an equal pakistani by all means and he has all the rights to be a useful citizen
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