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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Thanks For Describing Your Super personal Characterstics (idiosty), I Never Tried To Impose My Thoughts On Any One, Doesnt Matter How Gutter Minded They Are, But at The Same Time Allways Ready To Show Them Thier Real Face !so They Can Learn More About This Dam World?
Same Independent News Organizations Never Oppend Up Any Way To The Croupted Wealth from Pakistan, To Thier Home Land? Wow What A Freedom They Enjoy? Non Of Them Ever Reported ! How & From Where Zardari Or Nawaz Sharif Brought Properties In UK?
How The Money Been Transfered From Pakistan?
Also They Never Came Showup ! From where They Got thier Calculations Of That Biggest Million Man March Of Pakistan,s History? All They Did Best Is To Report It Short In Western Media, Just Because The croupt Pakistani Regime Suits Thier Govts Better?
Well, Learn Here Dont Think You Are The only Genious In Town On The Bassis of Biased External Reporting?
Keep Comming Back, & Keep Getting More Medicine For Your Extra Working Brains!

lol, see what I mean about you assuming things based on nothing more than your own personal opinion? Who said I support Nawaz Sharif and Zardari? If anyone here is talking bullshit, it's you.

You really are misguided.

I'm done, you do nothing but insult people. I hope you grow up fast, because when you're old enough, you'll look back at your posts and think "damn, what was I thinking?".
lol, see what I mean about you assuming things based on nothing more than your own personal opinion? Who said I support Nawaz Sharif and Zardari? If anyone here is talking bullshit, it's you.

You really are misguided.

I'm done, you do nothing but insult people. I hope you grow up fast, because when you're old enough, you'll look back at your posts and think "damn, what was I thinking?".
Real Eyesight Problems You got, I Never Mentioned you as A Supporter Of Any, I Just Asked you To find A Difference Between Them & TuQ?
I Think You Got No thinking, So i Didnt Think What You think At All?lol
Hope It Will Makes you Sleep, peacfully?lol
le bhai kitne dushman hai elections k:

le bhai kitne dushman hai elections k:


We can't afford corrupt, mafia parties in the parliament. There is no place of PMLN in Pakistan. I think they will not win this time, but if they wins, then we should join dharna. . Let hope that PTI wins this time.
We can see in the videos that how shahbaz sharif is buying the judges. We should fight against this system.
We can't afford corrupt, mafia parties in the parliament. There is no place of PMLN in Pakistan. I think they will not win this time, but if they wins, Parliament. We can see in the videos that how shahbaz sharif is buying the judges. We should fight against this system.

and you think that Dr tahir ul qadri is providing a platform for this??:pop:
I think first we should use our voting right, still if gang and charsi comes in the parliament though this bad system, then only choice is dharna. What you say??

I agree with you...we really need to use our 'vote' power first! and don't worry if we will use our voting power together--- as one,and as wisely then I don't think so that we will let those patwaris win.:D
Thi a TUQ guy should be put on house arrest for 11 may, he is effectively spreading unrest.

BAba ji ghar jao aur sakoon karo.
I agree with you...we really need to use our 'vote' power first! and don't worry if we will use our voting power together--- as one,and as wisely then I don't think so that we will let those patwaris win.:D

Some jammat-islamist are already arrested, Few days ago, Security agency found 90,000 fake ballet papers from a car. :D
I respect Qadri. He speaks well and says all the right things. He's right when he says there can be no Naya Pakistan until the system is changed. How Raja Rental and Shehbaz Sharif have been allowed to contest elections is beyond me. I pity our nation. I pity myself.

However, if we can not bring change this time, it's not the system we should blame, it is ourselves as a nation. It is not just a stereotype to say Pakistanis are corrupt--I have seen it all--here and abroad.
He calls himself Sheikh-ul-Islam and gets his supporters to swear allegiance to him on the Koran, but he hates to be called "maulana," a term regularly used to refer to religious scholars in Pakistan.

He promises to bring true democracy to Pakistan even though critics claim he does not bat an eyelid when seeking the help of undemocratic forces to overthrow the elected government.

He claims to be a pro-democracy revolutionary, but he did not appear to mind supporting a military dictator in 2002.

He wants "true, pure, and honest" democracy but has so far been unwilling to disclose the source of the huge amounts of money he has spent on mammoth gatherings, a long protest march, and a camp to accommodate demonstrators.

He wants to uphold the cause of the nation but seems reluctant to risk surrendering dual citizenship for the sake of Pakistan and its people.

He wants to dissolve the widely supported Election Commission and dismiss the election commissioner, Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim, but he has not yet proposed any alternative person to head the country’s top electoral body.

He wants honest, patriotic, clean, and true Muslims to rule Pakistan, but he still has not named anyone who he believes meets these criteria.

He boasted of assembling 4 million people in Islamabad for a demonstration but ended up with an estimated 50,000 instead.

He travels in a bullet-proof car while his followers brave the terrorist threat on the roads. He sleeps in a bomb-proof container, whereas his supporters have been spending chilly winter nights under an open sky.

He is intent on bringing revolution nonetheless. He talks of justice and equality. He abhors corruption and dishonesty and promises to ensure social justice for all and sundry by virtue of a "true democratic" system.

Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, the religious scholar known for his 600-page fatwa (religious decree) condemning terrorism in 2010, has become a household name in Pakistan. He is particularly well known among those who watch the country's 24-hour private television channels and frequent social-media networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

Many of his statements are also music to the ears of Westerners and Europeans who have lost hope for Pakistan after failed efforts to persuade the country’s security establishment to break its alleged ties with militants, and who fear a Taliban and Al-Qaeda takeover with each new terrorist attack in the country.

Moreover, many of those same people believe that an English-speaking mullah who dislikes being addressed as "maulana" could represent a true blend of Islam and democracy, which would sit well with Pakistan's religious milieu and Western standards of modernization.

( source : Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri: A Complex Man Full Of Contradictions )

1. The title was given to him by the members of a religious council of which he is a part. The title has been passed down by the same body since almost a century.

2. Wat undemocratic forces? He wanted to have the scrutiny done under the Judicial foresight of the Judiciary and the necessary verification by the security agencies. if u do not know, every senior government official's name is verified by the security agencies before any appointment.

3. 2002 is long gone. Also had we been aware at that time that Nawaz Sharif wanted to become 'Ameer ul Mominen' and was ok with the taliban way of government, we would have supported musharraf as well.

4. When he is not contesting elections, y should he give away his other nationality?

5. Why should he propose an alternate name? All he is saying that is that the precedure was violated in the appointment of ECP members. And therefore those appointments should be cancelled. Infact the FBR chief was recently dismissed by the court just because the procedure was not followed in his appointment. however, courts have a problem when the same demand is made concerning the ECP. hypocritical

6. Anyone who has paid his taxes, not charged with corruption, has not defaulted on loans and bill etc as stated in the law is fit for elections. why is it hard to understand?

7. 50,000? dont joke around. that was atleast more than 1 lac. Listen to Moeed Pirzada who even mocked the participants on his show when they gave the figure of 50,000. But yes it was not 4 million. so wat?

8. Obviously, it was his life which was in danger hence the protection. there is nothing wrong with that.

Keep your personal biases aside and try to see what he is saying. Yes we may not agree with everything we say but most of his demands are genuine. The whole scrutiny thing became a joke only because it was not given enough time which everyone acknowledged. y is then that no one seems to acknowledge that Dr. Qadri was saying that same thing? Obv it is not in the benefit of those in the power to support such scrutiny therefore it is understandable that these so called democratic forces will never support anyone like Dr. Qadri.
Keep trying , damocrazy lovers, some day you ill find the only way out is TuQ, & his phillosphy?
Bt Till Then Keep Up Wasting, The Dam National Money On Jokes Like, 11 May? Cause Its Been Donated Money Which Everu0yone Is After, They Dont Give A Dam About The Country or Nation?
All The Quite Supporters Of TTp Or Talibans, PTI Or PMLn Whoever They Are, they Are Heading Towards A Dead End, Thats All I Can Say Right Now!

Thi a TUQ guy should be put on house arrest for 11 may, he is effectively spreading unrest.

BAba ji ghar jao aur sakoon karo.
Let The 11 May Joke Over, Let Th3 Noora League In Power, You Will Change your Thinking Thats What written On The Wind!
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