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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

He calls himself Sheikh-ul-Islam and gets his supporters to swear allegiance to him on the Koran, but he hates to be called "maulana," a term regularly used to refer to religious scholars in Pakistan.

He promises to bring true democracy to Pakistan even though critics claim he does not bat an eyelid when seeking the help of undemocratic forces to overthrow the elected government.

He claims to be a pro-democracy revolutionary, but he did not appear to mind supporting a military dictator in 2002.

He wants "true, pure, and honest" democracy but has so far been unwilling to disclose the source of the huge amounts of money he has spent on mammoth gatherings, a long protest march, and a camp to accommodate demonstrators.

He wants to uphold the cause of the nation but seems reluctant to risk surrendering dual citizenship for the sake of Pakistan and its people.

He wants to dissolve the widely supported Election Commission and dismiss the election commissioner, Fakhruddin G. Ibrahim, but he has not yet proposed any alternative person to head the country’s top electoral body.

He wants honest, patriotic, clean, and true Muslims to rule Pakistan, but he still has not named anyone who he believes meets these criteria.

He boasted of assembling 4 million people in Islamabad for a demonstration but ended up with an estimated 50,000 instead.

He travels in a bullet-proof car while his followers brave the terrorist threat on the roads. He sleeps in a bomb-proof container, whereas his supporters have been spending chilly winter nights under an open sky.

He is intent on bringing revolution nonetheless. He talks of justice and equality. He abhors corruption and dishonesty and promises to ensure social justice for all and sundry by virtue of a "true democratic" system.

Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, the religious scholar known for his 600-page fatwa (religious decree) condemning terrorism in 2010, has become a household name in Pakistan. He is particularly well known among those who watch the country's 24-hour private television channels and frequent social-media networks such as Twitter and Facebook.

Many of his statements are also music to the ears of Westerners and Europeans who have lost hope for Pakistan after failed efforts to persuade the country’s security establishment to break its alleged ties with militants, and who fear a Taliban and Al-Qaeda takeover with each new terrorist attack in the country.

Moreover, many of those same people believe that an English-speaking mullah who dislikes being addressed as "maulana" could represent a true blend of Islam and democracy, which would sit well with Pakistan's religious milieu and Western standards of modernization.

( source : Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri: A Complex Man Full Of Contradictions )
If He Acted Against A Selected Govt, Which Was Hell Bent To Destroy Good Institutions Of Pakistan, By Attacking Them Like Of SC In 99, So He Is Wrong? Supporting Militry Govt Is Wrong In Islam? Whom Else Wasnt A Product Of Militry Govt In Pakistan, Bhutto Or Nawaz?
With So Much Negative Of religious Leaders, Who Call Themselves Mullana In Local Languge ! If He Not Chose To Do So Was That Is A Sin?
In A Society Where ! Political Leaders Openly Do Crouption & Buy Properties In Other Countries ! Still he Hve To Declare His Statics, Which He Declares Openly? A Thousand Times? That His Supporters Did Financed All That? Yes The Very Same Supporters Who Let Him Sleep In A Wram Container In the Coolest Of Winter Nights In Islamabad, it Show He Was True In Telling That, His Supporters Really Do ! What Ever He Wants?
All This Crap Been Repeated, Again & Again? Bt still If He Wants He Can Bring Same Size Of Crowd Back In Islamabad Whenever He Wants? Why?
The Referenced, Pra- Colum Is Just Nothing, Bt A Usless Missunderstanding Of A leader, Who Is Trying His Best To Free A Country, Messed Up In A Religoius Civil War, & Croupt Political Leadership!
If He Acted Against A Selected Govt, Which Was Hell Bent To Destroy Good Institutions Of Pakistan, By Attacking Them Like Of SC In 99, So He Is Wrong? Supporting Militry Govt Is Wrong In Islam? Whom Else Wasnt A Product Of Militry Govt In Pakistan, Bhutto Or Nawaz?
With So Much Negative Of religious Leaders, Who Call Themselves Mullana In Local Languge ! If He Not Chose To Do So Was That Is A Sin?
In A Society Where ! Political Leaders Openly Do Crouption & Buy Properties In Other Countries ! Still he Hve To Declare His Statics, Which He Declares Openly? A Thousand Times? That His Supporters Did Financed All That? Yes The Very Same Supporters Who Let Him Sleep In A Wram Container In the Coolest Of Winter Nights In Islamabad, it Show He Was True In Telling That, His Supporters Really Do ! What Ever He Wants?
All This Crap Been Repeated, Again & Again? Bt still If He Wants He Can Bring Same Size Of Crowd Back In Islamabad Whenever He Wants? Why?
The Referenced, Pra- Colum Is Just Nothing, Bt A Usless Missunderstanding Of A leader, Who Is Trying His Best To Free A Country, Messed Up In A Religoius Civil War, & Croupt Political Leadership!

There is an inherent paradox to your statement, I suggest you re-read it, because you're simply making ridicules comments. There is no misunderstanding, and he is not tere trying to "free the country". If he was adamant on "free the country", he wouldn't have given up so easily after his so called "million man long march", which only brought out about 50,000.

So That Means Any Muslim Claiming That Prophet Came To His Dreams ! Is Just A Simple Liar, Why & How?

No, but saying that it was a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of his words does make him a liar.
There is an inherent paradox to your statement, I suggest you re-read it, because you're simply making ridicules comments. There is no misunderstanding, and he is not tere trying to "free the country". If he was adamant on "free the country", he wouldn't have given up so easily after his so called "million man long march", which only brought out about 50,000.

No, but saying that it was a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of his words does make him a liar.

Can You Prove That ! the Million Man March was Just, 50,000 Peoples?
& better You Should Start Looking This Thread,s Page 1, You Ill get Every Dam Answer of Your, Ill Intentional & Biasd Post For a Well Versed, internationly Accepted, religious Leader Of Islam From Pakistan!
He Didnt Gave Up Easily, He Was Been Assured By Prime Minster Of pakistan That, His Key Demands Will Be Met with Hole Heartdly?
Bt As its Pakistan,s Dam Croupted political Culture Of Lying, Promises Made With Him Were Proved All Lies?
Wht Can He Could Hve Done More? Burrning president & Prime Minster Houses, With His Supporters?
Thn Guys Like You Would Be Calling Him ! A Terrorist?
Stop of Bieng A Hypocrate, & Try To Clean Your Heart & soul, So You Can See Through The window Of Truth?
He Wasnt Lying If He, Said prophet Came To His Dreams, As a Muslim We Should Accept It, That A Muslim Can do Worse Bt he Will Never Lie About His prophet & If He Is Doing So, He Ill Get his punishment From His God Soon !
Dont Try To pose yourself A Jagga Judge Or biasd & religiously Divided Pakistani peoples Jurry?
I Hve Enough, Of Posts To challenge Your ill Claims, Just Start From Page 1 Of This thread, You Get Your Dam Answers!
Can You Prove That ! the Million Man March was Just, 50,000 Peoples?
& better You Should Start Looking This Thread,s Page 1, You Ill get Every Dam Answer of Your, Ill Intentional & Biasd Post For a Well Versed, internationly Accepted, religious Leader Of Islam From Pakistan!
He Didnt Gave Up Easily, He Was Been Assured By Prime Minster Of pakistan That, His Key Demands Will Be Met with Hole Heartdly?
Bt As its Pakistan,s Dam Croupted political Culture Of Lying, Promises Made With Him Were Proved All Lies?
Wht Can He Could Hve Done More? Burrning president & Prime Minster Houses, With His Supporters?
Thn Guys Like You Would Be Calling Him ! A Terrorist?
Stop of Bieng A Hypocrate, & Try To Clean Your Heart & soul, So You Can See Through The window Of Truth?
He Wasnt Lying If He, Said prophet Came To His Dreams, As a Muslim We Should Accept It, That A Muslim Can do Worse Bt he Will Never Lie About His prophet & If He Is Doing So, He Ill Get his punishment From His God Soon !
Dont Try To pose yourself A Jagga Judge Or biasd & religiously Divided Pakistani peoples Jurry?
I Hve Enough, Of Posts To challenge Your ill Claims, Just Start From Page 1 Of This thread, You Get Your Dam Answers!

A few things wrong with your statment, first of all, if he hasn't given up and was assured by the PM, why is it that he is boycotting the elections?

Second, can you want proof? Okay


50,000 protestors, 10,000 police

He said he would bring down the government, what did he accomplish? Nothing.

You're wrong to say that I would call him a terrorist, I actually supported the long march, if you can believe it. The government needed to face the people, but that did not happen at all. The whole thing was just drama bazi by Qadri, he just wanted to get into power, nothing more, but he knew that it would never happen, so he hoped that he could gather enough supporters as a show of force, so he wouldn't be humiliated.

Tell me something, how am I being a hypocrite? Did I contradict myself? Where do you feel I'm not telling the truth.

As a Muslim, we should be skeptical and look at his credentials, and see what other scholars have to say about him and his dreams, not blindly folow him. If I were to tell you that the Prophet (S.A.W) was in my dreams, would you believe it? How do you know I'm not lying? You don't, so it is appropriate to remain skeptical. This man is not an Angel or a Prophet, he is simply a man, nothing more and nothing less.

If by "internationally accepted religious leader of Islam from Pakistan" you mean, accepted by non-Muslim nations like Canada, US, and EU, then yes, you're right. Let me just warn you, your definition of "international" seems to be like the US, and only takes into account a handful of nations and territories. Not even his own Sufi order likes him.

If this man was truly sincere, he wouldn't be hiding behind a bullet proof shelter, while his people risk their lives come out to support him, regardless of terrorist attacks and the bitter cold of the rain.

Everyone is a judge, to not judge someone on their merits and mentality is to not be human. Don't be arrogant enough to assume that everyone that disagrees with Tahir is a liar or a hypocrite.

By the way, I'm going to ask again, how am I a hypocrite? You failed to point that out.
A few things wrong with your statment, first of all, if he hasn't given up and was assured by the PM, why is it that he is boycotting the elections?

Second, can you want proof? Okay


50,000 protestors, 10,000 police

He said he would bring down the government, what did he accomplish? Nothing.

You're wrong to say that I would call him a terrorist, I actually supported the long march, if you can believe it. The government needed to face the people, but that did not happen at all. The whole thing was just drama bazi by Qadri, he just wanted to get into power, nothing more, but he knew that it would never happen, so he hoped that he could gather enough supporters as a show of force, so he wouldn't be humiliated.

Tell me something, how am I being a hypocrite? Did I contradict myself? Where do you feel I'm not telling the truth.

As a Muslim, we should be skeptical and look at his credentials, and see what other scholars have to say about him and his dreams, not blindly folow him. If I were to tell you that the Prophet (S.A.W) was in my dreams, would you believe it? How do you know I'm not lying? You don't, so it is appropriate to remain skeptical. This man is not an Angel or a Prophet, he is simply a man, nothing more and nothing less.

If by "internationally accepted religious leader of Islam from Pakistan" you mean, accepted by non-Muslim nations like Canada, US, and EU, then yes, you're right. Let me just warn you, your definition of "international" seems to be like the US, and only takes into account a handful of nations and territories. Not even his own Sufi order likes him.

If this man was truly sincere, he wouldn't be hiding behind a bullet proof shelter, while his people risk their lives come out to support him, regardless of terrorist attacks and the bitter cold of the rain.

Everyone is a judge, to not judge someone on their merits and mentality is to not be human. Don't be arrogant enough to assume that everyone that disagrees with Tahir is a liar or a hypocrite.

By the way, I'm going to ask again, how am I a hypocrite? You failed to point that out.

You Are Trying To Hard To Just Prove That He Is A Liar, A Failure & A evil?
Thats Why I called You ! Hypocrate Cause You & peoples Like You Who Thought That By just Looking At every breaking news On thier Tvs In Thier Warm Homes, They Are Supporting Him They Werent?
Yes peoples Like You Just Wanted To See, This PPP Govt Getting Down Nothing Else, thus You could Hve Supported A Kala Chor Or Any One Who May Lunch Any Activity Against The Govt, Or Hve Any Single Chance To Break The Govt Of Zardari Any How? Bt When The Same TuQ Decides Best Course of Actions, By Pinning Govt To His Chartter Of Demand Then Hypocrates Like You Feel Dejection That TuQ Didnt Fullfill Your Wishes,,,? Do You Got My Point My Dear Hypocrate?
BTw No News Organization Could hve Counted The Ammount Of Peoples Gathered In his Long March, How Could The Times Did That?
Hypocracy? At Its Best?
How You Know He, Is Lying That Prophet came Or Nt Came To His Dreams? Ohh I Got It, Hypocracy? Right?
As A Muslim, We Shouldnt Be Skeptical About the Role Of Another Muslim, Cause It Generares Fitnaa Among Brother Hood, Its just Simple If Dont Feel Good About Him, Dont Folllow Him Bt You Dont hve Any dam Right To declare Him A Criminal, Or A Bad Person Either?
If Its In Any civilized Place On Earth, He Could Hve Sued You At Least Out Of Your Self?
Bt As we live in One Of The Most Uncivillized Place ! It All Is Posible, Cause This Country Is Run By Thievs, & hypocrates Who All Only Work For Thier Own Cheap Intersts & Wishlists any Way?
Also, He & his Supporters Know The Fact from The Very Begaing That Govt May Try To Pick Him Him Up, So The Whole Crowd Can Be Disspressed Ezly, For That He Came Up With new Idea, It Worked Good, His supporters Didnt Minded, Him Sleeping In That Container, & He Didnt Lied To Them That Container Wasnt Warm, & he Was Safe Enough To Lead Them Till The End! If That All Is Accepted By his Supporters Thn Whts Your Problem?
Raja Rental, Zardari, Nawaz Ganjaa Couldnt Do Even That Any given Day?
You Are Trying To Hard To Just Prove That He Is A Liar, A Failure & A evil?
Thats Why I called You ! Hypocrate Cause You & peoples Like You Who Thought That By just Looking At every breaking news On thier Tvs In Thier Warm Homes, They Are Supporting Him They Werent?
Yes peoples Like You Just Wanted To See, This PPP Govt Getting Down Nothing Else, thus You could Hve Supported A Kala Chor Or Any One Who May Lunch Any Activity Against The Govt, Or Hve Any Single Chance To Break The Govt Of Zardari Any How? Bt When The Same TuQ Decides Best Course of Actions, By Pinning Govt To His Chartter Of Demand Then Hypocrates Like You Feel Dejection That TuQ Didnt Fullfill Your Wishes,,,? Do You Got My Point My Dear Hypocrate?
BTw No News Organization Could hve Counted The Ammount Of Peoples Gathered In his Long March, How Could The Times Did That?
Hypocracy? At Its Best?
How You Know He, Is Lying That Prophet came Or Nt Came To His Dreams? Ohh I Got It, Hypocracy? Right?
As A Muslim, We Shouldnt Be Skeptical About the Role Of Another Muslim, Cause It Generares Fitnaa Among Brother Hood, Its just Simple If Dont Feel Good About Him, Dont Folllow Him Bt You Dont hve Any dam Right To declare Him A Criminal, Or A Bad Person Either?
If Its In Any civilized Place On Earth, He Could Hve Sued You At Least Out Of Your Self?
Bt As we live in One Of The Most Uncivillized Place ! It All Is Posible, Cause This Country Is Run By Thievs, & hypocrates Who All Only Work For Thier Own Cheap Intersts & Wishlists any Way?
Also, He & his Supporters Know The Fact from The Very Begaing That Govt May Try To Pick Him Him Up, So The Whole Crowd Can Be Disspressed Ezly, For That He Came Up With new Idea, It Worked Good, His supporters Didnt Minded, Him Sleeping In That Container, & He Didnt Lied To Them That Container Wasnt Warm, & he Was Safe Enough To Lead Them Till The End! If That All Is Accepted By his Supporters Thn Whts Your Problem?
Raja Rental, Zardari, Nawaz Ganjaa Couldnt Do Even That Any given Day?

Okay, this entire post of yours proves that you're a troll.

The fact that you don't even know the definition of hypocrisy and the fact that you continue to go around in circles and don't even address my points, a long with ignoring clear evidence that I have presented, proves that you're nothing more than a troll. No sane man would believe half the things you're saying.
Okay, this entire post of yours proves that you're a troll.

The fact that you don't even know the definition of hypocrisy and the fact that you continue to go around in circles and don't even address my points, a long with ignoring clear evidence that I have presented, proves that you're nothing more than a troll. No sane man would believe half the things you're saying.

I Guss, You Need To Check Your Eyes, As Fast as You Can Cause Everything Done & Said, But Your Hypocracy Didnt pick it Up, So What Can One Do?
Allready Put Up, Every Dam Answer Of Your Dam Questions, But As You Stuck With Nothing To Argue, Execpt Your Insane Zeal Against A hounrable Religious Leader?
Its Nice To See, A dam Troll Calling Others troll ? Not Funny Indeed!
TuQ Is Far More Above Thn Your Kind ! My Advise Is Try To Know Him Better, Dont Just Start Deciding on Behalf Of Your negetive Emotions?
I Guss, You Need To Check Your Eyes, As Fast as You Can Cause Everything Done & Said, But Your Hypocracy Didnt pick it Up, So What Can One Do?
Allready Put Up, Every Dam Answer Of Your Dam Questions, But As You Stuck With Nothing To Argue, Execpt Your Insane Zeal Against A hounrable Religious Leader?
Its Nice To See, A dam Troll Calling Others troll ? Not Funny Indeed!
TuQ Is Far More Above Thn Your Kind ! My Advise Is Try To Know Him Better, Dont Just Start Deciding on Behalf Of Your negetive Emotions?

Oh no, I feel so insulted Ծ_Ծ , seriously though, you really haven't answered anything. Even if you have, humor me.

What did you answer? Tell me as if I were 12 years old or something.

I just want to point out, I don't really think you understand what the word "zeal" means, because it's pretty obvious that you're willing to over look this man's flaws and worship the very ground he walks on.
Oh no, I feel so insulted Ծ_Ծ , seriously though, you really haven't answered anything. Even if you have, humor me.

What did you answer? Tell me as if I were 12 years old or something.

I just want to point out, I don't really think you understand what the word "zeal" means, because it's pretty obvious that you're willing to over look this man's flaws and worship the very ground he walks on.
With Twinkle Some Post Under Your Belt Dont Try To Teach Me, What I Do Understand or What Should I Understand?
Infact I Never, Been Slave Of Emotions Like You?
At Least He Hve Produced A Fatwaaa Against Those Who Are Killing Thier Own Peoples, to Take revenge From A Super Power?
He Is Non Voilent, Peacefull Religious Leader Shining Pakistan,s Name On The Globe While Others Making It Unseenable Through Thier voilent Knowledge Of Islam? Isnt It Makes Any Difference to You?
With Twinkle Some Post Under Your Belt Dont Try To Teach Me, What I Do Understand or What Should I Understand?
Infact I Never, Been Slave Of Emotions Like You?
At Least He Hve Produced A Fatwaaa Against Those Who Are Killing Thier Own Peoples, to Take revenge From A Super Power?
He Is Non Voilent, Peacefull Religious Leader Shining Pakistan,s Name On The Globe While Others Making It Unseenable Through Thier voilent Knowledge Of Islam? Isnt It Makes Any Difference to You?

Why are you avoiding the question? Which points of mine did you address and what were your answers?

See, this is why no one can take you seriously, all you do is insult people. Just because I haven't posted on these forums as much as you, doesn't mean I'm less knowledgeable. You're using logical fallacies to prove your point, which makes no sense at all!
Why are you avoiding the question? Which points of mine did you address and what were your answers?

See, this is why no one can take you seriously, all you do is insult people. Just because I haven't posted on these forums as much as you, doesn't mean I'm less knowledgeable. You're using logical fallacies to prove your point, which makes no sense at all!
If It Makes No Sense That, No One Officially Counted The Peoples On That, Million March Of TuQ How Come They Reported It In thier Own Figures? Then I Think You Must, go Find Some Common Sense Frist?
If It Makes No Sense That, No One Officially Counted The Peoples On That, Million March Of TuQ How Come They Reported It In thier Own Figures? Then I Think You Must, go Find Some Common Sense Frist?

I have common sense, I've already given you the figure, it was 50,000 from independent sources. There are professional agencies that track this stuff, mind blowing right -_-?

Again, please answer my question, don't ignore them. If this is just one point you've answered (which really isn't an answer), what about the others?

I'm done here.

You know what they say "never try to argue with idiots, because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". Not that I'm calling you an idiot, you're obviously not an idiot, however, I do encourage you to keep an open mind and learn, instead of simply dismissing people's opinions and valid concerns without addressing them.
I have common sense, I've already given you the figure, it was 50,000 from independent sources. There are professional agencies that track this stuff, mind blowing right -_-?

Again, please answer my question, don't ignore them. If this is just one point you've answered (which really isn't an answer), what about the others?

I'm done here.

You know what they say "never try to argue with idiots, because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". Not that I'm calling you an idiot, you're obviously not an idiot, however, I do encourage you to keep an open mind and learn, instead of simply dismissing people's opinions and valid concerns without addressing them.
Thanks For Describing Your Super personal Characterstics (idiosty), I Never Tried To Impose My Thoughts On Any One, Doesnt Matter How Gutter Minded They Are, But at The Same Time Allways Ready To Show Them Thier Real Face !so They Can Learn More About This Dam World?
Same Independent News Organizations Never Oppend Up Any Way To The Croupted Wealth from Pakistan, To Thier Home Land? Wow What A Freedom They Enjoy? Non Of Them Ever Reported ! How & From Where Zardari Or Nawaz Sharif Brought Properties In UK?
How The Money Been Transfered From Pakistan?
Also They Never Came Showup ! From where They Got thier Calculations Of That Biggest Million Man March Of Pakistan,s History? All They Did Best Is To Report It Short In Western Media, Just Because The croupt Pakistani Regime Suits Thier Govts Better?
Well, Learn Here Dont Think You Are The only Genious In Town On The Bassis of Biased External Reporting?
Keep Comming Back, & Keep Getting More Medicine For Your Extra Working Brains!
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