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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

How will the Dissolution of assemblies RIGHT NOW will ensure 'free & fair' election... Nobody had any problems with present Chief EC, except..... a Canadian Citizen who has no interest in contending in elections but is here giving 'Friday sermons', every freaking day.

He has spoken of the steps he wants to be taken and also can be implemented.

If Mubarak can leave office, and free and fair elections be held if Bin Ali can leave his office and free and fair elections be held, why can't it be done in Pakistan? Will the country cease to exist if it is ensured that free and fair elections will be held or if people like Imran Khan and Qadri want to make sure that free and fair elections are held. Or maybe our politicians and sons and daughters feel that they will live long enough to loot (sorry: i mean rule) Pakistan till the day of Judgement.

Imran Khan has given his deadline in his way and Qadri has given his demands in his way both demands are for the better of people. Unless you want to make sure that same parties come up again in the parliament.

If the politicians have little bit of shame left (which i am sure they do not have) they would have given up their seats but they do not, instead all of them are meeting on how to protect their constitutional right to loot the country and to make sure to form the next government, coalition and opposition and keep Imran Khan out. I am not naming Qadri here as he has not yet said that he will contest the elections as per my knowledge.

If he does it will be good to have 2 new people contesting each other Imran Khan vs Qadri and people will be free to choose the one they want, better than being given the usual choice of parties and under the table all those parties have an agreement and set terms and conditions on who will form the government and who will be in opposition and who will be in coalition and how to fool the stupid uneducated people as usual
One word - conspiracy theory.
Barelvi will be the last people to fight Taliban, there is at least one Talib in every second Barelvi family.
Sir it is not a conspiracy theory Sir it is the fact that is why they are funding every second shrine in the name of renovation and giving millions to the care takers of those shrines and also trying to promote Sufism
I firmly believe that if the assemblies remain that will END any chances of a free & fair election. You are taking into account the educated class voters in metro areas who may bring revolt through the ballot, however the REAL electoral vote bank lies in the RURAL areas. Trust me they CAN win AGAIN by doing the exact same thing they have done in the rural areas for decades.

& comes the PTI narrative that only they winning elections will bring change.... This 'bradri' or 'pir' voting system cannot be changed by implementation of any article, it will take time to educate masses and raise awareness so that people can decide for themselves....

if PTI gets enough seats they can always form a government (of course thats not happening) or just sit & be a constructive opposition.. parliament mae to enter ho na pehle
This is the way Pakistan rolls

This, is how we have been rolling and will keep "rolling" when everyone else is "running". I want us to stop "rolling" like this.

what kind of electoral reforms are going to stop.

If, those articles are implemented it may give us a chance to break the deal between both the PPP & NLeague who are playing musical chairs. Why do you think NLeague was playing friendly opposition for 3 years?. I have LOST trust in both of them and i wont trust them with the upcoming elections. They represent whats everything wrong with our society, change for them is death and they are in no mood of dying AFAIC.

for example. mureeds of Pir Pagar to stop voting for their PIR & vote for honest middle class candidate??

Fair, point. The answer is NO :sigh: unfortunately. Remember, this is where our society starts becoming real pathetic. You know this by reading papers, i know this by having LIVED with it. This can only be treated with educating the masses, which will take decades. I however do have a feeling that if , this time around people like you and me, youngsters and other middle classers come out to vote it may give us a glimmer of hope for change in perhaps the elections after this. It may set a trend, but that is just a hope.

when the administration will not be doing good, in present Pakistani environment with Media & social awareness on the rise, they will have to respond,in some way

Come on, they will respond as they have before by banning twitter, Facebook & Youtube. I can give you examples of how media has been corrupted, anchors have been bribed and threatened to misrepresent certain issues. Just notice the full page adverts of "khadim e ala" on Laptop distribution campaign in Punjab in our sell out Urdu media. However, i agree with you that there is MASS awareness on the rise due to these mediums but can they be the only instrument of change and accountability? I doubt it!

For Example if there was a Fauji Gov, right now, do you think Hazara Community could've achieved what they've achieved right now?

That was just heartbreaking yaar. Yes i guess under a martial law they wouldn't have achieved it.

We needs to let the things roll change will come BUT slowly..

We don't need to "roll" anymore, we need to "baby step" but in a RIGHT direction.
Tahir Ul Douchebag is no longer a saint but a Bas---tard. He plans to use the charity money from TUQ (NGO) to form a political party. This retard wants to use charity money collected in the name of religion for politics, bas---tard :angry:
Sir it is not a conspiracy theory Sir it is the fact that is why they are funding every second shrine in the name of renovation and giving millions to the care takers of those shrines and also trying to promote Sufism

Do you have any contacts of such donors? Please arrange my meeting with 'em asap... my dad's farmhouse is neighbored by a shrine which badly needs to be renovated.
Tahir Ul Douchebag is no longer a saint but a Bas---tard. He plans to use the charity money from TUQ (NGO) to form a political party. This retard wants to use charity money collected in the name of religion for politics, bas---tard :angry:

weren't you saying that you had switched sides (and had become tuq supporter) some pages back? :D
Tahir Ul Douchebag is no longer a saint but a Bas---tard. He plans to use the charity money from TUQ (NGO) to form a political party. This retard wants to use charity money collected in the name of religion for politics, bas---tard :angry:

angry computer guy :D

& comes the PTI narrative that only they winning elections will bring change

PTI's narrative can't be ignored because the situation in Pakistan is critical. All of our institutional organs are failing one by one, which only will result in a complete collapse. I was in Pakistan last year for about 3 months & didn't sit home, i went around throughout Punjab and even to Sindh, driving around visiting different places and speaking to the local population. It was heartbreaking to see how miserable life had become for them, loadshedding 200%increase in inflation when their incomes are still the same. They are the BIGGEST vote bank and the WORST affected. Please care to visit the flood victims as i did, speak to them & then you can determine if PTI's narrative of change of governance is legit or too early.

. This 'bradri' or 'pir' voting system cannot be changed by implementation of any article, it will take time to educate masses and raise awareness so that people can decide for themselves....

There is no second thought on that. Kudos

if PTI gets enough seats they can always form a government (of course thats not happening)

They CAN win ONLY if Pakistani middle class and youngsters come out to vote in masses in the developed areas, reducing the affects of rigging and intimidation, baradri yada yada vote bank in the rural areas.

or just sit & be a constructive opposition.. parliament mae to enter ho na pehle

Full agreement on that.
Tahir Ul Douchebag is no longer a saint but a Bas---tard. He plans to use the charity money from TUQ (NGO) to form a political party. This retard wants to use charity money collected in the name of religion for politics, bas---tard :angry:

Make up you mind :lol:
Half the time you are praising him
I did and i still support the idea to end corruption but bogging down capital for such nonsense is ludacris. Calling people names such as Yazid and declaring himself Hussani is pure garbage. I am going back to the idea of shooting this bast--ard

G3 sniper would end his misery
Lol promise you won't change your mind this time. You remind me of story in which a husband, his mother in law, his wife and 'fish' are main characters.:rofl:

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