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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

Tahir Ul Qadri's speech began for the second day. Now he have four demands, instead of seven.

Hoping that he has demands for free and fair election. Democracy must remain, but we have to root out corrupted people.
IK is another card and will be played on time to ensure departure.

well people were doubting that qadri was trying to form interim government for years, now imran khan agenda says that elections should be held on time, while qadri said that there is no conflict on agenda
~{ I'm having almost confirm news from sources that another big political party will join #LongMarch by the night #Pakistan -- AQ Khan @ Twitter }~

there were already many PTI important memers present in D chawk last night

the parliment seems ghost house today lol
well people were doubting that qadri was trying to form interim government for years, now imran khan agenda says that elections should be held on time, while qadri said that there is no conflict on agenda

Its the time, IK should join in, that couldbe the big punch,against muk-muka mafia instead?
He will gain the losted grounds for sure!
Wellcome addition PTI!
Its the time, IK should join in, that couldbe the big punch,against muk-muka mafia instead?
He will gain the losted grounds for sure!
Wellcome addition PTI!

well i think PTI is all set to join the march

there is a second meeting of PTI today
Tahir Ul Qadri's speech began for the second day. Now he have four demands, instead of seven.

He has clarified that three points are in some way interlinked to other four points; they are still seven in total. Please don't quote the half truth to make it sound like he's backing down.
If that liar imposter the fraud of a clown qadri become anything in the future Pakistani gov I am announcing it right now that I will personally burn my Pakistani passport. And I am very serious abt it.
The 2 standing up against the thieves, would be great if both stand for elections later.

Imran Khan Vs. Qadri in elections will be what is called a democracy as we have 2 new people to choose from, not the same old thieves contesting each other and under the table have all rules and regulations set on who will get turn to be in opposition and coalition and government and how much share will be for all from the loot during the tenure.

Trying someone new is better than trying some who has already been tried and tested repeated number of times.
If that liar imposter the fraud of a clown qadri become anything in the future Pakistani gov I am announcing it right now that I will personally burn my Pakistani passport. And I am very serious abt it.

and yet you didnt burn that after zardari appointment
there were already many PTI important memers present in D chawk last night

the parliment seems ghost house today lol
SM Qureshi was actually encouraging their supporters to join long march. IK went on to say that supporters were already pressing the leadership to second Qadri's march.

That 'Leader' guy on pdf who is skinning Qadri with his nonstop trolling makes me wonder if he's the part the same PTI I've heard of. :D
If that liar imposter the fraud of a clown qadri become anything in the future Pakistani gov I am announcing it right now that I will personally burn my Pakistani passport. And I am very serious abt it.

And i will flush mine in the toilet if the same earlier tried ones show up again.

No one can guarantee that old faces wont show up given the good credibility of election process and election commission and the good credibility and honesty of current politicians.

I am not a fan of anyone be it the old thieves or new comers namely Qadri and Imran Khan but the new comers are trying their best in their own way just to make sure that the same people do not come to government.
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