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Passengers on Tejas Express smash LCD screens, soil toilets: We clearly don't understand civic duty

@takeiteasy Your are absolutely right.
You were cent percent right .

On topic:If GoI has some basic common sense then do not give such high facilities to nothing for good North Indians .
Most of them dont even take tickets for using train service .
Give such facilities to us South India .We will try our best to maintained it .
Sorry for generalizing entire North Indians .
But sections from that part of India is always a matter for embarrassment to entire India
Well, I can't agree with all your points, but some.

These were not some poor peoples .Yet educated,middle class to rich .Otherwise they couldnt afford this ticket fares .
Look at their lack of civic sense

India is still a developing nation, 37% live under the poverty line.

The train ticket was around 2600 Rs per person.
So this is not because of poor .Poor people cant afford this luxury .This were rich people.
Its the attitude of immature & illiterate Indians unlike those residents in Europe.

Educated people would not behave this way and destroy their own.

They were educated and rich.
There is some serious problem in their uprbring.
These kind of news depresses me. I know this thread will draw trolls from our neighbours with sarcastic comments, but ignoring those, we must ponder as to how to change this kind of behavior? Nothing to do with political parties.

@Levina @SarthakGanguly @SorryNotSorry @Water Car Engineer @Ryuzaki @Nilgiri @ito

The same problem exists in Pakistan. I think the societies share a lot of commonalities. For example in pakistan houses is in an affluent area in Lahore, the practise is to throw your garbage over the wall into the public street. These are close to million dollar housing. So imagine the rest of the neighbourhoods.

The mentality is symbolic of "just my family" , "my tribe" , etc. rest is not my problem
Bhai, both countries have a huge population, there are bound to be idiots here and there. If you look at the burberry picture, the poor granny was most probably english illiterate and was desperate for her grandkid to poo, so she put a plastic beneath to collect the poo after.

For the train, I can assure you, most Chinese train are clean, if there are not, someone will be fired. There is accountability in 'communist' China. Go and try our HSR and see if you can find any of this mess.

However, in this case, these are brand new trains, the citizen of India should be proud of this achievement, and yet they loot, thrash and destroy their own pride. This is a disturbing psyche, it is borderline anarchy.
I just want to get hold of one such person and ask him "why... bloody why did you do this?"... I want to know what his answer would be?

Once , during univ days.

Me and a group of friends took the newly built BRT Metros to the old campus ..

On the platform , I saw these 2 illiterate kids , trying to remove some sticker from the wrong side of the auto sliding door.. when they couldn't, they tried to literally pull the door open.

I had enough and decided to ask them why they were acting like Fukin idiots.

The reply was shocking "yeh hamari hai", belongs to us (public).

I told that azzhole, that if it's your father's, treat it as such aswell.

Moral; People are assholez specially ones with no good/bad upbringing and education.

You teach such basic things to your kids... for example, when I was a kid, I remember me throwing a wrapper on the road, my father stopped the car, rebuked me and made me pick it up and throw it in a bin.

Since than I've never littered.
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This is what happens when the people who cared about about ethics and cleanliness have been branded as practicing un-touchability and racism.

It's one thing for invading oppressive rulers to use such propaganda but this is the sad result of native people falling for such propaganda.
Once , during univ days.

Me and a group of friends took the newly built BRT Metros to the old campus ..

On the platform , I saw these 2 illiterate kids , trying to remove some sticker from the wrong side of the auto sliding door.. when they couldn't, they tried to literally pull the door open.

I had enough and decided to ask them why they were acting like Fukin idiots.

The reply was shocking "yeh hamari hai", belongs to us (public).

I told that azzhole, that if it's your father's, treat it as such aswell.

Moral; People are assholez specially ones with no good/bad upbringing and education.

You teach such basic things to your kids... for example, when I was a kid, I remember me throwing a wrapper on the road, my father stopped the car, rebuked me and make me pick it up and throw it in a bin.

Since than I've never littered.
Leave illitrates aside my uni classmates throw plastic bottles in streams and littering at tourist attractions
Here, except on the expressways, on the main highways, like the GQ, the cleanest option is still the big petrol pumps.
That's true for Paks GT road too.

Motorways are dope.

Also in most petrol pumps in Pak. They have hired sweepers for the cleaning and maintaining.

Small,dirty pumps are disgusting.
Thankfully, in Pak, you can find a mosque,if not a pump -- to relieve yourself.
Leave illitrates aside my uni classmates throw plastic bottles in streams and littering at tourist attractions
South Asians,ME are assholez in general.

Ainka bas chalay tou they even steal the headphones from buses .. no wonder they make announcements callin people to return me..:lol:
That's true for Paks GT road too.

Motorways are dope.

Also in most petrol pumps in Pak. They have hired sweepers for the cleaning and maintaining.

It's amazing. We want cleanliness in our surroundings. But have to play hide n seek to find a dustbin when you need one. We want open defecation to stop. But there are no loos on our busiest highways. And in cities, the ones there are like entering a scene from ogrish.com ...
It's amazing. We want cleanliness in our surroundings. But have to play hide n seek to find a dustbin when you need one. We want open defecation to stop. But there are no loos on our busiest highways. And in cities, the ones there are like entering a scene from ogrish.com ...
In Pak, nobody does that in open.. it's frowned upon and people generally have bathrooms at homes etc.

It's taboo. And not liked.

Bathroom is a must in every house. Unless you live in a tent lol.

We however don't have much public toilets... (some are there - pay for use types).
But it's mostly petrol stations or mosques in cities.. or like some malls,office buildings etc.

On motorways there is no such issue .. well maintained,clean loos at every rest area.
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