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Passengers on Tejas Express smash LCD screens, soil toilets: We clearly don't understand civic duty

How often we have seen the educated, elite and the well to do people at the airport, keeping/dropping their Cans or their bottles or trash near their seats where they wait for the aircraft when the dustbin is just a few steps away.

We have a thinking that cleaning is job of a Cleaner, we dont even try to keep things cleaner for user after us.
Why blame the people when our schools are busy making students like robots to just study and write in exams indian education system completely disregard things like civic duty,Being Kind and sports . In japan till 4 years the kids are taught these basic things rather than studies its high time we replicate such model in India
Fining them on spot without remorse is the best way to go. They should have people patrolling every 45 minutes. Rules and conditions should be strictly printed on the tickets.
Why blame the people when our schools are busy making students like robots to just study and write in exams indian education system completely disregard things like civic duty,Being Kind and sports . In japan till 4 years the kids are taught these basic things rather than studies its high time we replicate such model in India

Nice post bro.

But honestly, no matter what you learn in school, if you see different at home, you will grow up different.

Spitting, hitting women, being a pig in the toilet, these are all things kids see at home.
That was me telling the truth yesterday :(

Try to run such trains in south. That's better.

Sad man.

Do you know that Air India is the only international airlines I have flown on where the moisturizer and eau de toilette bottles in the toilet are chained to the shelf?

Talk about it ....
Sad man.

Do you know that Air India is the only international airlines I have flown on where the moisturizer and eau de toilette bottles in the toilet are chained to the shelf?

Talk about it ....
Seriously .haha . Never used AI as i get cheaper deals.
But in trains i believe lotta is also chained.
Have you guys ever wondered whether it is rocket science to learn how to keep a toilet clean for the next user?

When you enter a toilet at home do you LIKE to step on a wet floor. Worse still a puddle of water of suspect origin?

Do you LIKE to see water on the seat on which you are going to place your a.ss?

Do you LIKE to see brown floaters in the WC bowl, undulating gently in the eddy currents?

Do you LIKE to see brown/yellow/black sticky trails on the sides of the WC? That too on the friggin rim (how do people get it there man ...)?

Do you LIKE to see soggy lumps of yellow stained toilet paper on the floor near the WC?

Do people actually live like this at home?

Then why do we have to experience this in public loos all over man?

Just curious, dose Modi's "Clean India" campaign since 2014 have any positive impact on the behavior of general public so far?
But this is not a new problem in India. There are filth everywhere . people throw trash everywhere. Even suburbs with many Indians in canada's bigger cities are garbage dumps for Indians. I think its culturally ingrained . disgusting !

@rott @Han Patriot you guys been there. What do you think?:enjoy:
Been on indian trains multiple times, bro. The people suck more than the trains. They throw used food packets right out of the window, the toilets... Omg, Don't breathe when you're there, they squat in the area near the toilets if they don't have a reservation.
Too much to list out.
I ain't trolling, its my experience.
The trains in South - India is cleaner compared to the north.
These kind of news depresses me. I know this thread will draw trolls from our neighbours with sarcastic comments, but ignoring those, we must ponder as to how to change this kind of behavior? Nothing to do with political parties.

@Levina @SarthakGanguly @SorryNotSorry @Water Car Engineer @Ryuzaki @Nilgiri @ito
Seriously speaking I would have hated to use those headphones. I mean I know even airlines do this, but i find recycling those headphones as pathetic an idea as my countryman's propensity to steal them.

Come to think of it, we often whine about our politicians being venal. But isnt this is what is inherent to our genes?
We assume that public property can be sabotaged or stolen for we pay for it. Oh yeah! Isnt that the reason we pay our taxes for?
Let the Indian railways track those passengers (I'm sure there were CCTV cameras in the train), and file a case against them under section 425. Let them know that their offense could fetch them imprisonment for a term as long as five years.

This is so embarrassing. :tsk:
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