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Pashtun Students, Shopkeepers etc Attack & Thrash Baloch Students in Quaid e Azam University

why would shop-keepers attack them? propaganda at its finest. but, yes, these type of student orgs should and must be stamped out.

and where does this mazloom, mehkoom qoum come into play? both of these "qoums" habitually grab land, break laws and are proud of their "anger". both of these qoums have representation in parliament, both of these qoums have their own rulers in their own provinces, as well ministers in federal cabinet.
why would shop-keepers attack them? propaganda at its finest. but, yes, these type of student orgs should and must be stamped out.

and where does this mazloom, mehkoom qoum come into play? both of these "qoums" habitually grab land, break laws and are proud of their "anger". both of these qoums have representation in parliament, both of these qoums have their own rulers in their own provinces, as well ministers in federal cabinet.

These organizations need this chooran of "mazloomiat" to keep doing the crimes they have committed in the recent past

If God forbid Azad Balochistan indeed becomes a reality then you would see the kind of massacre happening between pashtuns and Balochs to take control of Quetta that happened between sikhs and muslims in Punjab back in 1947
An indian pretending as muhajir joined the chat

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Surprised she said mazloom and not majloom :lol:

That video was insane tho

Looked straight out of a movie
That's your take from all of this? :lol:

Donkey behaviour from donkey peoples

There is no saving them because they just won't act civilised

Imagine if police or security heard of this and tried to stop it before it happens?
Imagine they arrested some of the ring leaders to prevent this fight?

Can you imagine the shit coming out of the usual pashtun Manzoor, Dawars, backed by lanat liberals claiming stet arrest innocent human rights defenders
We don't have to imagine at all. Pashteen still playing mazloom card. Check out @Areesh 's post above.

Manzoor Gashteen is whining that two ""mehkoom" nations are fighting with each other and this shouldn't happen

again and again, the problem simply arises from the lack of rule of law.
Institute strict rule of law and you will see, top to bottom, the system correcting itself.
Rule of law is literally the defining boundary between the developed and the developing. If you're incompetent at it, you are developing. If you maliciously tear down any person or entity seeking it, then you are a failed state.
Good thrash these baloch more. They will learn to be civilized that way.

Balochi think wherever they go they can treat other ethnicities below them. To bad pashtuns are not as peaceful as sell out punjabis. Punjabis love being cuked.

Deal with this or we will
Doesnt matter the seeds have already been planted 😂 you can ban people but not ideas… i promise you most pakistanis will think the same in a few years at this rate

And they'll still be forced to eat out of the Punjab's hand or end up like FATA, Balochistan, rural Sindh, etc

Don't make this a contest lol ever since the Sikh Empire came along the rest of the region has been firmly locked in a Punjabi chokehold
And they'll still be forced to eat out of the Punjab's hand or end up like FATA, Balochistan, rural Sindh, etc

Don't make this a contest lol ever since the Sikh Empire came along the rest of the region has been firmly locked in a Punjabi chokehold

Who said anything about punjab? I could care less about ethnicities in pak. So stop playing the ethnicity card as you people always do. Or the “punjab card”. Im just simply sick of your kind using any excuse in the book to bash ethnic groups in pak due to your own failures.

If you people worked as hard as punjabis mujahirs ismailis hazara or others you would be just as successful. Your posts shows the mentality and reason why your so far behind others… blaming others for your failures/problems. Not accepting your mistakes as a community. And not working together to improve yourselfs.

And like I said believe me I have a lot of patience, took a long time for me to get to this point of tough love. Pakistani people are not nearly as patient. So unless you people change youll have tens of millions acting against you soon.
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