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Partition of Afghanistan

i guess you are right.
but i fail to understand why Taliban would target other ethnic groups in Afghanistan they are also from same religion right:undecided::undecided:

well, that is a very sad reality in afghanistan. we didnt have this problem a few centuries before, but thanks to some of the rulers in the last century or so, they have mananged to break our country on the basis of ethnicity. i dont wana go into details, but these rulers have badly targeted other ethnic groups in the past thats why these types of bitter differences have occured.
Attempting a COALITION of so many diverse ethinicities is a daunting task in itself. A federal government, as said by many forum members is a much better idea for Afghanistan.

Let us live and prosper together!
The geographic distribution of the Pashtun according to the above map would not allow for an easy partition of Afghanistan on the basis of ethnicity - the Pashtun appear to live across the South, Central, Eastern and Western Afghanistan.

Secondly, if the argument is that the Taliban can be given control of the Pashtun provinces (and they'll settle for that) and be expected to not support 'global terrorism', then why can't that arrangement be arrived at within a united Afghanistan in the form of a Federation, with the various ethnically divided regions having significant autonomy along the likes of Iraq?

Autonomy for the provinces/regions within one nation would allow for self-government for the various ethnic groups and a respite from ethnic tensions possibly, while also keeping the nation intact and allowing for nationhood and unity amongst the various ethnic groups to grow over the longer term.

In addition, I have seen nothing in terms of Afghan opinion suggesting that there is a desire for partitioning Afghanistan amongst any of the ethnic groups. If anything there is a desire for expansionism, through acquisition of Pakistani territory, amongst some Afghan Pakhtun.

these maps, especially the second map is pretty in accurate.
One very crucial matter we seem to forget. All the neighbours of Afghanistan have an obligation not to get engaged in any action or activity that may destabilize this already devastated country. This is the best help they can offer to Afghanistan. United States will defend Afghanistan's interests even if that means to swallow bitter pills . Afghanistan's problem is more externally manufactured than from within.
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Afghanistan's problem is more externally manufactured than from within.
I disagree - while external influences certainly take a large chunk of the blame for the devastation heaped upon Afghanistan that has brought it to this point, the current situation is largely one that can only be rectified domestically by Afghanistan.

On that count, addressing corruption, winning over the Tribes, villages and ordinary Afghans and imposing the rule of law are the major issues. External actors can certainly assist in this process, but the overriding issue is that of the GoA delivering on governance and winning over the majority of Afghan citizens.

Much the same is also true in the Tribal belt and Baluchistan in Pakistan.
Here's a solution.

Taliban gets South Afghanistan, in return Pakistan lets go of its dispute in Kashmir and returns all land back to India and makes the border porus for India to access Af througha corridor.

US 'gets' rest of Afghanistan.

Afghanis get peace and a new President and economic development which involves all the major players...

China can consume all the Opium that Afghanistan grows, especially its troops towards its South...it will keep them honest and..let India live in peace...

and lest I forget...UK gets a kick up its...$#$# for starting the Great Game in the first place and pays compensation to India, US, ****** for the loss of live and prosperity.
Rot in hell Robert Blackwill :buba_phone: If partition was the answer to the world's problems. Then our Asian subcontinent would of been peaceful since late 40s. This is a western way of punishing there enemy for life by pitching them against eachother. In which they been successful, Because there tactics worked at keeping us fighting eachother instead of going for revenge against westerners.
the current situation is largely one that can only be rectified domestically by Afghanistan.

Under the leadership of Mr. Karzai , it looks far from a possibility. Even though he won the election , he seems to have failed to unify the country and curve the corruption. He had enough time to prove his case. Afghanistan need home-grown and widely accepted honest leadership.
Here's a solution.

Taliban gets South Afghanistan, in return Pakistan lets go of its dispute in Kashmir and returns all land back to India and makes the border porus for India to access Af througha corridor.

That's never going to happen, not in a million years!

And instead making such silly predictions of Afghanistan partitioning lets hope it remains united and peace prevails in the war torn country!
"The arrangement, he says, would make Pakistan unhappy, but a 'Pakistan would likely oppose de facto partition. Managing Islamabad's reaction would be no easy task -- not least because the Pakistan military expects a strategic gain once the US military withdraws from Afghanistan.'"

Just out of curiosity, what is this strategic gain going to be?
Bring back Shah's family from Paris to Kabul and let them help in uniting Afghanistan.

I dont think that will help brother. People in Afghanistan dont want morachy anymore, secondly, this family is one of the root causes of ethnic division in Afghanistan, they strenghtend the division which was first established by the same family in past. I am glad these guys are gone for good. They are those ethno nationalists who are having a eye on your country too.
I think what Americans are doing is using Divide and Conquer Rule.
What they will do is to divide the Afghanistan on the ethnic basis and thn they will leave Afghanistan so tht all the divided factions start fighting with each other.Leaving behind a much destabilized Afghanistan which is not going to be good for anyone including Pakistan ,China and India.

Only solution for the current scenario is to bring democracy in Afghanistan .Bring to power all the factions.Negotiate with Taliban bring them to parliament.and there u have progressing Afghanistan .
ok thats right. they are the biggest minority.
maybe there should be a partition on the ethnic lines and create several nation states.

But the article does allude to the fact that the Pashtos are the main cause of the afghan problem.

Minority ??????/ are you and idiot or what. If they are biggest minority then what are others? are they lowest minorities than ???

And who is majority then?

And btw if India applies the same formula of creating smaller nation states on ethnic lines then may be maoists issue, the NE issue might get resolved
Minority ??????/ are you and idiot or what. If they are biggest minority then what are others? are they lowest minorities than ???

And who is majority then?

And btw if India applies the same formula of creating smaller nation states on ethnic lines then may be maoists issue, the NE issue might get resolved

there is no absolute majority here. only that they are largest minority.they can be called majority if they are 51%. imagine a vote. if everyone voted accroding to ethnicity, then pashto will ahve 38% vote , BUT 62% would have voted for non-pashto. So you will never have a simple majority.

as fas as india, they have already aligned on caste basis (right or wrong is a different matter) 51% are Backward castes and rest 15% aare forward caste, 15%SC/ST, 15%mulims and 4% others. So accordingly OBCs get the biggest weightage in govt and have all the power.

Also dont get personal, i have read many similar posts from you earlier.

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