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Paris police order 'systematic eviction' of Roma gypsies

@flamer84 : We cannot blame Gypsies for the failures of the Romanian healthcare system.

What most people do not understand is that nearly EVERY ethnic minority in Europe has become self-sufficient so why not Gypsies. It is too easy to blame Gypsies and not look at other factors.

I have had experience with roma people, not very nice one. But educated people tend to rise above such personal bias and think why are an awful lot of them like that. It cant be genetic?
can anything be done that can change them, because other communities which did get some help are doing better everyday. Look at african or south asian community.

I think that another poster said it already.

A special programme that encompasses education, health, housing and guaranteed gainful employment for 2-3 generations needs to be implemented for them.

I am disturbed that it has been argued that they should be sterilised, which is genocide more or less.
@flamer84 : We cannot blame Gypsies for the failures of the Romanian healthcare system.

What most people do not understand is that nearly EVERY ethnic minority in Europe has become self-sufficient so why not Gypsies. It is too easy to blame Gypsies and not look at other factors.

No,but i can blame gypsies for being positively discriminated altough not contributing to the system while persons who contribute every month for the last 35 years get the short stick.Plus ,it gives a good image of how they reap the fruits of a civilised society without contributing nothing.

There are no other factors or they are minor.They just don't want to integrate,as you've said ,others did it but not them.And they had a longer time to do it to.Can't blame society for ever you know.
A special programme that encompasses education, health, housing and guaranteed gainful employment for 2-3 generations needs to be implemented for them.

I am disturbed that it has been argued that they should be sterilised, which is genocide more or less.

Why have 6 children when you can't provide for 1 ? Guess where those children spend their childhood: in the streets,pickpocketing and begging.:mad:
I saw a lot of roms in the "carrefour market" of my city.
they have disappeared... Where are they ? :D
I assume, you're happy to see them gone......
Anyway, where are they sending them......
Why have 6 children when you can't provide for 1 ? Guess where those children spend their childhood: in the streets,pickpocketing and begging.:mad:

Is any attempt made to make sure that the state(Romania in your case) educates Gypsy children till they are at least young adults?

Education is the key. Once any group in society becomes educated then it automatically aspires to do better than their parents.

I can guarantee that an educated Gypsy would become a productive member of any society.
Is any attempt made to make sure that the state(Romania in your case) educates Gypsy children till they are at least young adults?

Education is the key. Once any group in society becomes educated then it automatically aspires to do better than their parents.

I can guarantee that an educated Gypsy would become a productive member of any society.

Yes,education is free here.The state actually,in some cases takes the gypsie children to school,threathening the parents to cut welfare if their children don't attend school.The problem is that after 8 mandatory grades,most quit school altough gypsie children have free spaces in highschools and universities.There is a mandatory quota for them which is never filled.
Yes,education is free here.The state actually,in some cases takes the gypsie children to school,threathening the parents to cut welfare if their children don't attend school.The problem is that after 8 mandatory grades,most quit school altough gypsie children have free spaces in highschools and universities.There is a mandatory quota for them which is never filled.

Hmmmm.. Not sure why Gypsies would not be interested in continuing their studies, especially if they are at least somewhat academically able, after the mandatory period.

Are Gypsies discriminated in gaining employment if they attain the qualifications necessary for a job? If people feel that education does not pay then they will not be interested in it.
Hmmmm.. Not sure why Gypsies would not be interested in continuing their studies, especially if they are at least somewhat academically able, after the mandatory period.

Are Gypsies discriminated in gaining education if they attain the qualifications necessary for a job? If people feel that education does not pay then they will not be interested in it.

No dude,they're not.They have quota for police,quota in universities,almost everywhere.Interestingly the quotas for the Police Academy are always filled ,mainly because once you finish it you are guaranteed a steady job immediately.

Dude,it's Easter today,the last day i would spend lying.The problem is their refusal to drag themselves out from a middle age mentality not their ethnicity,skin colour,believe me.They have to put some effort to in integration,we can't just drag them into it.

I assume, you're happy to see them gone......
Anyway, where are they sending them......

Back to EE but they'll be back i guess.
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I have seen these Gypsies or " ROMA " People and frankly they are Filthy and they are Thieves ( Stealing is their Culture).

I am surprised how Europeans have tolerated these lazy low life people as long as they have.

That truly boggles my mind.
Well technically Gypsies are genetically Indian so in essence secular France and some Europeans have issue with Indians in their cities , indirectly of course and they deny them nationality.

Very Dodgy stuff

Yes the French want Indians to but the Rafael fighter Jet

Double standard isn't it , sadly


vs Indian heritage lad


One is politically accepted and other is not , just because its good for sales of this, well its is France after all , where you have to eat pork to be muslim


It's very sad that India does not stands up for people that are technically genetically close to Indians who migrated over time to Europe and were denied citizenship , which meant they became educationally backward and with no real nationality
Those roma who went europe were part of sycthians and pakistan lol.
Gypsies beggars hanging near the church Irritate me .

What is the thing with gypsies though? Do they not like to work or is it because of racism? I had a friend from bulgaria and he said they all hate gypsies. I think this might be a vicious circle.
What is the thing with gypsies though? Do they not like to work or is it because of racism? I had a friend from bulgaria and he said they all hate gypsies. I think this might be a vicious circle.
In our region Gypsies involved in drug trafficking, prostitution, begging, stealing.
Why have 6 children when you can't provide for 1 ? Guess where those children spend their childhood: in the streets,pickpocketing and begging.:mad:
Basically you guys have same problems like we have with muslims in india.10+ kids,father has meagre earning job.The kids dont get educated & do petty jobs some end up as criminals and worse.Then they complain government doesnt do enough for them and ask for more reservations quotas in jobs,education etc.
If I agree with comrade @vostok ,than you know the problem is real.

Basically you guys have same problems like we have with muslims in india.10+ kids,father has meagre earning job.The kids dont get educated & do petty jobs some end up as criminals and worse.Then they complain government doesnt do enough for them and ask for more reservations quotas in jobs,education etc.

basically....if that's the situation in India.Our muslims are good citizens(turks and tatars mainly).
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