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Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect

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A ban on saying prayers in the street, a practice by French Muslims unable to find space in mosques, has come into effect in the capital, Paris.
Interior Minister Claude Gueant has offered believers the use of a disused fire brigade barracks instead.
The phenomenon of street prayers, which see Muslims spreading mats on footpaths, became a political issue after far right protests.
France is home to the biggest Muslim minority in Western Europe.
By some estimates, as many as six million French people, or just under 10% of the population, are Muslims, with origins in France's former North African colonies.
Their integration has been a source of political debate in recent years, and earlier this year France became the first EU state to ban the wearing of the Islamic veil in public.
'Mosques co-operating'
The new ban came into force at midnight (22:00 GMT) on Thursday, in time for traditional Muslim Friday prayers.
Mohamed Salah Hamza inside the former barracks to be used a Paris prayer hall, 15 September
Speaking earlier this week to Le Figaro, Mr Gueant said about 1,000 people were using two streets in the capital's multi-ethnic Goutte d'Or district for prayers.
He said an agreement had been reached with two local mosques for the state to rent out the disused barracks on Boulevard Ney with floorspace of 2,000 sq m (yds) for three years.
To encourage believers to use the new space, prayers would not be held inside the existing mosques for the first few weeks.
He said he did not believe force would have to be used to impose the ban because dialogue was "bearing fruit".
Responding to Mr Gueant's plan, Mohamed Salah Hamza, an imam in the Goutte d'Or, said preparations at the barracks were behind schedule, and he feared a "climate of anarchy".
"We are not cattle," he was quoted as saying by France's TF1 News.
Far right protests at the "Islamisation" of the Goutte d'Or district began last year and in December the leader of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, accused Muslim fundamentalists of using prayers for political ends.
She controversially compared the practice to the Nazi wartime occupation of France.

I have not seen this happen here in India and we have more than 200 million Muslims.
I love how the super muzloums take offense at any suggestion that rules of civilized behavior should apply to them as well - yeah, sure leave France, go to Arabia, lets see if they will even let you in, then lets see you break any law in Arabia - Please go now

Its sad to see you spelling Muslim the way you do? This isnt a thread that Arabia has been or needs to be brought up. I know you are infatuated with Arabia but on this thread have a rest mate. You simply open the door and a few simple minded guys from India in particular dive in.
The truth of the matter is when is a mosque ever going to be full so they pray outside? Hardly ever. Its a ruling made to belittle Muslims. I can give you examples like what happens at Wootton Bassett but il leave it their.
Respect your opinion but do me a favor and at least spell Muslims properly.
When there is a limited amount of space inside a mosque it is very rare. The only time i have seen this is at a funeral. One should always respect each others religions. Praying outside a mosque because of no space inside is no big deal? To make it a crime is i believe a crime itself

Wouldnt that create problems for others.. Saying this because I personally faced this problem. There is a huge mosque next to where I live, but on Friday afternoon prayer that space becomes too small for a couple of thousand people who come there for prayer. Earlier they just use to block the roads around the mosque in the same manner by putting prayer mats on the road/footpath. About an year back, all of us in the colony got together (including a lot of influential people who used to pray in that mosque, to plan this out. Now on Friday 12:00 PM to 3 PM, traffic from One of the roads next to the mosque is diverted on an alternate path and that road is converted to a makeshift pray area with traffic barricades on both sides manned by security people.. As they say, Win Win ... I guess the offer of using the fire barracks could work if they fit the bill.. The key is to handle this in a sensitive manner and avoid use of word crime etc ..
When there is a limited amount of space inside a mosque it is very rare. The only time i have seen this is at a funeral. One should always respect each others religions. Praying outside a mosque because of no space inside is no big deal? To make it a crime is i believe a crime itself
That's not the reason and way you are opposing. It is responsibility of Muslim community governing body to work out space problem with local administration and according to available statistics of Muslim they have to construct or expand Mosques. With the permission of government in one city there could be built more mosques evaluating Muslims lived in area.

That’s another country and government so Muslims should solve their problems according to their rules but not as in Muslim countries.
i suggest all french muslims to move away from france, they can go to other european countries

or forgot sake develop your country and live there, or europeans will keeping playing with them

That's not the reason and way you are opposing. It is responsibility of Muslim community governing body to work out space problem with local administration and according to available statistics of Muslim they have to construct or expand Mosques. With the permission of government in one city there could be built more mosques evaluating Muslims lived in area.

That’s another country and government so Muslims should solve their problems according to their rules but not as in Muslim countries.
I have not seen this happen here in India and we have more than 200 million Muslims.

Agreed. Only time I have seen Muslims pray on the streets in India is during the Eid. Otherwise they confine themselves to the mosque and its surroundings.
Paris ban on Muslim street prayers and allowed Extreme Fashion catwalk on streets that does not involve cloths.
Hail Moderate France ... :tdown:

I don't think there is something wrong not to allow prayer on street in country with different rules & regulation, so we should not treat and forced our will as we used to in Muslim countries
Do muslims pray on streets???
But i think it's very very very rare in south India...

French muslims have their homes n mosques to pray...So move on!!
Such problems arise when a large number of people want to pray at the mosque at the same time.

KSE mosque is very small place although it has 4 floors. On Fridays, Juma prayers are held 3 times in the same mosque to accommodate all people.

Similarly, in Vienna Islamic Center, Eid prayers are held 4 times due to large number of people.

Muslims should show flexibility in non-Muslim societies where possible.


One reason for praying on streets is restrictions on building new mosques like Moscow has more than 2 million Muslim residents but only 4 regular mosques.


Another reason is deep hatred against Muslims/non-whites in Western societies in general. Actions like ban on minarets, hijab, halal food, building of new mosques, etc point towards such hatred.
Its sad to see you spelling Muslim the way you do? This isnt a thread that Arabia has been or needs to be brought up. I know you are infatuated with Arabia but on this thread have a rest mate. You simply open the door and a few simple minded guys from India in particular dive in.
The truth of the matter is when is a mosque ever going to be full so they pray outside? Hardly ever. Its a ruling made to belittle Muslims. I can give you examples like what happens at Wootton Bassett but il leave it their.
Respect your opinion but do me a favor and at least spell Muslims properly.

Super K - I know exactly what I am writing -please be assured of that and please avoid collecting rent, from the likes of me anyways, because I just don't play that - Why is it that you seek to collect rent on Islam, Muzloums, Muslims and the like? Who died and said you could? And about these awful Indians, what about them so upsets you that you seek refuge in rent collecting? DO they not have a valid point of view or are they any less Muslim then you or I ??

France bad? OK, France is bad, Why are so many muzloums there? Because it's bad???? Why are these people not in Arabia?? Because it's so welcoming????

So what's the difference between Muslims and Muzloums?? Muzloums as the word suggests, are those innocents who have a victim complex, they live to take offense for all and any, real or imagined insults - can they be helped to not live to take offense? I don't think so - Anyway, I hear you, be assured I know how to write and know what I am writing and take responsibility for what I write.
Good on the French. Since the mass prayers (and we are really talking MASS here watch videos on youtube) were a display of power, intimidation and massive public nuisance blocking entire streets etc. There are alternatives you know.. This is overdue.

As a German Muslim interviewed about this practice (which is mainly done by the radical Salafists in Germany who call for Sharia in Europe etc.) said: They look and talk like they are from middle ages and the strengthen stereotypes about the backwardness of Muslims...
EU got islamophobia lolz they are went crazy in it .
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