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Paranoia grips Pakistan :: Indian Arms buying spree unabated

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I should advise Indian diplomats to go bonkers and run around the world like headless chickens if 'any neighbour' mentions the wish to acquire rusted tanks. It would then conclusively prove that said neighbour has gone from obsessive and hostile neighbour to neighbour that has lost its marbles.

But you get the point.

"India objects", "India is concerned", "India feels threatened" if some neighbors want to buy equipment to be used against terrorists (e.g. helicopters). Diploamts are disptached to Russia, China, USA, France, Timbaktu to show these concerns.

There are zillions of examples of these "objections, concerned, threats" are expressed even if countries want to devleop themselves and invite third parties to invest there.

And this is not paranoia?

Want me to paste some examples here?
India can, but the thing is it is going to hurt the local populace of Pakistan. Indians have no beef with the population of Pakistan which has been fed lies with their government and military to remain in power.

For the stability of region, it will be better to make the military and government to either fall in line, if not, India should ensure that Pakistan is broken into multiple friendly states.

India should fight its enemy with ALL the tools at its disposal. Either that or you do not fight at all and do what ever it takes to find peace.

So our tools include Proxies, Indus water, global isolation, economic warfare, surgical strikes, Massive defence buildup, and providing platform for Baluchistan freedom fighters like Bugti and maybe even an govt. in exile.

Pakistan stablity is not the responsblity of the GoI, the primary and only responsibility of the GoI is the stability and overall growth of India and Indians. So if pakistan has to became a failed state to ensure our success, then so be it.

Its not our choice to make, pakistan polices have made that choice for us and for their own people.

So rather be like Priviraj chauhan only the loose the war and his culture and values in the end, learn to be like Shivaji who did what ti takes to win a war and lay foundation for a solid Empire that eventually inspired a free India.
Sensationalism by Indian media for attention...

There isnt any single signal suggesting there is any paranoia about India's buying spree..

If at all there is its useless.. our money.. our choice...and Pakistan knows it well.
But you get the point.

"India objects", "India is concerned", "India feels threatened" if some neighbors want to buy equipment to be used against terrorists (e.g. helicopters). Diploamts are disptached to Russia, China, USA, France, Timbaktu to show these concerns.

There are zillions of examples of these "objections, concerned, threats" are expressed even if countries want to devleop themselves and invite third parties to invest there.

And this is not paranoia?

Want me to paste some examples here?

Not paranoia, not at all. Merely efforts at forestalling unnecessary accretion of dangerous weapons in the hands of a dangerous establishment.

Tanks are not used in mountain territory; your terrorists don't deploy sophisticated aircraft to require Chinese-made anti-aircraft missiles systems to be bought in bulk and deployed across the length and breadth of your country.

Want to be reminded of what is going on?
Guys ..you have to see this, "Modi ne Putin ko bahla fusla liya aur fasa hi liya, mithi churi chala di"...khushamad kar di"
Pakistan media so butthurt on India Russia agreements :lol:

Not paranoia, not at all. Merely efforts at forestalling unnecessary accretion of dangerous weapons in the hands of a dangerous establishment.

Want to be reminded of what is going on?

I know what is going on. India is playing the victim card by blaming everyone around, where as her half century long support for cross-border terrorism in the neighborhood is only increasing.

And since this dangeorus country is bullying and threatening every smaller country in the neighborhood, dangeorus weapons in her hands will result in great catastrophe in the region.
“Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory is won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
After so called surgical strikes, your army is looking for victory....hahahaahhaahah
Sensationalism by Indian media for attention...

There isnt any single signal suggesting there is any paranoia about India's buying spree..

If at all there is its useless.. our money.. our choice...and Pakistan knows it well.

Yes ..... and we all know pakistan is a very rational state. Right ?
Not only on russian arms, the biggest single FDI in India

Its almost 11 Billion $ in arms trade and 15 Billion $ in Oil trade.

A Total of 26 Billion $ worth of deal signed in a single day. pakistan would be foolish not to feel paranoid.
Another indiot barking on a Pakistani forum..wow.

Rather your schizophrenic media is barking, ...showing mirror have hurt you right there "Senior Member".
Enjoy your sunday!!
After so called surgical strikes, your army is looking for victory....hahahaahhaahah
So called Surgical Strikes has started taking its toll

Your Government has charge sheeted your establishment

In the show down who so ever wins its Pakistan who lose

Indian strategist has immaculately planned the surgical strikes whether they were real OR fictitious. Pakistan has been cornered and is planning in haste to counter the massive after-effects of the so called STRIKES :p:
belief in supernatural strength are the only trademarks which are left inside Pakistan to make the local populace believe that they can actually win against India.

"Indian troops were like Hanuman who did not quite know their prowess before the surgical strikes.”
- Indian defense minister
I am sure Indian defense minister (and BJP) also believes in the benefits of drinking cow mata urine. India elected a known Hindu terrorist as PM who wanted to subjugate Pakistan, while Pakistani PM campaigned on having good relations with India.
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