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‘Pandit Godse’ a patriot

Interesting. But India of 2010 is not the India of 1990 either. So would you call all those soldiers who died in 62, 65, 71 etc. as 'not patriotic'?

What was India of 1990? As far as I remember it was the same Republic of India back in 90's but not what Godse and his cohorts wanted India to be.

Why would I call those who died protecting the country as unpatriotic? How their deeds are similar to that of Godse? Godse and his organisation had nil contribution to freedom struggle for all we know.
Godse didn't love the country that is India today, so it'd wrong to say he was a patriot.

Yes he might have loved a country based on his ideologies, but that country is not India of 2010.

You are making the common mistake of confusing two very different adjectives. A person might have very hardline extremist policies and yet be a patriot.
There are a lot of fascist in India, I mean Sangh Parivar or RSS who support Fascist like Godse.
Actually all blame goes to Congress who with its weak policies has given open field to Hindu Extremist to do and say anything they want. It's a double standard party. One side it is suppressing Muslims and other side giving freedom to these extremist.

Dude don't get start on religious matters.
If you don't know don't talk about India.
Congress allies with Muslim League from Kerala and bashes BJP and other parties for doing religion politics.
Indian general election, 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indian Union Muslim League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats sad reality of present india that lot of hindu youth are getting inspired by fascist hindu ideology which gona doom india one day.

The fascist hindu ideology i feel may not be that much harmful only if the people do not hide behind "secularism" rhetoric.
The fascist hindu ideology i feel may not be that much harmful only if the people do not hide behind "secularism" rhetoric.

If I were a Pakistani, the very thought of the rise of a Hitler right in my backyard would scare the shyt out of me.
Yor are totally wrong. Ask any Kerala guy here in Dubai and he will tell "Ghandi" and not "Gandhi" as you are writing.

There is only one spelling in English and it is defined already.
So there is no different spelling for Kerallites in Dubai.
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Shiv Sena and Bal thakrey = bhuddha sathiya gaya hai.

Koi kam nahi hai, bus time pass ko gade hue murde khod rahe hai.
Bigot, yes.
Coward, nope. It takes guts to kill someone in cold blood.

But you still didn't prove that he was not a patriot.

Coward in the sense Gandhi was not proposing a platform which in anyway undermined the advancement of people of Hindu faith. He chose to shoot a man who was not shooting at him and denounces violence. There is absolutely nothing heroic about what Godse did.

His pledge of allegiance is to the world he believes in, not the one subscribed by the average folks.
Every time a shower (hammam) of truth is opened, I am amzed, how quickly the so called secular, democratic, love-all kind of people through the towel and show thier true self!

Godse kiled Ghandhi and still a patriot. How come then people like Maoists, Kashmiri separatists, Khalistanis are not so, by same yard stick! They also love the country and ideology of thier choice!

In-Sanity and double speak have no bounds and quite abundant in Hinduvadis, atleast this is clear now!

Fighter488 said:
Every time a shower (hammam) of truth is opened, I am amzed, how quickly the so called secular, democratic, love-all kind of people through the towel and show thier true self!

Godse kiled Ghandhi and still a patriot. How come then people like Maoists, Kashmere separatists, Khaliustanis are not so, by same yard stick! they also love the country and ideology of thier choice!

In-Sanity and double speak have no bounds and quite abundant in Hinduvadis, atleast this is clear now!

My my...someone clearly has an agenda :rolleyes:
The fascist hindu ideology i feel may not be that much harmful only if the people do not hide behind "secularism" rhetoric.

1. There is nothing called fasist Hindu ideology the two can't go side by side.

2. Its a open secrete to divide people from Congress at that time and to divide India Britishers have many puppets like Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha both were a tool and puppet of Britishers to devide Indian people's unity so that they can't demand freedom under a united leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.
Think he meant a secular, plural democracy which wasn't something Godse wanted.

I may have seen wrongly. But did you just say India of today is 'secular' ??
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