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‘Pandit Godse’ a patriot

The intriguing false flag reminds me of ''communist''.

Godse was a patriot, a murderer and an extremist. He made no claims that he was doing gods work or that some evil zionists were actually responsible for his violent acts or churn idiotic conspiracy theories. he spared us the drama and accepted responsibility for his actions. He had more honesty than all the closet terrorism supporters here, who no doubt will share their pearls of wisdom on this inviting thread.
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One sensible person should not read what a mad dog has written...

How can you say he is mad dog without giving a ear to him ?? Sorry I am not one such. And Gandhiji was not a god. He too had his mistakes and Godse was pointing to it. If you want to believe blindly Gandhiji was Good, Godse as Evil, fell free but that doesnt automatically become the truth.

p.s.: A sensible person is one who doesnt go with the flow and decides for himself after thoroughly analysing all facts from all sides.

Gandhi was no India, but for the authority at that time he was a national treasure.

The some actions of the 'national treasure' which brought misery to India are listed in Godse's speech.

So anybody who will think he is right the other person is wrong should go ahead and kill that people. In that way you should support Pakistan
My bro..there are better terrorists now a days. They even blast themselves without the fear of being killed. Godse was a student in that class.

I thought to myself and foresaw I shall be totally ruined, and the only thing I could expect from the people would be nothing but hatred and that I shall have lost all my honour, even more valuable than my life, if I were to kill Gandhiji. But at the same time I felt that the Indian politics in the absence of Gandhiji would surely be proved practical, able to retaliate, and would be powerful with armed forces. No doubt, my own future would be totally ruined, but the nation would be saved from the inroads of Pakistan. People may even call me and dub me as devoid of any sense or foolish, but the nation would be free to follow the course founded on the reason which I consider to be necessary for sound nation-building. After having fully considered the question, I took the final decision in the matter, but I did not speak about it to anyone whatsoever.

He may be right, he may be wrong in his opinion, but his patriotism towards India can never be questioned.
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How can you say he is mad dog without giving a ear to him ?? Sorry I am not one such. And Gandhiji was not a god. He too had his mistakes and Godse was pointing to it. If you want to believe blindly Gandhiji was Good, Godse as Evil, fell free but that doesnt automatically become the truth.
First you should know there were around 6 to 7 attacks on Mahtama, not at the fag end of his life but right through the 1930s till the terrorists achieved their target through this man. So the assumption that people grew impatient over gandhijis's overture towards Muslim (Pakistan) is a blatant lie.

Gandhi has made mistakes, nobody believes him as God (But then nobody has seen god.) But, why the man chose to kill somebody to spread his thought? Is it because he did not have the substance to convince people of his intentions? When Gandhi can mobilize people of a country as diverse as India, what stopped him to do so? He has his Hindu Mahasbha to back him, which he has just left. So if you can not convince somebody, you need to kill him and then people will be convinced to know your point of view. He was a coward!!!
p.s.: A sensible person is one who doesnt go with the flow and decides for himself after thoroughly analysing all facts from all sides.
So what is your analysis of Godse's personality? Whether he went with the flow of his emotional bankruptcy? Whether during his association with RSS was he analyzing the step he finally took? I am only saying that to send ones point across if people take judicious decisions to kill the proponent of that view then it is fanatically madness. When a man grew mad because of his fanatical ideas, he is not less than a mad dog on the street.

The some actions of the 'national treasure' which brought misery to India are listed in Godse's speech.

Who are he or you to say that Mahatma's actions were the reason why we faced partition? Why should I believe a person who is so selfish for his own opinion that he can kill anybody? At least Gandhi allowed people to state their own side and chose their own course. Netaji was one such example. Both were having great personal respect for each other while perusing their own path for united India.

He may be right, he may be wrong in his opinion, but his patriotism towards India can never be questioned.

It was not his opinion that killed him, it was he who killed him in cold blood. That was the most unfortunate part for India.
Who is demonizing Hinduism? Yes, of course Congress is trying to expose organizations like RSS and its off shoot. I am a Hindu Brahmin and I don't want my religion to be run like the way other religion runs their. Our religion is not RSS property. RSS is a hindu organization and if its people are engaged in terror activity they should be exposed and dealt without mercy.
By doing so, I didn't feel bad. Rather I feel proud that our religion calls a spade a spade.

Everything is not black and white my friend. Its not like the RSS while speaking of Ram outside sits in their offices and plans for killing of other religious people and passes on its message to its followers through intranet.

What are they trying to expose of RSS please tell me?? I agree there have been grave mistakes done by them and i do not support them on these mistakes, about which every body knows. However if u see whatever they have done they have done it in broad daylight, and they never hide from that. Regarding Congress i have only one thing to say "Bagal me Churi, Muu me Ram Ram".

If we leave out the Caste part what is it that u want to convey here buddy?? What other religions are u talking about and the way they are run that u do not agree with.

Has RSS ever said that Hinduism is their property??

By doing what u feel proud of your religion?? Do u represent the whole of Hinduism ?? You are speaking about the RSS and by calling a spade a spade, don't know what that means can u pray tell me u mean to say the whole of Hinduism is good or great and other religions are not??

Am i to understand that u think only Hinduism works on the lines of peace and love and others not according to you??

Oh and just for your info i am also a Hindu Brahmin, i am curious about one last thing. Just because u and i are Brahmin's and we condemn RSS it is good and rubs away the evil??

Mate there are lot of problems in your post, try to address them if u get my points first.

So long.
Thats sad reality of present india that lot of hindu youth are getting inspired by fascist hindu ideology which gona doom india one day.

which part of India do you come from brother?
Thank you for this :tup:

Nothing in history is in black and white and this is another example of that.

Also I dont understand when Muslim League is perfectly acceptable to all why are some people so apologetic when it comes to Hindu Nationalism ??

two wrongs do not make a right...the country was split once...it wont be repeated again...
I as a hindu would like the idea of a hindu nation...but the fact of the matter is that we live in India...which no matters what the Pakistanis say...is not a hindu nation...it is secuar...and we all as citizens of this nation...should personify that sentiment.
First you should know there were around 6 to 7 attacks on Mahtama, not at the fag end of his life but right through the 1930s till the terrorists achieved their target through this man. So the assumption that people grew impatient over gandhijis's overture towards Muslim (Pakistan) is a blatant lie.

No it was not - Just read these sentences from his speech and try to disprove them, if it is false.

From August 1946 onwards the private armies of the Muslim League began a massacre of the Hindus. The then Viceroy, Lord Wavell, though distressed at what was happening, would not use his powers under the Government of India Act of 1935 to prevent the rape, murder and arson. The Hindu blood began to flow from Bengal to Karachi with some retaliation by the Hindus. The Interim Government formed in September was sabotaged by its Muslim League members right from its inception, but the more they became disloyal and treasonable to the government of which they were a part, the greater was Gandhi’s infatuation for them. Lord Wavell had to resign as he could not bring about a settlement and he was succeeded by Lord Mountbatten. King Log was followed by King Stork.

One of the conditions imposed by Gandhi for his breaking of the fast unto death related to the mosques in Delhi occupied by the Hindu refugees. But when Hindus in Pakistan were subjected to violent attacks he did not so much as utter a single word to protest and censure the Pakistan Government or the Muslims concerned. Gandhi was shrewd enough to know that while undertaking a fast unto death, had he imposed for its break some condition on the Muslims in Pakistan, there would have been found hardly any Muslims who could have shown some grief if the fast had ended in his death. It was for this reason that he purposely avoided imposing any condition on the Muslims. He was fully aware of from the experience that Jinnah was not at all perturbed or influenced by his fast and the Muslim League hardly attached any value to the inner voice of Gandhi.

So it is fair to say Gandhiji was not equal to all and this led to dis-satisfaction among Hindu-nationalists.

Gandhi has made mistakes, nobody believes him as God (But then nobody has seen god.) But, why the man chose to kill somebody to spread his thought? 1) Is it because he did not have the substance to convince people of his intentions? When Gandhi can mobilize people of a country as diverse as India, what stopped him to do so? 2)He has his Hindu Mahasbha to back him, which he has just left. So if you can not convince somebody, you need to kill him and then people will be convinced to know your point of view. He was a coward!!!

Because the Congressis blindly followed Gandhiji like a sheep and were in no position to decide for themselves. This also becomes clear if you read his speech.

So what is your analysis of Godse's personality? Whether he went with the flow of his emotional bankruptcy? Whether during his association with RSS was he analyzing the step he finally took?

Godse was a Hindu-nationlist, the Hindu counterpart of the Muslim League and he could not bear to see his beloved country being broken into pieces to satisfy someones ego.

In a democracy you cannot put forward your demands at knife-point. Jinnah did it and Gandhi stabbed the nation with the same knife. He dissected the land and gave a piece to Pakistan. We did picket that time but in vain. The Father of our Nation went to perform his paternal duties for Pakistan! Gandhi blackmailed the cabinet with his fast unto death. His body, his threats to die are causing the destruction — geographical as well as economical — of the nation. Today, Muslims have taken a part of the nation, tomorrow Sikhs may ask for Punjab. The religions are again dividend into castes, they will demand sub-divisions of the divisions. What remains of the concept of one nation, national integration? Why did we fight the British in unison for independence? Why not separately? Bhagat Singh did not ask only for an independent Punjab or Subhash Chandra Bose for an independent Bengal?

Very valid points. If not for Sardar Patel staunch (hindu) nationalist , this would have been true to the word.

I am only saying that to send ones point across if people take judicious decisions to kill the proponent of that view then it is fanatically madness. When a man grew mad because of his fanatical ideas, he is not less than a mad dog on the street.
Who are he or you to say that Mahatma's actions were the reason why we faced partition? Why should I believe a person who is so selfish for his own opinion that he can kill anybody? At least Gandhi allowed people to state their own side and chose their own course. Netaji was one such example. Both were having great personal respect for each other while perusing their own path for united India.

It was Godse's firm belief that If gandhiji was to live longer then India would have been cut into pieces every few years to satisfy every group and given his logic there is some truth in it.

Again as I said his opinions might be correct, might be wrong --- but the fact is He was a staunch patriot of Bharat.

It was not his opinion that killed him, it was he who killed him in cold blood. That was the most unfortunate part for India.

It was Godse's opinion backed by facts that were true to some extent that drove him to kill Gandhiji.He had no personal animosity towards Gandhiji which can be inferred from,

I bear no ill will towards anyone individually but I do say that I had no respect for the present government owing to their policy, which was unfairly favourable towards the Muslims

And I am sure if Gandhiji had been alive, today Kashmir would not have been with us.

p.s.: I am not saying Godse was completely right and Gandhi was completely wrong. All I am saying is History is not all black and white. Rather it is in shades of grey.
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two wrongs do not make a right...the country was split once...it wont be repeated again...
I as a hindu would like the idea of a hindu nation...but the fact of the matter is that we live in India...which no matters what the Pakistanis say...is not a hindu nation...it is secuar...and we all as citizens of this nation...should personify that sentiment.

No brother, I too prefer India the way it is.

It is only the opinion of people (mostly self-hating hindus) who can live with Muslim league comfortably but brand the Hindu nationalists as Terrorists, that I cant agree to.
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Who is demonizing Hinduism? Yes, of course Congress is trying to expose organizations like RSS and its off shoot. I am a Hindu Brahmin and I don't want my religion to be run like the way other religion runs their. Our religion is not RSS property. RSS is a hindu organization and if its people are engaged in terror activity they should be exposed and dealt without mercy.
By doing so, I didn't feel bad. Rather I feel proud that our religion calls a spade a spade.

u didn't understand martyr godse's words.......please read again.......
he himself respected ghandiji,,,,and was also his follower.......
but what he don't like was mohandas gandhi's policy,,,get it first...........
he was not anti muslim,,, wat he just wantd was that india or any other religion shudn't suffer just to please someone.....

now i hope u hav no practical idea of what sort of organisation RSS and ur living on feedbacks of media and congress,,, just giving two example of RSS.
RSS volunteers were the first to reach eaarthquake hit gujrat even bfore army cud reach... and they don't ask religion bfore helping.
RSS volunteers helped sikhs during the sikh riot organised by congress...
there are many more...
there will be database error if i start writing..

prayer of RSS:-
Sanskrit “Prarthana” transliterated
Namaste sadaa vatsale matru bhoome
twayaa Hindu bhoome sukham vardhitoham
mahaa mangale punya bhoome twadarthe
patatwesha kaayo namaste namaste

prabho shaktiman Hindu raastraanga bhoota
ime saadaram twaam namaamo vayam
twadeeyaaya kaaryaaya baddhaa kateeeyam
shubhaam aashisham dehi tatpoortaye

ajyaan cha vishwasya deheesha shaktim
susheelam jagadyena namram bhaveth
shrutam chaiva yat kantakaa keerna maargam
swayam sweekritham na sukham kaarayet

samutkarsha nishreyasasyaika mugram
param saadhanam naama veeravratam
tadantah sphuratwakshayaa dheya nishtaa
hridantah prajaa gartuteevraanisham

vijetri chana samhataa kaarya shaktir
vidhaayaasya dharmasya samrakshanam
param vaibhavam netum etat swaraashtram
samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa tebhrusham

|| Bharat Mata Ki Jay ||

Forever I bow to thee, O Loving Motherland! O Motherland of us Hindus, Thou hast brought me up in happiness. May my life, O great and blessed Holy Land, be laid down in Thy Cause. I bow to Thee again and again.

We the children of the Hindu Nation bow to Thee in reverence, O Almighty God. We have girded up our loins to carry on Thy work. Give us Thy holy blessings for its fulfillment. O Lord! Grant us such might as no power on earth can ever challenge, such purity of character as would command the respect of the whole world and such knowledge as would make easy the thorny path that we have voluntarily chosen.

May we be inspired with the spirit of stern heroism, that is sole and ultimate means of attaining the highest spiritual bliss with the greatest temporal prosperity. May intense and everlasting devotion to our ideal ever enthuse our hearts. May our victorious organised power of action, by Thy Grace, be wholly capable of protecting our dharma and leading this nation of ours to the highest pinnacle of glory.

- In Shri Guruji's words

।। भारत माता की जय ।।

now lali ji sorry for confronting again..
but plz take my comments cheerfully........

bcoz our religion has given vision to this world,,,,
we say "vasundhra kutumbbkamb"
we say "sarve bhavantu sukhina,sarve santu niramaya"
all people be happy and healthy.......
if being pro-hindu doesn't mean that they are against any religion and region..
have u attended any religious prayer...
once i did what i liked best was that at the end the said "bharat mata ki jai"
im a hindu and proud im to be a hindu..
but b4 that im an indian
lala ji one more thing.
by saying im a "hindu brahmin"
u have given an idea how hindu or indian u are...........
plz khud to upar utho,,, fir point out karo...............
godse will always remain a conterversial figure. for some ppl. he was patriot & for some extremist. i will not support killing of gandhi by godse but gandhi had lost his mind at that time.even after partition of country & killings of so many ppl. he was willing to hold talks with jinnah again.
Everything is not black and white my friend. Its not like the RSS while speaking of Ram outside sits in their offices and plans for killing of other religious people and passes on its message to its followers through intranet.
Either you don't want to see the imminent storm or you don't care. I come from a place where I have seen in schools run by RSS, how they are spreading a false notion of Akhanda Bharat in small children You go to their school, you don't find an image of Mahtma.
You and me are grown up and used education system which was not like that of the education system of Pakistan. Yes, they pray Sri Ram, but do they follow Sri Ram? They are not planning terrorist acts like the way Al-Quaeda do, but they are creating a society which thinks in the line of religion, identity. This will give way to the majority backed ultra nationalism, whose target won't be improving India rather prosecuting minority. I am worried about that future I see in my state.

What are they trying to expose of RSS please tell me?? I agree there have been grave mistakes done by them and i do not support them on these mistakes, about which every body knows. However if u see whatever they have done they have done it in broad daylight, and they never hide from that. Regarding Congress i have only one thing to say "Bagal me Churi, Muu me Ram Ram".
I will go to an extent and say, they are not at all doing the correct assessment of RSS. They have found some fringe activities which are not that serious. These can be dealt as any law and order problem. The real threat of RSS is being incubated in rural hinterlands. That needs to be exposed and dealt with properly.
Regarding Congress, people can say things as they don't have to think about the sheer diversity of this country. They don't see the existence of India as their responsibility. For a person who believes in the ideology of Congress, this country will be ceased to exist when somebody paint this country in a specific color. For that we believe we need to have a middle path, which at times can be perceived as APPEASEMENT. So be it.

If we leave out the Caste part what is it that u want to convey here buddy?? What other religions are u talking about and the way they are run that u do not agree with.

By doing what u feel proud of your religion?? Do u represent the whole of Hinduism ?? You are speaking about the RSS and by calling a spade a spade, don't know what that means can u pray tell me u mean to say the whole of Hinduism is good or great and other religions are not??

Am i to understand that u think only Hinduism works on the lines of peace and love and others not according to you??
I talked about religions (without any offense to them. I am sorry!) like Christianity or Muslim. I believe their religion is acting as an institution which at times crosses the limit of human freedom. My religion is different and I take great pride in that. Here a Nastik can be a Hindu, here a person can question his god and still feel proud being a Hindu. We don't have a institution to sit on my head and say, live like this. I am talking about that freedom of choice in living ones life.

And I fear (I have good reason to do so) RSS is trying to institutionalize my religion and in the process forcing my future generation to succumb to their fear mongering exercise.

If you can't convince people for your brand of Hinduism, you curse them that they are not a Hiundu. That is what RSS is doing na???

Oh and just for your info i am also a Hindu Brahmin, i am curious about one last thing. Just because u and i are Brahmin's and we condemn RSS it is good and rubs away the evil??

Mate there are lot of problems in your post, try to address them if u get my points first.

So long.
I just cited of me being a Brahmin is because some of you will come back and allege I am a Muslim or christian or a leftist to have such opinion. For these RSS lovers those who oppose them are not Hindu. I just wanted to clear that I am a Hindu and don't see them the owner of Hindu.

Hinduism has survived the salvos of plunders from across Asia, survived the numerous act of conversions to Budhism and Jinaism by monarchs, withstood Mughals and then the queens army for 250 yrs. Does Hinduism needs the narrow interpretation of RSS kind of organizations to survive?
Gandhiji, however great he was , is NOT = India. So Godse even though did not love Gandhi, loved India.

Gandhi was more = India than Godse was.

And Godse's anger on Gandhi not condemning Mulsims for atrocities on Hindus is a very valid grouse.

As is mine for your support of Godse. Would it therefore make it valid for me to visit you with a gun?

It's fashionable to criticise Gandhi & Nehru these days for some or the other(sometimes imagined, sometimes real) failings. They gave us this India, the one where you sit comfortably & type your criticisms of them. It is because of them & their sacrifices that we can revel in the luxury of mocking their efforts. Godse would have given you what part of this India? There were no room for minorities as equal citizens, no secular constitution, no reforms in Hindu laws.......nothing! Why would you want that? They were men as you correctly said, not gods & while they certainly had their failings India is what it is today because of them.
No it was not - Just read these sentences from his speech and try to disprove them, if it is false.

I tell you one thing, that will be the most shameful day in my life when I will give a skewed look on the writings of a murderer who committed a murder just because he has a different picture of the situation.

So it is fair to say Gandhiji was not equal to all and this led to dis-satisfaction among Hindu-nationalists.
So you are justifying that based on ones perception if dissatisfaction he or she should start killing people. In a civilized world we can not stop that to happen, but after that blunder happen we condemn such act and brand those as act of terrorists or mad fanatics apart from prosecuting them.

Because the Congressis blindly followed Gandhiji like a sheep and were in no position to decide for themselves. This also becomes clear if you read his speech.
Ok...so all the Congress people are intellectually blind and you people with blood in hand are intellectually sane. If that is the contour of discussing a issue then I am disqualified for the discussion. But as this is a public forum any act of promoting terrorists will get equal reply.

Godse was a Hindu-nationlist, the Hindu counterpart of the Muslim League and he could not bear to see his beloved country being broken into pieces to satisfy someones ego.
I don't think Muslim or Hindu can be Muslim-nationalist and Hindu-nationalist. They has to be Indian-nationalist. If they are segregated based on religion then that will be offending to the
term, Nationalists.

Very valid points. If not for Sardar Patel staunch (hindu) nationalist , this would have been true to the word.
Don't disrespect the great soul by coloring his nationalism.

It was Godse's firm belief that If gandhiji was to live longer then India would have been cut into pieces every few years to satisfy every group and given his logic there is some truth in it.

Again as I said his opinions might be correct, might be wrong --- but the fact is He was a staunch patriot of Bharat.
It was his problem. If he was mad then what can we do? A man will see a dream and next morning start killing people. By the way it is wrong that Mahatma divided India. It was the circumstance that divided India. Hind sight, I think that was the right decision to take looking at the present day Bangladesh and Pakistan.

It was Godse's opinion backed by facts that were true to some extent that drove him to kill Gandhiji.He had no personal animosity towards Gandhiji which can be inferred from,

And I am sure if Gandhiji had been alive, today Kashmir would not have been with us.
Godse is a puppet of fear. He did the act not for INDIA, but for Hindu India. As a Hindu I reject that India. Your assumptions are as factually assumptions as the Godse's opinion. I should not comment ones dream. Dream is a dream till it is realized in the eyes of the day light.

p.s.: I am not saying Godse was completely right and Gandhi was completely wrong. All I am saying is History is not all black and white. Rather it is in shades of grey.

The difference is one worked his way into the fold of history and the other get crashed into it. Yeh, you are right finally both are part of the history.
u didn't understand martyr godse's words.......please read again.......
he himself respected ghandiji,,,,and was also his follower.......
but what he don't like was mohandas gandhi's policy,,,get it first...........
he was not anti muslim,,, wat he just wantd was that india or any other religion shudn't suffer just to please someone.....

now i hope u hav no practical idea of what sort of organisation RSS and ur living on feedbacks of media and congress,,, just giving two example of RSS.
RSS volunteers were the first to reach eaarthquake hit gujrat even bfore army cud reach... and they don't ask religion bfore helping.
RSS volunteers helped sikhs during the sikh riot organised by congress...
there are many more...
there will be database error if i start writing..

prayer of RSS:-
Sanskrit “Prarthana” transliterated
Namaste sadaa vatsale matru bhoome
twayaa Hindu bhoome sukham vardhitoham
mahaa mangale punya bhoome twadarthe
patatwesha kaayo namaste namaste

prabho shaktiman Hindu raastraanga bhoota
ime saadaram twaam namaamo vayam
twadeeyaaya kaaryaaya baddhaa kateeeyam
shubhaam aashisham dehi tatpoortaye

ajyaan cha vishwasya deheesha shaktim
susheelam jagadyena namram bhaveth
shrutam chaiva yat kantakaa keerna maargam
swayam sweekritham na sukham kaarayet

samutkarsha nishreyasasyaika mugram
param saadhanam naama veeravratam
tadantah sphuratwakshayaa dheya nishtaa
hridantah prajaa gartuteevraanisham

vijetri chana samhataa kaarya shaktir
vidhaayaasya dharmasya samrakshanam
param vaibhavam netum etat swaraashtram
samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa tebhrusham

|| Bharat Mata Ki Jay ||

Forever I bow to thee, O Loving Motherland! O Motherland of us Hindus, Thou hast brought me up in happiness. May my life, O great and blessed Holy Land, be laid down in Thy Cause. I bow to Thee again and again.

We the children of the Hindu Nation bow to Thee in reverence, O Almighty God. We have girded up our loins to carry on Thy work. Give us Thy holy blessings for its fulfillment. O Lord! Grant us such might as no power on earth can ever challenge, such purity of character as would command the respect of the whole world and such knowledge as would make easy the thorny path that we have voluntarily chosen.

May we be inspired with the spirit of stern heroism, that is sole and ultimate means of attaining the highest spiritual bliss with the greatest temporal prosperity. May intense and everlasting devotion to our ideal ever enthuse our hearts. May our victorious organised power of action, by Thy Grace, be wholly capable of protecting our dharma and leading this nation of ours to the highest pinnacle of glory.

- In Shri Guruji's words

।। भारत माता की जय ।।

now lali ji sorry for confronting again..
but plz take my comments cheerfully........

bcoz our religion has given vision to this world,,,,
we say "vasundhra kutumbbkamb"
we say "sarve bhavantu sukhina,sarve santu niramaya"
all people be happy and healthy.......
if being pro-hindu doesn't mean that they are against any religion and region..
have u attended any religious prayer...
once i did what i liked best was that at the end the said "bharat mata ki jai"
im a hindu and proud im to be a hindu..
but b4 that im an indian

Remain a organization. Don't try to over shoot your boundaries as an organization like you. Policies are made in parliament, don't try to formulate policies on the street.

Keep your prarthana with your organization.
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