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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread


Agree with your assessment my friend, it is indeed a major war that is needed but people are afraid or unwilling. As Muslims though we have to always be ready for any war for any cause, which we aren't anymore. Hamas wants to give up control but not disarm the armed wing. I believe the West want Israel to assume control over most of Palestine. It's unfortunate but in the end we are responsible to counter that. The result of the embassy move is showing its ugly results by the way:

Strengthening sovereignty in eastern Jerusalem

Government to regulate all land in eastern Jerusalem by 2025, easing issuing of construction permits for all residents.


Can you tell us about Palastinian population growth ? . What is population ratio in per square km or mile ? . And if Isreali govt still confiscating land and who control the bufferzone between Palastinian and Isaelis ? . Are these Israeli willing to give equal rights to Palastinian in Israel, like anyother Isreali citizen ?
Terrorist Israeli settlers celebrating in front of Al Aqsa Mosque with odd behavior:

Israeli planes dropping leaflets over Gaza and Israeli jets conducting mock air strikes to frighten the people:

Can you tell us about Palastinian population growth ? . What is population ratio in per square km or mile ? . And if Isreali govt still confiscating land and who control the bufferzone between Palastinian and Isaelis ? . Are these Israeli willing to give equal rights to Palastinian in Israel, like anyother Isreali citizen ?

I'll talk about that in future inshallah, right now let's try focusing on these events that are going to begin soon. Tomorrow and Tuesday are important days to see how this develops.
Terrorist Israeli settlers celebrating in front of Al Aqsa Mosque with odd behavior:

Israeli planes dropping leaflets over Gaza and Israeli jets conducting mock air strikes to frighten the people:

I'll talk about that in future inshallah, right now let's try focusing on these events that are going to begin soon. Tomorrow and Tuesday are important days to see how this develops.
While Palestinian gathered in Gaze borders Abbas went to Chile to be in a football field and shoot a ball, problem over here is lack of leadership.
While Palestinian gathered in Gaze borders Abbas went to Chile to be in a football field and shoot a ball, problem over here is lack of leadership.

Nothing surprising, he is not fit for leadership and most Palestinians do not want him, or anyone else similar to him in Fatah. But, what can they do when is protected by Arab nations, Israeli forces in the West Bank, his own security force, etc...? Like any other dictator he won't allow elections and his term was over awhile back but through military force wants to remain.

Meanwhile Egypt is forwarding messages to Hamas that Israel will start assassinating people and what not if they allow people to demonstrate. And Israel doesn't want to remove the siege, instead offering to expand fishing zone by 6 nautical miles like they promised in last ceasefire but never actually implemented.
Charity headed by David Friedman, US envoy to Israel, gave money to terrorist group

WASHINGTON (JTA) — David Friedman, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, was president of a non-profit that donated money to a far-right Jewish group designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department.

American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center donated 48,000 shekels — about $12,000 — to Qomemiyut in 2013, when Friedman was president of the non-profit, according to a report by the Democratic Bloc, an Israeli NGO that tracks funding for right-wing groups.

The State Department has since 1997 designated Kach as a terrorist group. The most recent State Department list, for 2016, includes “Qomemiyut Movement”, the group’s current name, as an alias for Kahane Chai, an offshoot of Kach. It was similarly listed in 2013, when Friedman’s group made the donation, and a State Department list as early as 1999 includes Qomemiyut.

Qomemiyut in its current iteration was established in 2006, a year after Israel’s government evacuated settlements from the Gaza Strip, to prevent any further evacuations of settlements. Its current CEO, Mussa Cohen, on Friday told JTA that the group is the same group that in the 1990s was affiliated with the Kach movement, founded by the extremist rabbi, Meir Kahane.

The Canadian government in 2016 listed Qomemiyut Movement as a terrorist entity. Mussa Cohen last year told Arutz Sheva, an Israeli news outlet, that he would seek the movement’s removal from the list.

The U.S. Embassy spokeswoman did not respond to multiple requests from JTA for comment. Haaretz on Thursday quoted Friedman’s office as saying that “The Ambassador is not familiar with the Qomemiut Foundation, nor is he aware of any connection between those entities and American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center.”

During his 2017 confirmation hearings, Friedman described his leadership of the nonprofit, from 2011-2017, as deriving “from my commitment to Jewish education, the quality of those schools are excellent and everything that we’ve given money to has been in the nature of gymnasiums, dormitories, dining rooms, classrooms, things like that.”

He said he had no association with political activity associated with the Beit El settlement.

“So my philanthropic activity there has not been connected to their political activity which I really had no part in,” he said.

In its 2013 IRS 990 form, American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center listed under “organizations or entities outside the United States” receiving “grants or assistance” “general support for the school” and nothing else. The 990 form is the tax return for non-profits. The group took in $1,874,013 that year and dispensed $1,541,500.

Friedman was President Donald Trump’s bankruptcy lawyer before Trump was elected president. He is seen as the main driver behind Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

'Deal of the Century': Unacceptable to Palestinians
Haitham Ahmed , Monday 7 May 2018

Trump can propose what he likes, but he will never force a deal on the Palestinian people - this is the unanimous position of Palestinian officials


Palestinians attend a tent city protest along the Israel border with Gaza, demanding the right to return to their homeland, east of Gaza City March 30, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

The so-called “deal of the century” is unrealistic and unacceptable to Palestinians regardless of its substance and how its announcement is timed, say Palestinian politicians.

They hold that the US cannot act as a fair mediator, should negotiations resume, especially given Washington’s repeated stances in international forums indicating its unmitigated pro-Israeli bias in spite of Israel’s cold-blooded slaughter of defenseless Palestinian demonstrators who have taken part in peaceful protests against the Trump administration’s recent decisions.

Trump's decisions include recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the US embassy to the city, abolishing the Palestinian Right of Return and to destroying the UN Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), which provides humanitarian relief to millions of Palestinian refugees.

Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said last week that the PLO could not even speak with the US administration as long as it considers Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

There is no sense of a Palestinian state without Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in its capital he said.

Responding to Israeli press reports that the US plans to propose its “deal of the century” after it opens the US Embassy in Jerusalem 14 May, Erekat stressed that Trump’s deviation from international law and its frames of reference “put him outside the game”.

“Trump has isolated himself from the peace process,” Erekat continued. “His administration cannot act as a mediator or partner unless it changes its position on Jerusalem.” He cautioned against tendentious rumours and fabrications regarding the Palestinian position.

“President Mahmoud Abbas’s position is clear and succinct. Unless the US retracts its decision to regard Jerusalem as a capital of Israel the US cannot be a sponsor or a mediator in the peace process, whatever pressures are brought to bear and regardless of the fabrications and falsehoods that do not fool our people who have expressed their pride and esteem with regard to the historic stance taken by President Abbas and the Palestinian leadership in reaction to the decisions of President Trump.”

He added that in the face of the Washington’s decisions to cut humanitarian aid from the Palestinian people and UNRWA, to close the PLO office in Washington and to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, “We should not succumb to the illusion that it has anything balanced to offer.”

“What does Trump have left to offer without Jerusalem and the refugees?” he asked, stressing that the Palestinian people could not agree to a Palestinian state without Jerusalem as its capital. He added that the US administration had become “part of the problem, not part of the solution”.

Nabil Shaath, political affairs adviser to the Palestinian president, reaffirmed these stances. The Palestinian people will continue to reject the deal of the century; it cannot be forced on them, he said.

“American President Donald Trump can say what he likes, but we will not allow him to impose a deal on us. He should realise, as should we all, that the US no longer owns this world as it had following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, because things have changed. This is why he threatens Mexico and backs down, threatens China and backs down, threatens North Korea and backs down, threatens to abolish NATO and backs down. So, he can propose his deal of the century as he likes, but we will not accept it. We will never accept it.”

“We have said this repeatedly,” Shaath continued. “This is not about accepting or rejecting the deal of the century. It is about rejecting the US as a manager of the peace process. Its role has become suspect. This is why we will reject anything it has to offer.”

Conflicting stances have emerged from the US on the matter. New Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in a press conference in Amman, said that Washington supported the two-state solution although the borders of Israel would remain open to discussion.

He also said that the deal of the century had to be approved by both sides and stressed the need for them to return to the negotiating table.

At the same time, however, a high level Israeli political source said that Trump would unveil a new peace plan, the so-called “deal of the century”, after the inauguration of the US Embassy in Jerusalem on 14 May.

The plan, according to the source, calls for payment of compensation to the Palestinian Authority, as an inducement to coax the Palestinians back to negotiations.

The Hebrew media that published the remarks by that source also reported that Israeli authorities were taken by surprise by Trump’s announcement that he was studying the possibility of personally attending the opening of the embassy, which is timed to coincide with the commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were driven from their homes.

Trump has said that all US presidents made the same pledge to move the US embassy but never had the courage to fulfil it. “I did. This is why I might go there,” Israeli i24 news reported him as saying.

Meanwhile, demonstrations for the Right of Return are still in progress and are likely to continue. Nevertheless, there are growing fears that the situation will escalate to military clashes because of the repercussions of the massacres perpetrated by the Israeli army.

Israeli officials have threatened to expand the violence and to strike the interior of Gaza as a means to end the protests.

The casualty toll has risen to 44 dead and more than 6,000 wounded since the beginning of the Great March for Return on 30 March.

The Gazan Ministry of Health has announced that it suffers the most acute medical supply shortage in 11 years.

Fifty per cent of medicines and basic medical supplies have been depleted in hospitals and clinics, and especially emergency service centres in Gaza.

The ministry attributes the shortage to the occupation forces’ targeting of 7,000 civilians who took part in the demonstrations for the right of return.

Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative Mustafa Barghouti said that when the Palestinians used armed resistance against the occupation, Israel described the resistance as terrorism.

When they used popular resistance, Israel described the peaceful movement as violent. When the Palestinians and their supporters launched the peaceful boycott movement, Israel described the movement as anti-Semitic.

When the Palestinians criticise and expose the crimes committed by Israel and the occupation and its racist nature, they are accused of incitement. When humanitarian-spirited Jews reject Israeli policies and the occupation, and declare their support for Palestinian rights, Israel condemns them as “self-haters”.

Barghouti stressed that it matters little what Israel says. Like every repressive and racist regime, it uses every means to falsify the facts and distort the truth.

But the problem is that other countries, governments and some politicians parrot everything the Israeli government says without bothering to think about the substance.

He continued, “when, as occurred in the Security Council with Nikki Haley, the insolence reaches the stage of criminalising the victims and defending the criminal murders, in spite of the fact that Israel has been exposed and all other members of the Security Council are unanimous in their opposition to the use of deadly live ammunition against defenceless demonstrators, it becomes hypocrisy to pay lip service to international law and human rights and double standards prevail.

"This begs the questions to whether we are living in an era in which the law of the jungle rules. Has mankind undergone centuries of regression to the point where the arrogance of might and the barbarity of colonialism and hegemony have become acceptable?”

The PNI secretary-general added that the German parliament’s endorsement of a bill recognising the “Jewishness” of the State of Israel and the unsuccessful bid on the part of certain quarters in Romania, the Czech Republic and some other countries to have their governments move their embassies in Israel to Jerusalem in contravention of international law, “confirm that the Palestinian struggle for freedom and justice extends around the world”.

*This story was first published under the title "Deal of the century" in Al-Ahram Weekly


Breaking: IDF incursion in eastern Gaza with special forces, several tanks and engineering equipment where area of demonstrations intended to take place
It's basically like caterpillar equipment used by the military to clear up some ground or flatten areas inside Gaza to make a deeper buffer zone. They are breaking up some areas setup by the demonstrators and setting up barbed wire fences.
Do you guys have democratic right to protest ? Or action against the will of local people ? . Tell me , how you counter argument ,when zionist say they have birth right on this land or God awarded this land to them and Palastinian has no right to live ?

Agree with your assessment my friend, it is indeed a major war that is needed but people are afraid or unwilling. As Muslims though we have to always be ready for any war for any cause, which we aren't anymore. Hamas wants to give up control but not disarm the armed wing. I believe the West want Israel to assume control over most of Palestine. It's unfortunate but in the end we are responsible to counter that. The result of the embassy move is showing its ugly results by the way:

Strengthening sovereignty in eastern Jerusalem

Government to regulate all land in eastern Jerusalem by 2025, easing issuing of construction permits for all residents.



Agree with your assessment my friend, it is indeed a major war that is needed but people are afraid or unwilling. As Muslims though we have to always be ready for any war for any cause, which we aren't anymore. Hamas wants to give up control but not disarm the armed wing. I believe the West want Israel to assume control over most of Palestine. It's unfortunate but in the end we are responsible to counter that. The result of the embassy move is showing its ugly results by the way:

Strengthening sovereignty in eastern Jerusalem

Government to regulate all land in eastern Jerusalem by 2025, easing issuing of construction permits for all residents.



Gomig my friend and falcon ,

I have have been following your posts.

Yesterday there was another news report here on the situation in Gaza and my impression is that Gaza cant wait nether for a peace plan or ar " war plan ". Above all i think Gaza is a social problem , the sort of problem no one wants to get his hands dirty by digging in and unplugging this " sewer ".

I don't know how many people there are protesting cause of national interests and how many are protesting cause they have lost all hope for their future. Many people in Gaza are totally dependant on charity of Unra.

One palestinian that was interviewed yesterday said that 80% of the people in Gaza care not about Hamas or fattah but about how are they going to feed their children.

This shit is not going to heal itself and i don't think we can wait for a full solution peace plan that is unseen in the horizon, what is needed is a Gaza recovery plan to improve the lives of people in Gaza NOW. This can be based on temporary seize fire.

I can tell you that as far as the impact of the fence protests on Israel goes it has not had the influence on Israel that the demonstrators hoped. Last week for example people where more occupied with Iran and syria than with the palestinians.

The march on the fence is preserved here by many here not as a legitimate protests but as a threat and as such inspires little sympathy.

Egypt must open the Rafah crossing
All non-Hamas citizens left
problem solved
Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: 16 Palestinians Reported Killed by Israeli Gunfire at Border


Egypt must open the Rafah crossing
All non-Hamas citizens left
problem solved

Is that all that's coming on your mind? To get the people to mass migrate elsewhere from their land? Why don't you go back to Azerbaijan? You're not from the area. And this isn't a Hamas demonstration, it is being taken part in by all faces of the Palestinian society.

PS, the border with Egypt is open until Thursday and has been opened for a few days already. Meanwhile you have 7 or 8 crossing with Gaza, most commercial but two of them for travel.
Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: 16 Palestinians Reported Killed by Israeli Gunfire at Border


Is that all that's coming on your mind? To get the people to mass migrate elsewhere from their land? Why don't you go back to Azerbaijan? You're not from the area. And this isn't a Hamas demonstration, it is being taken part in by all faces of the Palestinian society.

PS, the border with Egypt is open until Thursday and has been opened for a few days already. Meanwhile you have 7 or 8 crossing with Gaza, most commercial but two of them for travel.
Or emigration of Jews to other countries
Or Arabs

I prefer Arabs to emigrate

Of course, you can simply leave the situation as it is, which is what Israel is doing right now
The residents of Gaza announced that they prefer to emigrate, but Hamas, Israel and Egypt do not allow them
Too bad...
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