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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread

Or emigration of Jews to other countries
Or Arabs

I prefer Arabs to emigrate

Of course, you can simply leave the situation as it is, which is what Israel is doing right now
The residents of Gaza announced that they prefer to emigrate, but Hamas, Israel and Egypt do not allow them
Too bad...

No they don't, and if anyone needs to get out its someone like you who has no connection whatsoever to the land.
No they don't, and if anyone needs to get out its someone like you who has no connection whatsoever to the land.
Lol The Quran itself says I have a connection to this land

* Arabs did a survey in Gaza and asked who wanted to emigrate, 80% said they wanted to
In Judea and Samaria they also did a survey and 60% said they wanted to emigrate
Yesterday there was another news report here on the situation in Gaza and my impression is that Gaza cant wait nether for a peace plan or ar " war plan ". Above all i think Gaza is a social problem , the sort of problem no one wants to get his hands dirty by digging in and unplugging this " sewer ".

"Sewer" is a pretty harsh word, Sammy, almost emblematic of how the majority of Israelis see Gaza in general it seems. It's much bigger than a social problem, it's a huge political but most importantly a huge identity crisis. One can even say it's an existential threat! The same thing Israel has felt and used to its advantage for decades.

I don't know how many people there are protesting cause of national interests and how many are protesting cause they have lost all hope for their future. Many people in Gaza are totally dependant on charity of Unra.

I don't think the particular reason matters at this point since any reason is the result of being closed into an open door prison. And let's not ignore the elephant in the room, besides the right to return, Jerusalem has everything to do with this and that is a large part of a sovereign, Palestinian state.

Meanwhile Israelis are celebrating the US embassy in Jerusalem while these people are being killed by Israelis. Something just isn't right with this picture.

One palestinian that was interviewed yesterday said that 80% of the people in Gaza care not about Hamas or fattah but about how are they going to feed their children.

This shit is not going to heal itself and i don't think we can wait for a full solution peace plan that is unseen in the horizon, what is needed is a Gaza recovery plan to improve the lives of people in Gaza NOW. This can be based on temporary seize fire.

The best way for them to feed their children is to have their own, sovereign country.

I can tell you that as far as the impact of the fence protests on Israel goes it has not had the influence on Israel that the demonstrators hoped. Last week for example people where more occupied with Iran and syria than with the palestinians.

It might not have the impact on Israel -- and I doubt that was the plan in the first place -- but it has had an impact on the international circuit and that's what counts a lot more. The pressure needs to be put on the Israelis from the outside. It's the only way it will work since we know Israel is only going to kill them and then spit and laugh at them. Shame. BTW, I know you personally don't feel that way and I'm not referring to you, but those who are the majority complicit in this thinking and action.

The march on the fence is preserved here by many here not as a legitimate protests but as a threat and as such inspires little sympathy.

A threat to whom or what, though, Sammy? To a barb-wired fence? It's ridiculous. Israel must open the dialogue to a two state solution and stop shutting down each attempt being made in that direction.
"Sewer" is a pretty harsh word, Sammy, almost emblematic of how the majority of Israelis see Gaza in general it seems. It's much bigger than a social problem, it's a huge political but most importantly a huge identity crisis. One can even say it's an existential threat! The same thing Israel has felt and used to its advantage for decades.

I particularly used harsh words but not with intent to disrespect palestinians . I use the word " Sewer " to describe a place where some people have no electricity or running water for 24/7 . I use the world " Sewer ' for a place where people find it hard to feed their children or fail to see any optimistic chance of making something with their life.

A threat to whom or what, though, Sammy? To a barb-wired fence? It's ridiculous. Israel must open the dialogue to a two state solution and stop shutting down each attempt being made in that direction.

Just describing not my own feeling but how the public here view it. They heard Hamas saying that a million shahid's march on the fence and they take it literally.

As for a dialogue and two state , you know fully agree with you on that , i just don't see it in the horizon at the moment.

That is why i started thinking maybe it would be wise to start some aid program to make the living condition there more human. Some people there would starve but for the UNRA food support and now US threatens to cut even that. There are some 300,000 children that would not go to school if not for Unra schools .

Now i heard some parents are considering pulling out their children's , so they would instead go earn money to help their families. What sort of a future can such a kid have ? In the end of the they it would come back to us and we would end up with neighbors with social issues and a gap that would take generations to close.

Most of the people that live here today did not start this conflict but where born into it , sad and unfair that they pay they price for it. And even more sad if we would not solve it and leave it to the next generation to continue with this pointless bloodshed.

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Are they going to come and die today as well?
Funny how many fake accounts are being created.........
When men reduce their virtues to the approximate, then evil acquires the force of an absolute, when loyalty to an unyielding purpose is dropped by the virtuous, it’s picked up by scoundrels—and you get the indecent spectacle of a cringing, bargaining, traitorous good and a self-righteously uncompromising evil.
They didn't come today. Less than 10% compared to yesterday. :(

But in Friday they gonna have some Ramadan prayers! So they would come and die after the prayers maybe.
"I will make you fall... When you are at the Top..."
"I will remind you... How insignificant you are... How weak you are..."
"I will make sure... that for generations...your Blood will remember..."

"I will always give you another chance... to prove me otherwise..."
No they don't, and if anyone needs to get out its someone like you who has no connection whatsoever to the land.

And We had certainly given Moses nine evident signs, so ask the Children of Israel [about] when he came to them and Pharaoh said to him, "Indeed I think, O Moses, that you are affected by magic."

[Moses] said, "You have already known that none has sent down these [signs] except the Lord of the heavens and the earth as evidence, and indeed I think, O Pharaoh, that you are destroyed."

So he intended to drive them from the land, but We drowned him and those with him all together.

And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering."

And with the truth We have sent the Qur'an down, and with the truth it has descended. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a bringer of good tidings and a warner.

Report: Trump Administration Plans to Reveal Middle East Peace Plan Next Month

The Trump administration is aiming to roll out its much-hyped but long-delayed Middle East peace plan next month amid signs it may further alienate the Palestinians by slashing millions of dollars in funding for humanitarian and development projects in the West Bank and Gaza.

Five U.S. officials and a congressional aide say the administration intends to release the peace plan in mid- to late-June, shortly after the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, although they cautioned that the timing could slip depending on developments in the region. They say the plan's main authors — President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and Trump's special envoy for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt — have already begun quietly briefing select allies and partners on elements of the proposal.

They say the plan's main authors — President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and Trump's special envoy for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt — have already begun quietly briefing select allies and partners on elements of the proposal.

lol. Imagine Jared Kushner has a plan for the Palestinian/Israeli peace?! How laughable is that

If it included the bare minimum, which would be to terminate all existing and future Israeli settlements in the WB, grant complete sovereignty (which you and I and most Muslims know what that means) to Palestine which would include both territories of Gaza and the West Bank and return to the 1967 borders with Jerusalem split as both capitals (that would be the bare, acceptable minimum in the case of Jerusalem), then there might be a slight -- albeit dim -- chance of sitting down at the table and discussing things further. But I highly doubt a "Jared Kushner" looool plan will come anywhere close to that, especially after this despicable Jerusalem stunt this administration pulled.
Pakistan state policy to support Palastine

lol. Imagine Jared Kushner has a plan for the Palestinian/Israeli peace?! How laughable is that

If it included the bare minimum, which would be to terminate all existing and future Israeli settlements in the WB, grant complete sovereignty (which you and I and most Muslims know what that means) to Palestine which would include both territories of Gaza and the West Bank and return to the 1967 borders with Jerusalem split as both capitals (that would be the bare, acceptable minimum in the case of Jerusalem), then there might be a slight -- albeit dim -- chance of sitting down at the table and discussing things further. But I highly doubt a "Jared Kushner" looool plan will come anywhere close to that, especially after this despicable Jerusalem stunt this administration pulled.

Agree with your points, I'd be shocked if it came to that. I even read that the 'plan' is actually no 'plan' at all and just an attempt to jumpstart so called 'negotiations' as a means to incorporate Israeli conditions before anything else, lol.
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