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Palestinians prepare for 'Great Return' March in West Bank and Gaza: Main thread

That's just unbelievable -

In new videos, IDF accuses Gazans of faking injury, taking small kids to riots
Footage released by the Israeli army shows young children near border, also apparently injured youth carried on stretcher, then getting off unharmed
By TOI STAFF 5 May 2018, 9:38 pm

  • A small Gazan child next to youths during violent protests at the Gaza border, in footage released by the IDF on May 5, 2018 (screenshot)

    The Israeli army on Saturday night published video clips from demonstrations by Gazans at the border which it said showed protesters faking injury in order to manipulate world opinion, and using young children at the forefront of border riots.

    In one clip released by the IDF, Gazan youths are shown rushing a seemingly injured youth toward safety on a stretcher through clouds of smoke and dust. Toward the end of the clip, however, the youth appears to fall off or get off the stretcher, and then gets to his feet, now seeming quite unharmed.

    “Throughout Hamas’s activity, fake injuries and the exploitation of women and children are rampant,” the IDF said in a tweet.

    “This was all intended to disguise terror activity, including hurling explosives & grenades, attempted infiltrations, & burning Israeli land.”

    [video in original]
    In a second clip, very young children are seen at the protests, rolling tires, and standing close to older Palestinian youths; the IDF alleges that Gazans are deliberately placing young kids near to rioters, as human shields.
    [video in original]

    Border riots continued at the weekend for a sixth week.

    During riots on Friday evening, dozens of Palestinians broke into the Gaza side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and the Hamas-run Strip, setting fire to the gas pipeline that supplies fuel to the Strip, the army said.

    The Gazans, who did not break through to the Israeli side of the border, vandalized their own supply infrastructure, Israeli military officials said.

    In another incident elsewhere along the border, around 15 people broke through the border to the Israeli side of the security fence. The Gazans celebrated, and one wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and brandishing a butcher’s knife jumped up and down while crying “Allahu Akbar.”

    After a short time the protesters were spotted by Israeli troops, and ran back into Gaza.

    The army said in a statement that the Gazans were identified by soldiers monitoring the border and a patrol was dispatched to the scene. Soldiers fired tear gas at the infiltrators and forced them back over the border.

    Gazans have been holding weeks of protest at the Gaza-Israel border, encouraged by the Hamas terror group, which rules the Strip, and whose leaders say the ultimate goal of the protests is to erase the border and “liberate Palestine.”

    On Saturday, the army said troops identified several Palestinians who breached the border and placed Molotov cocktails near the security fence in the south of the Strip before returning to Gaza. In a second incident soldiers fired at a group of Palestinians who attempted to sabotage the fence in southern Gaza, and they retreated.

    At least 431 Palestinians were injured Friday, Palestinian officials said, as some 7,000 took part in the demonstrations, flew dozens of kites with petrol bombs into Israel, hurled stones at soldiers, and tried to breach the border fence.

    The soldiers responded to the more violent demonstrators with less-lethal riot dispersal weapons, like tear gas, and also with live fire in some cases.

    The IDF shared video of the Kerem Shalom incident, during which Palestinians broke into the Palestinian side of the crossing and damaged pipelines carrying gas and oil into Gaza, which already suffers from a large energy shortage.

    “This is a cynical act that harms the welfare of Gaza residents and the humanitarian efforts carried out by Israel and many other countries,” the army said.

    צבא ההגנה לישראל


    בשעה זו כמה עשרות מפרי סדר משחיתים ומציתים מוקדים בצדו הפלסטיני של מעבר הסחורות בכרם שלום. הפורעים פוגעים בצינורות הגז ובדלק המועברים מישראל לרצועת עזה ומיועדים לשימוש תושבי רצועת עזה https://bit.ly/2IhvqQD

    1:08 PM - May 4, 2018Kerem Shalom is the main crossing for goods and humanitarian aid to pass into Strip from Israel.

    During the Friday demonstrations, two small Israeli army drones crashed in the Gaza Strip. The military said the drones were not being used in an operational capacity before they fell, but were filming the protests. From video footage, at least one of the drones appeared to be a civilian model in use by the Israel Defense Forces.

    It was not clear what caused the drones to crash. Palestinians claimed to have downed them.

    Though the first two weeks of demonstrations saw tens of thousands of protesters, the past month has seen far lower levels of participation.

    According to the Hamas health ministry, 48 Palestinians have been killed since protests and clashes began along the Gaza border on March 30 and hundreds of others have been wounded from gunfire.

    Hamas, an Islamist terror group which seeks to destroy Israel, acknowledged that five of its terrorists were among the fatalities after the first Friday demonstration, but has since refrained for acknowledging whether its men are among the dead. Israel has identified other fatalities as members of terrorist groups.

    Israel says it only opens fire when necessary to stop infiltrations, damage to the fence, and attacks.

    The “March of Return” is an eight-week-long set of protests that began on March 30 and is due to continue until at least mid-May. Though they were initially planned as non-violent demonstrations, the protests were apparently coopted by the Hamas terror group, which rules Gaza and whose leaders have said their goal is to erase the border and “liberate Palestine.”

    The military has faced international and domestic criticism over its use of live fire, with the United Nations and European Union calling for an independent investigation rejected by Israel.

    Israel says Hamas uses the marches as cover for terrorist attacks.

    Israel has repeatedly expressed concern over the possibility of a mass breach of the Gaza fence, in which Palestinians would stream across with terrorists among them, wreaking havoc. Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has vowed in the past that protesters would “breach the borders and pray at Al-Aqsa,” referring to the major Muslim shrine in Jerusalem.

    Judah Ari Gross and agencies contributed to this report.
In new videos, IDF accuses Gazans of faking injury, taking small kids to riots

Where's the footage? I only see pics of poor Palestinians. And you didn't answer the question about that fanatic Israeli.
Nine Palestinians killed in Gaza over the weekend

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Nine Palestinians died over the weekend following an explosion that killed six, and the shooting of three Palestinians by the Israeli army, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

The explosion occurred in the central Deir el-Balah district in the Gaza Strip on Saturday afternoon, with the cause of the explosion yet to be identified, according to reports. Six people were confirmed to be dead, with another three reported with critical injuries.

In a separate incident on Sunday, three Palestinians were killed by Israel’s army on the Gaza border, with Gaza’s Health Ministry confirming the two killed as Adbel Rahman Qudeih, 23, and Mohammed Abu Rayda, 20; the identity of the third victim is yet to be released.

The shootings have been confirmed by the Israeli army who issued a statement saying that four men “arrived at the perimeter fence to infiltrate into Israeli territory and attempt to carry out hostile terror activity.”

Israeli forces “fired towards three suspects who attempted to infiltrate into Israel from the southern Gaza Strip and to damage security infrastructure.”



  • Tuesday, May 08, 2018
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
#Pallywood video of "injured" Gazan getting off of stretcher after cameras are gone

Here's a classic Pallywood moment, where one of those "injured" people who were supposedly shot by Israeli snipers gets up off his stretcher after the group thought all the cameras were off.

No doubt the UN counts this person as one of those shot by Israel.

(h/t Jewish Press Online)
A march is planned on Gaza's border with Israel, that is intended to protest the overall situation across the Palestinian territories and the embassy move by the US in Jerusalem in coming May...

...It is a popular demonstration with Hamas insisting it is peaceful....[Speaking at a press conference in the Gaza Strip, Dr Al-Hayya insisted that the intention behind the march is entirely peaceful. “That is why we are involving our wives and children,” he explained.]
Hamas leader: Next week's protests will be 'decisive'
10 May, 2018 4:30am

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The Gaza leader of the Hamas militant group says protests along the Israeli border next week will be "decisive."

Speaking to hundreds of youths, Yehiyeh Sinwar said Wednesday that weeks of mass protests will climax on May 14, when the U.S. moves its Israel embassy to Jerusalem and Palestinians mark 70 years of displacement from homes in what is now Israel.

He said the protests will be "like a tiger running in all directions."

Sinwar told the crowd that Hamas leaders are "ready to die along with tens of thousands" to break an Israeli-Egyptian blockade and realize a dream of returning to lost properties in Israel.

Some youths brandished wire cutters, often used by protesters trying to break through the border fence.

Israeli fire has killed 40 during weekly protests.
Hamas leader says Gaza turns into ticking bomb

"Over the past 70 years, the Palestinians suffered a great injustice and around one million Palestinians were forced to leave their lands and since then, they have been living scattered in refugee camps and all over the world," he said.

On May 15, the Palestinians will mark 70 years for the Nakba Day, one day after the 70th anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence. Organizers of the Great Marches of Return are determined to send tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza to demonstrate at the fence along the border with Israel.

He added that the United States will move its embassy to Jerusalem on May 14, an action "that is totally rejected by the Palestinians," he said.

He said as the Palestinians have been suffering displacement for 70 years and have been living under a tight Israeli siege for 12 years, "the Israeli occupation totally denied our legitimate rights and practiced all actions of repression, humiliation and persecution."

Sinwar, who was elected as Hamas chief in the Gaza Strip, said that the Gaza Strip won't be fitting for human living in 2020 "because the Israeli blockade had struck all aspects of life and forced the populations to be unable to live a dignified life."

The Hamas leader served 25 years in Israeli prisons and was released in a prisoner swap brokered between Hamas and Israel by Egypt in 2011, where 1,000 prisoners were released from Israeli jails for the release of an Israeli soldier captured in Gaza in 2006.

"I lived in Israeli prisons for around 25 years and after I was released, I discovered that life in the small Israeli prisons was much better than life in the big jail called the Gaza Strip in terms of food, electricity and medical services," he said.

He added that "95 percent of Gaza water is not drinkable, 80 percent (of the population) are living under the poverty line, 60 percent lost nutrition security, 45 percent are unemployed, and the most important thing is the sector of youths, who are the vast majority, had lost hope for having a dignified life."

"Such a horrible situation in the Gaza Strip had pushed the populations to join the marches of return calling for their right of return and breaking the siege," said Sinwar, adding that "these marches are peaceful and our people love peace and love life."

He stressed that during 42 days of peaceful and popular marches, the Israeli army killed around 50 people and wounded 8,000 others, adding "I challenge the Israeli side if one single Israeli soldier was injured during these marches."



  • Tuesday, May 08, 2018
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
#Pallywood video of "injured" Gazan getting off of stretcher after cameras are gone

Here's a classic Pallywood moment, where one of those "injured" people who were supposedly shot by Israeli snipers gets up off his stretcher after the group thought all the cameras were off.

No doubt the UN counts this person as one of those shot by Israel.

(h/t Jewish Press Online)

lol, ok, so one guy might've faked it a little looool but still, I think we've seen more than enough of them poor souls being used as target practice. Doesn't excuse that one bit.
1 Palestinian killed on last Friday of Gaza protests before Nakba anniversary

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- One Palestinian was killed and hundreds others were injured as Israeli forces suppressed ongoing massive “Great March of Return” demonstrations in the besieged Gaza Strip on Friday.

The Gaza Ministry of Health confirmed that Jaber Salem Abu Mustafa, 40, was killed after being injured with a live bullet in the chest in eastern Khan Younis in southern Gaza.

The ministry added that 973 Palestinians were injured with different wounds, including live ammunition and severe tear-gas inhalation. At least seven people were reported to be in critical condition.

Locals told Ma’an that a 16-year-old Palestinian boy was injured with live ammunition in his legs as he was attempting to raise the Palestinian flag at the Israeli border fence, east of Gaza City in northern Gaza.

Friday’s protests marked the final Friday protests ahead of “Nakba day” protests on May 15, when Palestinians commemorate the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” when an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes when the state of Israel was created.

According to the ministry of health in Gaza, as of Saturday, 48 Palestinian protesters had been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza, and more than 9,500 had been injured.

The Great March of Return began on March 30th and for weeks has seen thousands of unarmed Palestinian civilians demonstrating for their collective right of return to their homelands in what is present-day Israel.



Some targets in northern Gaza strip are being flattened right now.
Breaking: Israeli drone strike targets electricity generator in Northern Gaza

Breaking: Israeli fighter jet fires 4 missiles at same area moments after drone strike

No injuries reported as of yet....



Breaking: 7 more Israeli air strikes in Northern Gaza at the moment :





Unprovoked strikes to try preventing largest demonstration planned for Tuesday? Israeli loser terrorists once again trying to employ language of force to quell unarmed demonstrations and try provoking Palestinians into firing back, won't work ...
Can't help but think that's exactly what they're trying to do, but why..........?

They actually may be targeting a strategic tunnel belonging to one of the military factions, as per their reporting currently. They are also trying to warn Palestinians from the event on Tuesday, suggesting they will launch wide scale strikes if people demonstrate along the border or cross it.

The strikes are reminiscent of targeting a tunnel, they also attacked electricity infrastructure. It's not hard for them to estimate where the tunnels are as Gaza is small and they can conduct surveillance at the border areas 24/7. Also have informants within Gaza, some voluntarily and some they blackmail to reveal their affairs or secrets.

Although nothing is confirmed yet, it could just be 4 outposts targeted.
Can't help but think that's exactly what they're trying to do, but why..........?

Because they want the narrative to be 'wittle israel under attack' not israel murders unarmed Palestinians protesting israel turning Gaza into a prison camp

If hamas really want to push this and hurt israel

1-Unarmed protest
2-Ask for freedom from israeli control of sea/air etc
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