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Palestinian Arab struggle against Arabs

well we have much much more Jews than KSA.

Anyway interesting about history (but in the old past it was not Arab).
Sadly let's be honest : Islam converted by force many populations.

Where is the racism exactly? A football team started rioting and the policemen dealt with situation before it gets out of hand, 98% of casualties were because of the barricade falling off. In the mean time:

oh yeah you take the video from an extremist separatist group
which will always blame Iran for its support to Armenians
they don't represent Azeris :)
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Yes, today. But most of the Jews in KSA actually mixed with the population. You can even see it by the names but it is not a popular topic to discuss due to the Arab-Israeli relations since 1930's.

Just like any other power. Let us not kid ourselves.

Our Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) removed the Christian ban on Jews being allowed to Al-Quds to pray. This was one of the first things he did after conquering Al-Quds.

Jews lived and were treated much better under Muslim rule than Christian rule. Nobody can deny this.

There are always racial problems in every country but to say that KSA, a country that receives more Muslim immigrants FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD than any other country, is particularly racist, is a joke. Our footbal team for example is dominated by Saudis of African/Black heritage. Does not seem to me like racism.

Sure there are certain communities in the society that are favored or have cultural, political, social, religious etc. influence but which country does not have that? Iran has it too. Every country has that.

Our country is not killing any people based on skin color, origin, sect etc. Nor Yemen which is a very tolerable country. We always helped poor Africans from Horn of Africa or other states that came to Yemen.

The last real Jewish community left KSA in the 1940's (they were from the Najran province) and were sent to Yemen and the King of Northern Yemen send them to Israel when the Yemeni Jews were send to Israel despite protests from the Saudi king.

Most Jews left the Arab world because of political reasons not because they lived a life in hell, rather the contrary. Many Jews lived much better in the Arab world than they did in Germany, Poland, Russia and other places in Europe.

Our differences are political.
Most Jews left the Arab world because of political reasons not because they lived a life in hell, rather the contrary.

"left for political reasons" nice name for forceful expulsion, prosecutions antisemitism and revoking citizenship. Most of the Jews were forced to leave without their belongings and arrived to Israel/west with nothing.

Historically speaking broadly Jews were treated much better by Muslims than by Christians. This stated to change in the start of the 20th century and reached a high point with many Arabs joining Nazi like movements during WW2. It escalated farther with the establishment of Israel so that Jews could hardly live in Arab (and Afghanistan + Pakistan) anymore. The only Muslim countries in the region where Jews were not prosecuted at the time were Iran Turkey and to an extent Lebanon. With most of the Iranian Jews leaving after the revolution and Lebanese over the years culminating in the 70's civil war.
Yes, today. But most of the Jews in KSA actually mixed with the population. You can even see it by the names but it is not a popular topic to discuss due to the Arab-Israeli relations since 1930's.

Just like any other power. Let us not kid ourselves.

Our Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) removed the Christian ban on Jews being allowed to Al-Quds to pray. This was one of the first things he did after conquering Al-Quds.

Jews lived and were treated much better under Muslim rule than Christian rule. Nobody can deny this.

There are always racial problems in every country but to say that KSA, a country that receives more Muslim immigrants FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD than any other country, is particularly racist, is a joke. Our footbal team for example is dominated by Saudis of African/Black heritage. Does not seem to me like racism.

Sure there are certain communities in the society that are favored or have cultural, political, social, religious etc. influence but which country does not have that? Iran has it too. Every country has that.

Our country is not killing any people based on skin color, origin, sect etc. Nor Yemen which is a very tolerable country. We always helped poor Africans from Horn of Africa or other states that came to Yemen.

The last real Jewish community left KSA in the 1940's (they were from the Najran province) and were sent to Yemen and the King of Northern Yemen send them to Israel when the Yemeni Jews were send to Israel despite protests from the Saudi king.

Most Jews left the Arab world because of political reasons not because they lived a life in hell, rather the contrary. Many Jews lived much better in the Arab world than they did in Germany, Poland, Russia and other places in Europe.

Our differences are political.

Umar did that because he wanted to break the Christian political force by allying with the Jews. He made a long term calculation and without Jewish expertise in weaponry, Umar's empire would not have a chance to stand.
Linky, please.


About deporting all European Jews to Madagascar:

The Madagascar Plan

Unlikely, as the Mufti, a favorite of Hitler, repeatedly traveled to Germany to urge the speedy implementation of the "Final Solution", pledging Arabs' active support. He was supposed to be prosecuted as a war criminal for his role in the Final Solution but the French and British facilitated his escape. The result is that Arabs trumpet nowadays that they were innocent of wrongdoing against Jews in the 1920s-1940s period when the opposite was true.

What exactly do you mean by "unlikely". Are you saying that the Germans had no plan of deporting all European Jews, including those of British occupied Palestine to Madagascar?

Also, what is your source that the Mufti supported the so called "final solution"? (the "final solution" as you believe it to be, even though there is enough evidence which disapproves it ever took place and none to prove that it did, which even your very own Raul Hilberg admitted).

By contrast, I've read that Russians say, "You can't blame the mirror for an ugly mug." - that is, accept the ugliness in your life and society and deal with it, rather than pretend it isn't there or blame others.

Nonetheless, its the same meaning. The ugly image in the mirror is not the mirror's fault.

’30 Palestinians died in Sinai anti-terror offensive’

Egyptian army has been cracking down on terror activity in the peninsula since Morsi’s removal from power

By Michal Shmulovich August 4, 2013, 12:25 am


Egyptian military vehicles in the northern Sinai following a July 4, 2013 attack by Islamist gunmen. (photo credit: image capture from YouTube)​

A senior Egyptian official told local media Saturday that as part of its anti-terror campaign in Sinai over the last month, the Egyptian army has arrested 90 suspected terrorists, 7 of whom were West Bank Palestinians, and that 60 armed militants were killed, including 30 Palestinians.

The unnamed official also noted that a 300-ton container of fuel intended for the Gaza Strip was destroyed in the operation, as were additional 40 smaller containers of diesel, and fuel pumps.

After the deposition of president Mohammed Morsi a month ago, the Egyptian army began a major clampdown to cleanse Sinai from the continued influx of foreign fighters into the peninsula. Sinai had long been considered a haven for ji hadi fighters who used it as a base for terror activity.

Since Morsi’s overthrow, there has been escalating violence in Sinai, leaving more than a dozen Egyptian security forces and at least five civilians dead.

The Muslim Brotherhood has denied playing a part in the escalating violence, but one of the group’s leaders was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying that the insurgent attacks would end as soon as “the legitimate president” is freed from detention.

According to Egyptian intelligence, there were at least 500 armed extremists operating in the peninsula at the end of July, Al Ahram reported.

Adiv Sterman and Lazar Berman contributed to this report.


Egypt Blockades Gaza
Where Are the Flotillas?

by Khaled Abu Toameh
August 9, 2013 at 5:00 am

The activists do not care about the Palestinians' suffering as much as they are interested in advancing their anti-Israel agenda. They rarely have anything good to offer the Palestinians.

Hamas has finally admitted that it is the Egyptians, and not Israel, who have turned the Gaza Strip into a "big prison."

Ghazi Hamad, a senior official with the Hamas-controlled foreign ministry, was quoted this week as saying that the Gaza Strip has been turned into a "big prison as a result of the continued closure of the Rafah border crossing by the Egyptian authorities since June 30."

Hamad said that since then, the number of Palestinian travelers at the Rafah terminal has dropped from 1,200 to 200 per day.


The Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza, January 2009. (Source: International Transport Workers' Federation)
But this is a story that has not found its way to the pages of mainstream newspapers in the West because it does not in any way "implicate" Israel.

To make matters worse, the Egyptian authorities announced that the Rafah terminal would be completely closed during the four-day Muslim feast of Eid al-Fitr, which began on August 8.

Until recently, the charge that the Gaza Strip has been turned into a "big prison" had been made only against Israel, capturing the attention of the mainstream media and human rights organizations around the world.

But now that the charge is being made against Egypt, most international journalists, human rights organizations and even "pro-Palestine" groups, especially at university campuses in the US, Canada and Australia, have chosen to look the other way.

Residents of the Gaza Strip are asking these days: Where are all the foreign solidarity missions that used to visit the Gaza Strip to show support for Hamas and the Palestinian population? Where are all the press, human rights groups, activists?

In July, only two foreign delegations visited the Gaza Strip. By contrast, between January and June this year, about 180 delegations entered the Gaza Strip .

The "pro-Palestine" activists say they are unable to enter the Gaza Strip because of the strict security measures and travel restrictions imposed by the Egyptian authorities.

But why haven't these activists tried to organize another flotilla aid convoy to the Gaza Strip to break the Egyptian blockade?

Why haven't the "pro-Palestine" activists been sent to the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing to voice solidarity with the residents of the "big prison"?

The answer is obvious: First, the activists' main goal is to condemn Israel and hold it solely responsible for the miseries of Palestinians.

The activists do not care about the Palestinians' suffering as much as they are interested in advancing their anti-Israel agenda. They devote most of their energies and efforts to inciting against Israel and rarely have anything good to offer the Palestinians.

Second, the "pro-Palestine" activists know that it would be foolish of them to mess around with the Egyptian army and security forces. The last time foreign nationals tried to stage a peaceful protest on the Egyptian side of the Rafah terminal, the Egyptian authorities did not hesitate to assault and deport many of them from the country.

Similarly, there is a problem with the way the international media is handling the current crisis in the Gaza Strip.

While the Egyptian authorities are tightening the blockade on the Gaza Strip, dozens of trucks loaded with goods and construction material continue to enter the area through the Erez Terminal from Israel.

Just this week, more than 500 truckloads containing a variety of goods and 86 tons of cooking gas were delivered from to the residents of the Gaza Strip through the Erez Terminal.

In the last week of July, 1,378 trucks carrying 37,306 tons of goods entered the Gaza Strip from Israel and a total of 2,203 people crossed through the Erez Terminal.

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 34,000 trucks carrying more than 950,000 tons of goods entered the Gaza Strip through Israel.

The Egyptians, like most Arabs, do not care about the Palestinians. They want the Palestinians to be Israel's problem and to continue relying on handouts from Western countries.

The Arabs do not care if the residents of the Gaza Strip starve to death as long as Israel will be blamed.

So why should any Arab country care at all if the international community and media continue to adopt an ostrich-like attitude toward Egypt's responsibility for the aggravating humanitarian and economic crisis in the Gaza Strip?
"left for political reasons" nice name for forceful expulsion, prosecutions antisemitism and revoking citizenship. Most of the Jews were forced to leave without their belongings and arrived to Israel/west with nothing.

Historically speaking broadly Jews were treated much better by Muslims than by Christians. This stated to change in the start of the 20th century and reached a high point with many Arabs joining Nazi like movements during WW2. It escalated farther with the establishment of Israel so that Jews could hardly live in Arab (and Afghanistan + Pakistan) anymore. The only Muslim countries in the region where Jews were not prosecuted at the time were Iran Turkey and to an extent Lebanon. With most of the Iranian Jews leaving after the revolution and Lebanese over the years culminating in the 70's civil war.

Thank You for an honest assessment. Most Israelis do not acknowledge that Muslims treated them better in the past and it is unfortunate that relations between adherents of the two faiths have been tied up by the Israeli-Palestinian impasse. That being said do not forget the Jewish terror organizations that were at work in British Palestine which forced the British into taking things too the UN. They had just as much fault as the Arabs who sided with the Nazis.

Palestinians Being Slaughtered, Displaced
Where are the "Pro-Palestinians"?

by Khaled Abu Toameh
August 14, 2013 at 5:00 am

The mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of the Lebanese authorities always reminds one of those university professors and political commentators living in the U.S. who pretend to be "pro-Palestinian." They focus their attacks on Israel, and ignore the real suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of Arab countries.​

As Israeli authorities issued permits last week to hundreds of thousands of West Bank Palestinians to visit Israel, the Lebanese government decided to ban Palestinian refugees fleeing the war in Syria from entering Lebanon.

So while Palestinians are being slaughtered and forced out of their homes in Syria, the Lebanese government is preventing them from entering Lebanon.

The Israeli permits, which were issued on the occasion of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Fitr, enabled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to visit shopping malls, restaurants and beaches in Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Haifa, Jerusalem and Acre.

But as the West Bank Palestinians were celebrating the feast in Israel, thousands of their brethren found themselves stranded along the border between Syria and Lebanon.


The Wavel refugee camp for Palestinians, near Baalbek in Lebanon. Palestinians fleeing the Syrian civil war have been given shelter in Wavel with the assistance of UNRWA. (Image credit: European Commission DG ECHO)
And as the Palestinians were enjoying their time at the beaches, malls and restaurants in Israel, word came that the number of Palestinians killed in Syria over the past two years has now risen to 1,472.

According to the Palestinian human rights foundation Rasd, the Lebanese decision to ban Palestinian refugees from entering Lebanon is a "violation of the Lebanese international commitments."

The group also expressed its surprise over the Palestinian Authority's "silence" towards the suffering of the Palestinian refugees fleeing from Syria.

The Lebanese ban did not surprise those who have long been following Lebanon's apartheid policies against Palestinians. These policies include laws prohibiting Palestinians from owning property and working in dozens of professions.

Although the Lebanese authorities have not offered any reason for the latest anti-Palestinian move, some Lebanese politicians have expressed fear that the Palestinians would try to "settle" in their country.

More than 70,000 Palestinians are reported to have fled Syria to Lebanon over the past two years.

Other Lebanese politicians have expressed fear that the new Palestinian refugees would pose a threat to their country's national security. These politicians claim that many of the refugees have turned Lebanon's Palestinian refugee camps into bases for Islamic terror groups.

Human rights activists say that most of the Palestinians stranded along the border between Syria and Lebanon are women and children who clearly pose no threat to Lebanon's national security and stability.

The mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of the Lebanese authorities always reminds one of those university professors and political commentators living in the U.S. who pretend to be "pro-Palestinian."

These professors and columnists rarely utter a word about the apartheid laws enforced by Lebanon against the 450,000 Palestinians living there.

Instead, the "pro-Palestinian" professors and columnists focus their attacks on Israel and ignore the real suffering of Palestinians at the hands of the Lebanese authorities and other Arab countries.

The Palestinian Authority leadership also does not seem to care about the plight of Palestinians in Arab countries.

Abbas and his top officials spent the whole week issuing condemnations of Israeli plans to build new homes in Jewish settlements, completely ignoring the latest Lebanese ban against Palestinian refugees. As far as the Palestinian Authority leadership is concerned, plans to build new housing units are much more serious than the killing or displacing of thousands of Palestinians in Syria and Lebanon.

Thursday, January 16, 2014
Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948

I have never seen a comprehensive list of examples of how Arabs have abused, mistreated and discriminated against their Palestinian brethren. Here is my attempt.

Please send me any other major examples I missed (anything affecting hundreds of people or more) so this can become a reference post.

All Arab countries except Jordan:
Palestinians are not allowed to become citizens of Arab countries, in accordance with Arab League Decree 1547 for 1959, "in order to preserve the Palestinian entity and Palestinian identity." Even in Jordan they can no longer become citizens. (There have been some exceptions: Palestinian Christians in Lebanon in the 1950s, Palestinians born from Egyptian mothers in 2011.)

Palestinians face severe travel restrictions throughout the Arab world. They do not receive passports and their travel documents are only accepted by a few countries.

Palestinians cannot vote or run for office in national elections.

Children born to Palestinians do not get citizenship in their host countries, violating Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


1967: Jordan refused to allow Gazans who came after the Six Day War to become Jordanian citizens. Todaysome 165,000 Palestinians in Jordan cannot become citizens and get no government services.

1970: 3500-5000 Palestinians killed and 20,000 Palestinians expelled, their camps demolished, in the Black September events.

1988: Jordan revoked citizenship for millions of West Bank Palestinians as they declared "independence." As usual, this move was justified as being for their own good.

2010: Jordan continued to revoke citizenship for thousands more Palestinians

2012: Jordan passed an electoral law that effectively limits the number of Palestinian members of Parliament to less than 10%

2013: Jordan places Palestinian refugees from Syria in special camps that they cannot leave, separate from other refugees, and turns hundreds or thousands back to a dangerous future in Syria.

2014: Palestinians who are citizens are still denied equal rights in the military, and on getting college scholarships and being admitted to some public universities, among other areas.


1948: Placed all Palestine refugees that reached Egypt into camps, forced men to go back to Palestine to fight.

1949: Expelled all Palestinian from Egyptian camps into Gaza. Very few Palestinian Arabs were left in Egypt.

1950: Egypt refused any UNRWA presence on its territory, relegating it to Gaza.

1949 - 1956: Any Palestinians in Egypt were barred from schooling and employment.

2013: Hundreds of Palestinian refugees from Syria placed into jail as they try to enter Egypt

2013-now: Egypt has effectively closed the Rafah border with Gaza, even limiting hospital patients from traveling, effectively imprisoning 1.7 million Gazans.


1950-58: Would only issue one-way travel documents for Palestinians to leave the country

1962: Palestinians classified as "foreigners":
73 job categories banned for Palestinians until 2010; now there are "only" 50 jobs off limits
They are still banned from working as physicians, journalists, pharmacists or lawyers.
They are not permitted to build new houses or own property, or even to repair their homes
Martial law imposed on refugee camps. Army stops people from entering and exiting.
Limitations on schools for Palestinian "foreigners"
Not allowed to live outside refugee camps, which in turn are not allowed to grow. Population of camps is now triple capacity.
Palestinians not allowed to create organizations.

1975-78: At least 5000 Palestinians killed in Lebanese civil war

1985-88: Thousands killed in "War of the Camps"

1995: Law prohibiting Palestinians from entering country without a visa; and visas weren't issued. Those expelled from Gulf states could not return to Lebanon. (Law repealed in 1999.)

2005: Specific laws prohibiting foreigners who are not "nationals of a recognized state" - Palestinians - from owning property. Those who owned it previously cannot pass it to their children.

2007: 31,000 Palestinians homeless because while Lebanese Army destroyed Nahr el Balad camp

2013: Some 50,000 refugees from Syria treated differently from other Syrian refugees; expensive temporary short-term visas effectively make them criminals

2013: Lebanon starts turning some Palestinian Syrian refugees away at the border

1991: 400,000 Palestinians were harassed and forced out of the country.


1994-5: Expelled 30,000 Palestinians, dismissed many from their jobs and confiscated their houses
Arab countries refused to take in the new refugees. Hundreds were stranded in the desert or the sea. Eventually Libya allowed some to stay but kept threatening to expel them again. In the end about 15,000 were forced to go to Arab countries they had documents for, Gulf countries, and Western nations.

2011: Palestinians were forced to pay a special tax of $1550.

2012: Many Palestinians lost their homes as properties were claimed by others in the wake of the revolution and the collapse of the judicial system.

Early 1950s: Expelled striking Palestinian workers, along with Saudi Arabia and Libya..

2005: After Saddam Hussein lost power, Palestinians in Iraq were subjected to abduction, hostage-taking, killing and torture from armed groups. Politicians derided them. About 15,000 were forced to leave Iraq. Thousands were stranded in camps in the desert between Iraq and Syria, where no Arab country would allow them to enter.


1994: Refused to grant Palestinians work visas.

1970: Palestinians cannot vote, cannot run for office, cannot own farmland, cannot own more than one property..

2005-2008: Syria did not allow thousands of Palestinian Arab refugees fleeing from Iraq to enter the country.

2012-today: Some 2000 Palestinians killed so far in Syria's war. About 50 have starved to death as forces cut off all food and water to the Yarmouk camp.
Jews live by the rule conquer and divide, like the devil that is how they survive. Imagine the Arabs stuck together with no sectarian issues or such things like that? That is the Jews worst nightmare. The Saudi govt is a very good useful idiot for Israel in this regard. Notice the Saudis focus on Sunni verse Shia and not on the zionists..perfect for Israel.

Thursday, January 16, 2014
Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948

I have never seen a comprehensive list of examples of how Arabs have abused, mistreated and discriminated against their Palestinian brethren. Here is my attempt.

Please send me any other major examples I missed (anything affecting hundreds of people or more) so this can become a reference post.

All Arab countries except Jordan:
Palestinians are not allowed to become citizens of Arab countries, in accordance with Arab League Decree 1547 for 1959, "in order to preserve the Palestinian entity and Palestinian identity." Even in Jordan they can no longer become citizens. (There have been some exceptions: Palestinian Christians in Lebanon in the 1950s, Palestinians born from Egyptian mothers in 2011.)

Palestinians face severe travel restrictions throughout the Arab world. They do not receive passports and their travel documents are only accepted by a few countries.

Palestinians cannot vote or run for office in national elections.

Children born to Palestinians do not get citizenship in their host countries, violating Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


1967: Jordan refused to allow Gazans who came after the Six Day War to become Jordanian citizens. Todaysome 165,000 Palestinians in Jordan cannot become citizens and get no government services.

1970: 3500-5000 Palestinians killed and 20,000 Palestinians expelled, their camps demolished, in the Black September events.

1988: Jordan revoked citizenship for millions of West Bank Palestinians as they declared "independence." As usual, this move was justified as being for their own good.

2010: Jordan continued to revoke citizenship for thousands more Palestinians

2012: Jordan passed an electoral law that effectively limits the number of Palestinian members of Parliament to less than 10%

2013: Jordan places Palestinian refugees from Syria in special camps that they cannot leave, separate from other refugees, and turns hundreds or thousands back to a dangerous future in Syria.

2014: Palestinians who are citizens are still denied equal rights in the military, and on getting college scholarships and being admitted to some public universities, among other areas.


1948: Placed all Palestine refugees that reached Egypt into camps, forced men to go back to Palestine to fight.

1949: Expelled all Palestinian from Egyptian camps into Gaza. Very few Palestinian Arabs were left in Egypt.

1950: Egypt refused any UNRWA presence on its territory, relegating it to Gaza.

1949 - 1956: Any Palestinians in Egypt were barred from schooling and employment.

2013: Hundreds of Palestinian refugees from Syria placed into jail as they try to enter Egypt

2013-now: Egypt has effectively closed the Rafah border with Gaza, even limiting hospital patients from traveling, effectively imprisoning 1.7 million Gazans.


1950-58: Would only issue one-way travel documents for Palestinians to leave the country

1962: Palestinians classified as "foreigners":
73 job categories banned for Palestinians until 2010; now there are "only" 50 jobs off limits
They are still banned from working as physicians, journalists, pharmacists or lawyers.
They are not permitted to build new houses or own property, or even to repair their homes
Martial law imposed on refugee camps. Army stops people from entering and exiting.
Limitations on schools for Palestinian "foreigners"
Not allowed to live outside refugee camps, which in turn are not allowed to grow. Population of camps is now triple capacity.
Palestinians not allowed to create organizations.

1975-78: At least 5000 Palestinians killed in Lebanese civil war

1985-88: Thousands killed in "War of the Camps"

1995: Law prohibiting Palestinians from entering country without a visa; and visas weren't issued. Those expelled from Gulf states could not return to Lebanon. (Law repealed in 1999.)

2005: Specific laws prohibiting foreigners who are not "nationals of a recognized state" - Palestinians - from owning property. Those who owned it previously cannot pass it to their children.

2007: 31,000 Palestinians homeless because while Lebanese Army destroyed Nahr el Balad camp

2013: Some 50,000 refugees from Syria treated differently from other Syrian refugees; expensive temporary short-term visas effectively make them criminals

2013: Lebanon starts turning some Palestinian Syrian refugees away at the border

1991: 400,000 Palestinians were harassed and forced out of the country.


1994-5: Expelled 30,000 Palestinians, dismissed many from their jobs and confiscated their houses
Arab countries refused to take in the new refugees. Hundreds were stranded in the desert or the sea. Eventually Libya allowed some to stay but kept threatening to expel them again. In the end about 15,000 were forced to go to Arab countries they had documents for, Gulf countries, and Western nations.

2011: Palestinians were forced to pay a special tax of $1550.

2012: Many Palestinians lost their homes as properties were claimed by others in the wake of the revolution and the collapse of the judicial system.

Early 1950s: Expelled striking Palestinian workers, along with Saudi Arabia and Libya..

2005: After Saddam Hussein lost power, Palestinians in Iraq were subjected to abduction, hostage-taking, killing and torture from armed groups. Politicians derided them. About 15,000 were forced to leave Iraq. Thousands were stranded in camps in the desert between Iraq and Syria, where no Arab country would allow them to enter.


1994: Refused to grant Palestinians work visas.

1970: Palestinians cannot vote, cannot run for office, cannot own farmland, cannot own more than one property..

2005-2008: Syria did not allow thousands of Palestinian Arab refugees fleeing from Iraq to enter the country.

2012-today: Some 2000 Palestinians killed so far in Syria's war. About 50 have starved to death as forces cut off all food and water to the Yarmouk camp.

Blame it on the Joos...seriously what is the difference between Nazi Germany treatment of its Jewish subjects vs Arab treatment of their Palestinian refugees?
Blame it on the Joos...seriously what is the difference between Nazi Germany treatment of its Jewish subjects vs Arab treatment of their Palestinian refugees?
what a stupid comparison lol.
just because you get treated like a dog in saudi arabia don't mean they treat everybody like dogs.
the comparison you made is just mind boggling and just shows how full of shit you really are lol.

’30 Palestinians died in Sinai anti-terror offensive’

Egyptian army has been cracking down on terror activity in the peninsula since Morsi’s removal from power

By Michal Shmulovich August 4, 2013, 12:25 am
Thansk to show zionist Al Qaeda protecting Israhell and never shoot 1 rocket


even Jordania suffers racism against Palestinians
Fake document, we see nothing
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