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Palestinian Arab struggle against Arabs

I guess you misunderstood the point I was trying to make. There is no way on earth that one could deny what the suffering of the Palestinian looked like.
Conspirator is your sock puppet?

I class your off-topic posts as attempts to hide embarrassment, both personal and tribal.

Did your father raise you this way? Shouldn't you want to behave differently?
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racism exists everywhere .
but when immigration is important it becomes more. Like in Europe they have high African immigration rate. So a part of population became racist.
Regarding racism in Israel then this is widely known to all. They have treated and in some cases still treat the Mizrahi Jews (the real Jews who lived in the Arab world) as second class citizens not to mention the black Jews from Ethiopia. This is mostly done by the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe, Russia and Germany. The same people who founded Zionism.

Not to mention the 25% of the Israeli population who are Palestinian Arab Muslims.

Palestinians have a special status in the Arab world so that is a bunch of nonsense. The Zionist regime is dreaming about us giving the Palestinians citizenship so they will never return to their ancestral lands. Forget it, that will never happen. The Palestinians should live in their homeland and not be scattered across the world. Don't perpetrate the Jewish history onto the Palestinians.


racism exists everywhere .
but when immigration is important it becomes more. Like in Europe they have high African immigration rate. So a part of population became racist.

Retard, why are you so obsessed about Saudi Arabia and the Arab world? How old are you? You must at least be 30 years old. I feel really sorry for you. Funny that this comes from a Iranian given how you treat your ethnic minorities.

KSA is the country that welcomes most Muslim immigrants to our lands!
Conspirator is your sock puppet?

I class your off-topic posts as attempts to hide embarrassment, both personal and tribal.

Did your father raise you this way? Shouldn't you want to behave differently?

Conspirator is your sock puppet?

I class your off-topic posts as attempts to hide embarrassment, both personal and tribal.

Did your father raise you this way? Shouldn't you want to behave differently?

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The fact remains that the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees who were expelled from Muslim countries were accepted into Israel and they were quickly assimilated. But even the rich Arab countries have not been able to provide the Palestinians with a decent livelihood.
Retard, why are you so obsessed about Saudi Arabia and the Arab world? How old are you? You must at least be 30 years old. I feel really sorry for you. Funny that this comes from a Iranian given how you treat your ethnic minorities.

KSA is the country that welcomes most Muslim immigrants to our lands!

i am not obsessed about saudis.
but when a saudi says israelis are racists , these saudis should have a look in the mirror.

how many Jews in KSA?
how many Jews in Jordania ?

This article says well your racism is increasing. i am not creating this article my friend ;)

Xenophobia is rampant in the Arab world | GulfNews.com
Discrimination based on the region is also a form of discrimination that is witnessed in Arab countries, including the GCC. In Jordan, for example, Bedouins are in control of military institutions, such as the army, border guards, and riot police, while minorities such as the Circassians are in control of service providing institutions such as municipalities, planning departments and the personal guards.
Another example of such a form of discrimination can also be seen in Syria, where most people living in coastal areas are in control of all military and security institutions, as well as the air force. In the Syrian army, a Syrian Bedouin is placed on the frontlines, while people from urban areas are placed in the rear defensive line.
In Saudi Arabia, a survey published online showed that residents of Al Qassim province constitute 80 per cent of judges in the country’s courts, and they are graduates from two universities: Al Qassim University and Al Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Islamic University. Descendants from the southern region of the country, which is close to Yemen, are in control of Saudi military and security bodies, while residents of Makkah and Medina dominate the airlines, to an extent that it can be categorised as a monopoly.

even Jordania suffers racism against Palestinians
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Regarding racism in Israel then this is widely known to all. They have treated and in some cases still treat the Mizrahi Jews (the real Jews who lived in the Arab world) as second class citizens not to mention the black Jews from Ethiopia. This is mostly done by the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe, Russia and Germany. The same people who founded Zionism.

Not to mention the 25% of the Israeli population who are Palestinian Arab Muslims.

Palestinians have a special status in the Arab world so that is a bunch of nonsense. The Zionist regime is dreaming about us giving the Palestinians citizenship so they will never return to their ancestral lands. Forget it, that will never happen. The Palestinians should live in their homeland and not be scattered across the world. Don't perpetrate the Jewish history onto the Palestinians.

Retard, why are you so obsessed about Saudi Arabia and the Arab world? How old are you? You must at least be 30 years old. I feel really sorry for you. Funny that this comes from a Iranian given how you treat your ethnic minorities.

KSA is the country that welcomes most Muslim immigrants to our lands!

Leave him, even his people contempt him and name him traitor.
i am not obsessed about saudis.
but when a saudi says israelis are racists , these saudis should have a look in the mirror.

how many Jews in KSA?
how many Jews in Jordania ?

This article says well your racism is increasing. i am not creating this article my friend ;)

Xenophobia is rampant in the Arab world | GulfNews.com

even Jordania suffers racism against Palestinians

Do you know the saying that says "don't throw stones if you live in a glasshouse"?

How can KSA be a racist country when we have every Muslim people living in our borders? When we are quite mixed? When we have many minorities since ancient times?

The Jews have a longer presence in KSA than Iran. Real Jews are Semitic people like Arabs and other ancient Semitic people. They originated on the Peninsula.

History of the Jews in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Jews converted to Islam, mixed or left to other countries. This is all described in historical sources and even the Noble Qur'an tells about Jews.

Also it seems that you do not know about the Arab-Israeli (Zionist) relations since the 1930's.

Before we lived side by side for thousands of years with no problems while Jews were being killed and persecuted in Europe! The Arabs and Jews were BOTH expelled from Al-Andalus after we ruled Spain and Portugal for 800 years in a flourishing kingdom that welcomed all people of faiths including Christians!

Our Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) who set aside the Christian ban on Jews and allowed Jews into Jerusalem and to worship.

MOST Jews came from ARAB lands less than 2 generations ago. They are called MIZRAHI Jews. Jews from Arab lands. Hundred of thousands came from Yemen where there are still Jews left. They are not Zionists though and good people.


You should really learn much more about the Arab world and not trust the first source you see. Also nearly nobody here, apart from me, you and 1-2 users more understand French.

Zionists like that American cry about the so-called bad treatment of Palestinians which is a lie. Who donates more humanitarian relief to the Palestinians than Arabs? Especially the GCC? Nobody. Who welcomes them and treats them with a special status just because they are Palestinians?

Which country (Jordan) has allowed 40 % of its population to be Palestinian Arabs? Even the current Queen of Jordan is a Palestinian Arab lady.

The Zionist regime is dreaming about us giving the Palestinians citizenship so they will never return to their ancestral lands. Forget it, that will never happen. The Palestinians should live in their homeland and not be scattered across the world. The Zionists should not perpetrate the Jewish history onto the Palestinians.

Oh, and I have nothing against Jews. The Jews on this forum can testify to that. It is even quite possible that I myself am partially Yemeni Jewish on my mothers side long ago.

Funny that some Zionists cry about racism but look at their treatment of Palestinians and how they make new Jewish neighborhoods after expelling Palestinians. Yes, really cultural indeed.

Most Jews are against such policies though this should be remembered.
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even Jordania suffers racism against Palestinians

Where is the racism exactly? A football team started rioting and the policemen dealt with situation before it gets out of hand, 98% of casualties were because of the barricade falling off. In the mean time:

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