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Pakistan's top judge reinstated

Yes no control over judicary!!! This proves that he fired the CJ with no reason at all. He was forced to allow Cj's case to be heard by this bench, he was forced to be released from house arrest.

Actually, this shows that Musharraf thought he had control over the judiciary, but he really dosen't.
Funny the way peeps claim this as a defeat for Musharraf. It's actually his victory, showing he has no influence over the judiciary.

Musharraf did everything right, followed the Constitution to the letter. All that has happened is that they reinstated this loser. So be it. Can't get rid of corruption all in one go.

O hoho, Mushi is pure like milk and what about the ministers and kind of corrupt people seating in his cabinet and the King makers party. NAB was only used to capture and bring to the fore only opposition corrupt politician and not those moles seating on the govt benches. Even the opposition politicians trying to get some benifits from the govt were relieved of their cases now and then.
He tried to influence the judiciary but he failed shockingly. Hope he will try to walk straight in presence of the same C J.
O hoho, Mushi is pure like milk and what about the ministers and kind of corrupt people seating in his cabinet and the King makers party. NAB was only used to capture and bring to the fore only opposition corrupt politician and not those moles seating on the govt benches. Even the opposition politicians trying to get some benifits from the govt were relieved of their cases now and then.
He tried to influence the judiciary but he failed shockingly. Hope he will try to walk straight in presence of the same C J.

No Musharraf is no angel but then no politician in Pakistan is. When you have to deal with *****, you have to get dirty yourself or have to get dirt to work with you. Musharraf personally is NOT corrupt! That is a well known fact. He has made some deals with corrupt individuals to run the government and that is a negative, however running the government via bureaucrats (as he attempted to do initially) did not work out.
Did I say it did?

What u meant by this?

Funny the way peeps claim this as a defeat for Musharraf. It's actually his victory, showing he has no influence over the judiciary.

Musharraf did everything right, followed the Constitution to the letter. All that has happened is that they reinstated this loser. So be it. Can't get rid of corruption all in one go.
I said Musharraf wrongly believed he had control over the judiciary, and you asked me how this put him in a good light. I never said it did.

Anyway, I think this is a good decision even though I wan't in the courtroom and I didn't hear the evidence. None of the people protesting so loudly did. So we may never know who was right here, but let's just hope that everything goes well now.

Hopefully this is one crisis out of the way for Pakistan.
Musharraf personally is NOT corrupt! That is a well known fact. /QUOTE]
Corruption is a reflective on the society we have. To claim that Musharraf is not corrupt is far fetched. He is also the product of the same society that politicians are and other generals are, and we all are. If he was not corrupt he would have done something about this practice of doling out land to generals for dirt cheap price. He did not do anything and you can defend him by saying he didnt start the practice.

Read about his 2 week stay in US with 70 other stooges when he released his book. Eating toothsie role on comedy channel,travelling around the country for his book costs money payed by tax payers. Hotel stay for him and his 70 others, PIA plane parked in US all this time, money to local police for security and you can very well guess we are talking in millions of US dollars although it was a official trip.
Again all this is done by every other leaders we had before. It all depends on how you define corruption. Being surrounded by corrupt people and doing nothing about it when you have the power to do so in my eyes is also corruption.
I said Musharraf wrongly believed he had control over the judiciary, and you asked me how this put him in a good light. I never said it did.

Anyway, I think this is a good decision even though I wan't in the courtroom and I didn't hear the evidence. None of the people protesting so loudly did. So we may never know who was right here, but let's just hope that everything goes well now.

Hopefully this is one crisis out of the way for Pakistan.

Ok, anyways good we got this clear.
Read about his 2 week stay in US with 70 other stooges when he released his book. Eating toothsie role on comedy channel,travelling around the country for his book costs money payed by tax payers. Hotel stay for him and his 70 others, PIA plane parked in US all this time, money to local police for security and you can very well guess we are talking in millions of US dollars although it was a official trip.
Again all this is done by every other leaders we had before. It all depends on how you define corruption. Being surrounded by corrupt people and doing nothing about it when you have the power to do so in my eyes is also corruption.

Other than promote his book, Mushys visit to the US helped him show Americans that Pakistan isn't being led by some lunatic like Kim Jeong whatshisface

The next day Americans were commenting on how "cool" Pakistans leader is and how they wish Bush was as smart as him. Most of the members of the US congress probably saw him for the first time. I bet that one visit resulted in a lot of aid that we might not have otherwise obatined.
Yes no control over judicary!!! This proves that he fired the CJ with no reason at all. He was forced to allow Cj's case to be heard by this bench, he was forced to be released from house arrest.

actually, no it does not.

It proves that there was no evidence that could be proven in court against the CJ (or they were bribed). This isn't the point. Proveable or not proveable was not my issue.

My issue was that Musharraf followed the Constitution to appoint a new CJ. The court case found that nothing could be proved against the CJ. So he is reinstated. This proves that Musharraf has no control over the judiciary, not even influence.

Now, in the media you might be reading his suspension was illegal - this is bogus. The court case was never about his suspension - it's just Pak media trying to prove itself correct. The court case was about whether there was any evidence for Musharraf's charges. The CJ's suspension was CONSTITUTIONALLY LEGAL though.
O hoho, Mushi is pure like milk and what about the ministers and kind of corrupt people seating in his cabinet and the King makers party. NAB was only used to capture and bring to the fore only opposition corrupt politician and not those moles seating on the govt benches. Even the opposition politicians trying to get some benifits from the govt were relieved of their cases now and then.
He tried to influence the judiciary but he failed shockingly. Hope he will try to walk straight in presence of the same C J.

Dude, you shouldnt believe everything you read. NAB have charged and prosecuted Army Chiefs from within his own Army. You're accusing without having any proof of guilt. But answer me this. He brought a case against the judiciary, and they judged a case against him, and he accepted it. This is an example to virtually any democratic and non democratic country in the world where most governments would have ordered the courts behind the backs of the media to find him guilty. This is a great day and a great victory for Musharraf shown by his willingness to not abuse his powers. Would Benazir or NS or any government in Bangladesh or India have done the same? I doubt it personally.
Haha, I have a sneaky feeling the CJ's been bought off :P.

Anyway the truth would unveil when the full verdict is announced and we find out whether or not he'd be declared to have a bias in favor with the opposition parties to reside over that case. The truth would only then be clear - The first of many tests that the CJ would now be put to.

If it's all clean, then you got to consider that it was Musharraf who allowed all this to happen. It's not like he was forced to let this happen, he declared Judicial non-interference as early as april then in a public speech on May 12... Trust me he was not "forced" to let it happen.

The 13 member judges purely gave a decision based upon the rule of the law. They took a middle line as was expected. Though they declared that the reference against the CJ was baseless, they didn't overrule the fact that a CJ can't be put forth through a reference as was demanded. They also fell short of declaring any damages to be paid by the government or Shaukat Aziz in particular.

This does set a new precedent within Pakistan where the government loses a high profile case for the first time. All credit is due to Musharraf for that. Remember this is his 3rd such self-negative move (NSC, Media, Judiciary). Pretty much all the institutions are slowly gaining enough strength to work in isolation from one another.
Musharraf personally is NOT corrupt! That is a well known fact. /QUOTE]
Corruption is a reflective on the society we have. To claim that Musharraf is not corrupt is far fetched. He is also the product of the same society that politicians are and other generals are, and we all are. If he was not corrupt he would have done something about this practice of doling out land to generals for dirt cheap price. He did not do anything and you can defend him by saying he didnt start the practice.

Read about his 2 week stay in US with 70 other stooges when he released his book. Eating toothsie role on comedy channel,travelling around the country for his book costs money payed by tax payers. Hotel stay for him and his 70 others, PIA plane parked in US all this time, money to local police for security and you can very well guess we are talking in millions of US dollars although it was a official trip.
Again all this is done by every other leaders we had before. It all depends on how you define corruption. Being surrounded by corrupt people and doing nothing about it when you have the power to do so in my eyes is also corruption.

By Pakistani standards, that is not personal corruption (typically PC appears on the Pakistani radars is where millions have been siphoned off to offshore accounts or land or lucrative jobs have been had due to political influence). Also the President of Pakistan is allowed certain discretionary spending and leeway when on state visits. He did promote his book but also is using the money from the books for a charity foundation that he has set up.

Pakistani society on the whole is corrupt. Try to survive in it without dealing with these corrupt individuals and pretty soon you will find yourself running out of options. To expect Musharraf to be free of corrupt ministers is expecting a bit too much in Pakistan, you know this and I know this. Try to pay your electricity bill in a sane manner or try to get incorrect phone charges off your bill honestly and then you will find out how difficult life is with having to deal with corrupt practices. They are ingrained in the society and the politicians lead the way.

My whole point is that thus far I have not read or seen any charges of personal favors, hoarding of money, property etc. on the part of Musharraf.
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