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Pakistan's Tactical Nukes : Hypes, Flaws and illusions - A Tactical blunder in the making.

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I thinks we should give some nukes to the police as well .
Boss, there is a big difference i am all for tactical nukes for police -
Tactical nukes for traffic police as well - imagine molvi shafiq of the other day being tactical nuked by the traffic wardens when he went all berserk on them -
Boss, there is a big difference i am all for tactical nukes for police -
Tactical nukes for traffic police as well - imagine molvi shafiq of the other day being tactical nuked by the traffic wardens when he went all berserk on them -

HAHAH that would be hilarious .
Of Course it will and so will quality(which we lead in every factor), not mention to mention these "numbers" are better equipped, have better physical and mental standards, better trained, and believe serving in the armed forces is serving Islam; which gives them a lot of morale.

One "number" of these lions could eat 10 Indian Soldiers like breakfast.
Should I post 90,000 lions surrendered and saved by slaughter from Bengali's
Should I post 90,000 lions surrendered and saved by slaughter from Bengali's
Go ahead, milk the same thing over and over; something that happened 50-60 years ago; but just remember those 90,000 men were made up of mostly Bengalis, no long had the ammunition and supplies, were in a blockade, and were surrounded from all sides - we also have something Indian lack; and that is 'brains' - It would have been better to surrender and fight another day in better conditions rather than just prolong the war, spend billions, lose thousands of lives, oppress independance that will be bound to happen, and fight for a lost cause.
Tough time kid How by what splitting into half or killing your own countrymen by inbreeds terrorist

Let it be do you even know the seer size of Indian armed forces

How about shame in a country 7 times larger but still cant do shit?

How about you split us into two now? 71 you were in the advantage due to obvious geographical reasons. what did you do in 2001?Nothing. What did you do in 2008? Nothing. You knew the moment you cross you will be getting a bloody nose.

What did you do for the last 2 years when we kept on killing your soldiers and according to your media kept on violating ceasefire agreements . you did nothing. That's because you cant.

We have half of kashmir that we took in 48 . Come take it. We are making gilgit baltistan a province what will you do about it?Nothing as usual. Its because You cant. After 4 wars Pakistan is a regional power and a country not to be messed with.

Sorry to burst your bubble by the way. meanwhile you can watch phantom , LOC , border or some 1000's of anti Pakistan Movies that bollywood has made to cater for you guys.
Another point is they cannot deploy all of that 3-4 million against Pakistan , cause they also have to cover Chinese border and they have to put army in states which are unstable like Kashmir etc , they can deploy a force of about 12 - 15 lakh against Pakistan during war .

I thinks we should give some nukes to the police as well .
So Pakistani's don't face such operations technicality it only shows
What a level of research you do before Posting stuff on forums
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Go ahead, milk the same thing over and over; something that happened 50-60 years ago; but just remember those 90,000 men were made up of mostly Bengalis, no long had the ammunition and supplies, were in a blockade, and were surrounded from all sides - we also have something Indian lack; and that is 'brains' - It would have been better to surrender and fight another day in better conditions rather than just prolong the war, spend billions, lose thousands of lives, oppress independance that will be bound to happen, and fight for a lost cause.
You are got brain's well
Title of thread only depict superior intellect of Pakistani's
Its not our fault you guys decided to breed like maggots; a battle's outcome isnt just decided by numbers alone.
You tell me areas where you got parity with India neither on technology nor on economic front nor diplomatic neither conventional

We overmatched you decade ago
It's your pity ego which won't you let except the harsh fact's
Pakistan's Tactical Nukes : Hypes, Flaws and illusions - A Tactical blunder in the making.

Development of Nuclear missile power motivated by a state to improve its national security and expand its influence in a global scale.

Massive offensive nuclear capabilities are coming of age with sea-trials for its first ballistic missile submarine. The INS Arihantis expected to be introduced into service by 2016. New Delhi plans to field between four to six similar vessels by the end of 2025 and much more powerful SSBN in the near future to boost its second strike capability. These are are additional capabilities Indians will have along with their Aire and missile nuclear delivery systems. Pakistan is also likely to develop sea-based nuclear capabilities. Both are seeking to develop their own version of the nuclear triad, which incorporates air, land and sea-based systems. Some scholars have argued that second-strike capability will have a positive influence on strategic stability in the region while others have raised concerns about the dangers of a nuclear arms race. As Pakistan don't follow the same policy of India or China. Where the later follows 'No first Use ' policy

Report which rang alarm bells in high level corridors of power.

Report titled "Pakistan could have the world’s third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons after the US and Russia within a decade"

The report said if it(Pakistan) continues to build up to 20 nuclear warheads annually. *Pakistan became a nuclear power in 1998 when it carried out a series of six nuclear tests just three weeks after India carried out a second series of its own tests. Neither country has signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

The production, maintenance and modernization of nuclear forces diverts vast public resources away from health. care, education, climate change mitigation, disaster relief, development assistance and other vital services. So will the Nukes save Pakistan from conventional retaliation from India?

According to Toby Dalton of the Carnegie Endowment for international peace and Michael Krepon of the Stimson Center, “the growth path of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, enabled by existing infrastructure, goes well beyond the assurances of credible minimal deterrence provided by Pakistani officials and analysts after testing nuclear devices.

Few months ago Pakistan’s foreign secretary notes that Islamabad is ready to use low-yield nukes against India’s “Cold Start” doctrine.

Pakistani official confirmed what had long been suspected by the arms control community: Pakistan will use low-yield nuclear weapons in responding to hypothetical Indian incursions into its territory. According to Pakistani Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary, Pakistan is formalizing it’s plans to use these low-yield nuclear bombs to forestall the advance of Indian troops under New Delhi’s “Cold Start” doctrine.

What is Cold Start : Cold Start emphasizes speedy and lithe offensive operations in case of any terror attacks. Already Indian armed forces posses hands down superiority over Pakistan. India commands huge fleet of Navy, Airforce to come into the aid of its world's 2nd largest Army in the world.

Chaudhary’s statement marks the first time Pakistani officials have acknowledged their intent to use low-yield, or so-called “tactical,” nuclear weapons in a potential future conflict with India.

Deployment of short-range, low-yield nuclear weapons as problematic and risky. Jeffrey D. McCausland, writing for the Stimson Center, notes that “the belief held by some Pakistani military leaders that the development, production, and induction of tactical nuclear weapons would cancel Indian conventional advantages while facilitate ‘sub-conventional’ warfare is both dangerous and problematic.”

Still India does not currently operate or plan to develop tactical nuclear weapons. Why? India on other hand facing huge threat from China. Not only that two front war is something that keep ringing alarm bells in New Delhi’s highest level of administration.

On the contrary to Pakistan, India believes in full and powerful retaliation using large strikes at multiple cities at a same time in such a way the adversaries are completely destroyed . So if Pakistan use its nukes in its own territory destroying it's own country it would put itself in a position where massive retaliation from India.

But let's see at what extend Pakistan will be able to exercise it's ability to launch missile strike against Indian force .

Let's say Pakistan managed to successfully launch another 26/11 mumbai terror attack. For sure given the priority for the new government at the center led by Hindu Nationalist leadership appropriate retaliation could be initiated.

1) An Air strikes and small military operations on the LoC won’t give Pakistan enough reason to escalate a conflict, mired as it is in a sapping internal war. Although there would likely be some retaliation against the Indian strikes, punishment for terrorism would have been delivered.

2) India might have to absorb some blows in return but it would have achieved it's objectives of eliminating terror camps deep inside ***.

3) Pressure will be on Pakistan from global community to stop harbouring terrorism against India. Image of Pakistan will have serious effects in it's actions.

4) Even if India managed to retake parts or whole of Kashmir it is much below the level for nuclear confrontation between countries with massive nuclear arsenals.

No point in using nuclear weapons here at all. The story, though, may not end there. Terrorists will, almost certainly, retaliate against the destruction of their infrastructure by staging more attacks. India’s government will have no option but to hit back. Each successive phase of Indian retaliation will, inexorably, be that much more intense, as New Delhi seeks to compel Pakistan’s military establishment to act against its terrorist proxies.

By end of the day India would have arm twisted Pakistan to stop it's proxies against India along with overwhelming support from majority of global community. India's global influence web has just got Modi-fied where as Pakistan struggling to keep its interest afloat in its own neighborhood. Today's foreign policies of Pakistan is like hungry man with a bread and butter which already expired.

Pakistan's military establishment thought /thinking that mass producing large number of nuclear weapons capabilities than India could serve as a shield against Indian retaliation for its Terror attacks in India.

Think about it : “If the military art could be reduced to arithmetic,” Soviet nuclear theoretician General Andrian Danilevich observed, “we would not need any wars. You could simply look at the correlation of forces, make some calculations, and tell your opponent, ‘we outnumber you 2:1, victory is ours, please surrender’.”

What Pakistan has done with its threatening strategy is to give India a stage to perform it's right to expand its nuclear arsenals against Nukes taunting Pakistan and insecure hence aggressive neighbor China . World will be more worried about Pakistan nuclear capability than of India for many reasons.

This tactical nuclear weapon's capabilities are very restrained and very risky. Once threshold to use nukes are breached nothing else could stop it's chain retaliations. Pakistani establishment must revisit it's policies which are poised to become a complete failure in the future.

Just my views. And views of others too. You like it or not :D
If you think that use of Nuke policy by pakistan will result in a failure then let it rest and let pakistan make a mistake.

There is no need to bring it up again and again unless of-course Indians have lost their sleep over this.
These tactical nukes has these Indians certainly wetting. Judging by these desperate topics and articles, these rapists are having a heartache. In the end, we will do whatever has to be done. Try stopping us if you can.
What did you Do against Us except crying in front of UN, US and other international groups for years

What did you achieved from all this year's of hatred

Terrorist running country
Failed economy
Diplomatically failed cause (Kashmir)
Incumbent democracy
Martial laws
Self identity

India on other page
Successfully achieved in all mentioned areas

It's time for serious analysis not war mongering

1: India has had more terrorist attacks in 2014-2015 than Pakistan, India has the most terrorist groups in the world, India has five full blown insurgencies and your telling me we are a 'terrorist' country?

2: Failed economy? our growth rate is around 5% way above world average and this being while fighting terrorism; a war that has caused us 70 billion dollars in damage alone. Now that Indian-payed terrorists are running back to Afghanistan, ambitious billion dollar projects are being invested into Pakistan from other countries, CPEC is under construction, and load shedding (which hampers our growth by 2%) is coming to an end; imagine what our growth rate will be in 2017-2018? Overall we are doing much better than the world average.
Economy of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3: Failed cause? No, over a dozen country supports our stance - and even so, it wont be us that will liberate Kashmir; but it will be the Kashmiri themselves.

4: Nobody really supports 'democracy' here.

5: I can name dozens of countries that has had a numbers of martial laws and dictators yet currently they are one of the most successful countries in the world.

6: Identity? All Pakistanis know who we are, we are Pakistanis - a diverse country with different ethnicity groups all united under the flag of Pakistan and religion of Islam.

You tell me areas where you got parity with India neither on technology nor on economic front nor diplomatic neither conventional

We overmatched you decade ago
It's your pity ego which won't you let except the harsh fact's
I'm talking about military.
Let it be do you even know the seer size of Indian armed forces

Size matters in a war exceeding a month. Indo pak war won't go that long so size factor creates little difference.
1: India has had more terrorist attacks in 2014-2015 than Pakistan, India has the most terrorist groups in the world, India has five full blown insurgencies and your telling me we are a 'terrorist' country?

2: Failed economy? our growth rate is around 5% way above world average and this being while fighting terrorism; a war that has caused us 70 billion dollars in damage alone. Now that Indian-payed terrorists are running back to Afghanistan, ambitious billion dollar projects are being invested into Pakistan from other countries, CPEC is under construction, and load shedding (which hampers our growth by 2%) is coming to an end; imagine what our growth rate will be in 2017-2018? Overall we are doing much better than the world average.
Economy of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3: Failed cause? No, over a dozen country supports our stance - and even so, it wont be us that will liberate Kashmir; but it will be the Kashmiri themselves.

4: Nobody really supports 'democracy' here.

5: I can name dozens of countries that has had a numbers of martial laws and dictators yet currently they are one of the most successful countries in the world.

6: Identity? All Pakistanis know who we are, we are Pakistanis - a diverse country with different ethnicity groups all united under the flag of Pakistan and religion of Islam.

I'm talking about military.

One lie after the other.

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan 2003-2016

India Fatalities :: South Asia Terrorism portal

Pakistan GDP Growth Rate | Forecast
I wonder why this super power Indian army never cross the border and just talk big after so many terror attack on its soil .
Once they tried it but lost more then 1000 soldier only in mobilization of troops to border area OMG.
And then waited there to receives some order from aliens to attack which never came lol.
Spend 5 billion for bringing the army and enjoying the picnic.

If it's use less then why did you wasted your energy on it.

It's hurting your pride that a big country like India cannot do sh$t to a small country like Pakistan.

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