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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
Beretta offers certain 'extras' under the guise of beretta defence technologies, which includes accessories of various kind that makes the standard rifle more advanced. FN is just offering the rifle but it will boil down to whom offers the best deal in a package and honestly its Beretta at present. on a side note Italian defence attaches have frequently been meeting both in Pakistan and Italy and November is here which means IDEAS. Best of luck @Zarvan :D
FN is offering all the versions. The number of versions SCAR is offering are not being offered by Berreta. From two sniper versions to self defence to carbine and 5.56 and 7.62 versions and also 7.62 x 39. Also we are testing new machine guns and there are lot of chances FN MINIMI 7.62 x 51 version is selected to replace MG3.
FN is offering all the versions. The number of versions SCAR is offering are not being offered by Berreta. From two sniper versions to self defence to carbine and 5.56 and 7.62 versions and also 7.62 x 39. Also we are testing new machine guns and there are lot of chances FN MINIMI 7.62 x 51 version is selected to replace MG3.
lets hope IDEAS 2016 we get our answer.
hk didn't participate in the tender , here is their stance .

"Due to the restrictive approval procedures of the German Government and HK's own Compliance guidelines, Heckler & Koch concentrates on NATO-member states and associated countries like Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland for its product sales".
hk didn't participate in the tender , here is their stance .

"Due to the restrictive approval procedures of the German Government and HK's own Compliance guidelines, Heckler & Koch concentrates on NATO-member states and associated countries like Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland for its product sales".
The moment I saw you have replied on this thread my heart started pumping really fast. I thought you just revealed who is the winner.
interesting! because some members here have given info about the trials but the info provided was months ago and nothing more has come out regarding current trials. SCAR is a favorite with some members here even fanatically favoured by some but if SCAR is dropped then what rifle is being considered?
The will adopt 3 different rifles from AK series to H&K.
there are two rifles for two 7.62 calibres unless H&K GPMG is being adopted?

Very strong possibility as frequent meetings are taking place recently with Italians.
I seriously can't get it what this But-Shikan is talking about ?? Is he suggesting we are going for more than two 7.62 Caliber Assault Rifles or what ?
Bro HK didn't even participated in the competition. We are not going to induct a Rifle without testing it.
Wait and watch and one thing more PA optided for multipal options. They are adopting Ak series and others.
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