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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
He knows that already.:sarcastic:
Its hard to beat the Italians,in such deals.

Just have a look from post #2260 to #2278 and you will have an idea about current undergoing trials as well as how badly FN failed with respect to Marketing strategy against HK that took the moment in recent French deal @Vergennes . I and many others would agree as well, PA current rifle selection is not just based upon the filed trials & results but it consist of many other bonuses along with the gun including the offer package and ToT as well. Italian are good in this area as well as ARX-200 results but I can assume that FN learnt its lesson in French deal against HK and would be competing with totally different approach that FN cannot afford another fail in securing a contract.
Just have a look from post #2260 to #2278 and you will have an idea about current undergoing trials as well as how badly FN failed with respect to Marketing strategy against HK that took the moment in recent French deal @Vergennes . I and many others would agree as well, PA current rifle selection is not just based upon the filed trials & results but it consist of many other bonuses along with the gun including the offer package and ToT as well. Italian are good in this area as well as ARX-200 results but I can assume that FN learnt its lesson in French deal against HK and would be competing with totally different approach that FN cannot afford another fail in securing a contract.
And failure in French deal gives pk upper hand in negotiations however fingers crossed for arx
And failure in French deal gives pk upper hand in negotiations however fingers crossed for arx

Well that was on totally different grounds however, the upper hand is with the one that offers contains attractive package. I am sure, the best will be selected not just based upon performance but other things as well that includes ToT that will help us a lot to learn and come up with own solutions in future.
Just have a look from post #2260 to #2278 and you will have an idea about current undergoing trials as well as how badly FN failed with respect to Marketing strategy against HK that took the moment in recent French deal @Vergennes . I and many others would agree as well, PA current rifle selection is not just based upon the filed trials & results but it consist of many other bonuses along with the gun including the offer package and ToT as well. Italian are good in this area as well as ARX-200 results but I can assume that FN learnt its lesson in French deal against HK and would be competing with totally different approach that FN cannot afford another fail in securing a contract.
Lets see if FN learnt a lesson.
Both would be good let's hope we get both 5.56 and 7-62 , and replace parrabellum smg for officers with 5.56 , parrabelum useless against bpj
It performed best in trials so not fanboyism but hard facts and reality.
nothing is concrete yet and no information is officialy released either regarding the trials all we have is members who provide information about the trials. But the hyper fanboyism exists from page 1 of this thread! please don't tag other people as a reply.
Both would be good let's hope we get both 5.56 and 7-62 , and replace parrabellum smg for officers with 5.56 , parrabelum useless against bpj
Well which ever Gun would it would be entire series. Not just 7.62 X 51 version but all versions would be produced including Sniper and Marksman version. That is why I really hope SCAR wins

Of course the pakistani army is testing the ARX-200,but about the ARX-160,the finns tested it and that's what you can read on reddit ;

User feedback during the evaluations was overwhelmingly negative, the ergonomics especially were disliked. The weapon kept jamming and freezing. The polymer construct of the whole body of the rifle was squeaky when you handled and twisted it in your hands.

Not to mention the shitty polymer stock cracked during evaluation, not once, but twice... Army dropped it from the evaluations as soon as they possibly could and opted for the FN SCAR-L (which interestingly enough, had none of the problems the ARX-160 had) instead for special forces. HK-416 also got very positive feedback.



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