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Pakistan's PM Imran Khan admit discrimination was the cause of Bangladesh

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OVER 2 years later, NO ONE on PDF has managed to prove the bengali/indian claim that; 50,000 PA soldiers killed 3 million bengalis and raped 10 million bengali women in 6 weeks in 1971. As no one has managed to prove this, it follows that ALL bengali claims with regards to atrocities committed by the PA are ALL LIES.

I've asked hundreds of bengali if they had someone or they know someone or heard about someone in their known or surroundings about death or rape and their answer is always in negative. Some go beyond that and claim "no we don't know anyone but we know it happened". How do they know? Because their master bharat and mujib forced this upon them and now they have forever to carry the burden of this nonsense claim.

The maximum verified number is nmt 25000 which include mutkia terrorists and pro pakistani poulation.

Most of the pictures they post of bodies along with rivers are of the cyclone that hit Bangladesh in those times.
Imran khan saying this means nothing unless @Imran Khan, @BHarwana and @Nilgiri agree to it. They make the policies. Imran Khan is just a show pm.
Why nilgiri?
I have been on this forum long enough to know that Pakistani and Bangladeshi members got along really well a couple of years ago, barring a couple of individuals here and there . Whether you like it or not the Awami League anti-Pakistan rhetoric has however seemingly slowly permeated the general mindset of Bangladeshis as hostile anti-Pakistan posts have increased (at least amongst Bangladeshis who frequent this forum). I dont know how things are on the ground level in Bangladesh but a growing number of Pakistanis annoyed at this behavior have started responding to such Bangladeshi members, and given that our numbers are larger here (naturally since it is a Pakistani forum) the anti-Bangladesh rhetoric has also increased. There will be no end to this until AL stops using Pakistan as a bogeyman.

To be honest, this all started with the Economist article that Bangladesh's per capita income surpassed that of Pakistan. Some Indians repeatedly posted it in different sections of this forum with their own taunts towards Pakistan. Some Pakistani members here took it personally and started cursing Bangladeshis and Bangladeshi members here retaliated in the same fashion. I wouldn't deny, I too got carried away in those shit-storming. The flamebaiting spilled over to other threads and continued until recently when the mods brought some changes to the forum. Meanwhile certain Indian members fueled this animosity by provoking and tagging some Pakistani members constantly who now form what I would call the core of hate-mongers among the Pakistanis here. I have seen some Bangladeshis here who had favorable views towards Pakistan, now turned into anti-Pakistanis.

On the ground level, people in Bangladesh are quite conscious politically. It is known to all that AL's anti-Pakistani rhetorics are just for political consumption, nothing more nothing less. You can see the kind of support Pakistan cricket team gets while playing in Bangladesh.
Why nilgiri?
In this particular sub forum be defends Pakistan more than Pakistanis. He's a weird guy. He's still my buddy tho @Nilgiri
Kudos Jangu. You need Zardari as pm. Vote for him next time. Zardari is from Bhutto family. The greatest family in Pakistan ever.
The good folk of Pakistan will determine who their leader is, we need not advice from the likes of Mr Magoo.Kudos Magoo
I dont know how things are on the ground level in Bangladesh
I believe they just do not care . Pakistan is a Muslim brotherly country that's all . Other than few Al online keyboard warriors , I do not think any one has such itching!
But if @Nilgiri and @BHarwana vetoes then your vote won't mean anything.

Kudos Jangu. You need Zardari as pm. Vote for him next time. Zardari is from Bhutto family. The greatest family in Pakistan ever.
i need one vote .its democracy after all :rolleyes:
What Khan has said is what is believed around the world anyways. Good that more and more Pakistanis are coming to realize what led to their country breaking up.

Like UK apologised for colonialism, Pakistan can do the same for it's mistreatment of BD during 1947-1971.
UK apologied for colonialism? When?
What Khan has said is what is believed around the world anyways. Good that more and more Pakistanis are coming to realize what led to their country breaking up.

UK apologied for colonialism? When?

Saying Pakistan broke up in 1971 is like saying india was broken up in 1947.
UK apologied for colonialism? When?

Google is your friend dude.
Good folk of Pakistan? You mean the military, Jangu?
Last time I checked they too were Pakistani :agree: :pakistan:.Kudos Mr Magoo
Saying Pakistan broke up in 1971 is like saying india was broken up in 1947.

Yea. But India was broken up in 1947 as well. Are you saying it wasn't?
There was a discrimination in the sense that AL had won 1970's election and should have been the ruler party, Bhutto usurped their right to rule. However the 3 million figure is horse shit and require new laws of physics to actually happen. We also have Biharis in Karachi who have gruesome stories to tell about Bengali atrocities on them until Pakistan Army came to stop it.

Though I don't believe there's much animosity among Bangladeshis regarding Pak today. In fact, I saw many people on FB giving advance Eid Mubarik to each other when Pakistan won against India in Champions Trophy.
There was a discrimination in the sense that AL had won 1970's election and should have been the ruler party, Bhutto usurped their right to rule. However the 3 million figure is horse shit and require new laws of physics to actually happen. We also have Biharis in Karachi who have gruesome stories to tell about Bengali atrocities on them until Pakistan Army came to stop it.

Though I don't believe there's much animosity among Bangladeshis regarding Pak today. In fact, I saw many people on FB giving advance Eid Mubarik to each other when Pakistan won against India in Champions Trophy.
True we need to look at the failures from Bengladesh's side to get a fair perspective....
The oppression that Bangladesh did to pro Pakistani Bengalis and Biharis...the world has not really heard off....History is written by the Victor...

Yea. But India was broken up in 1947 as well. Are you saying it wasn't?
Well British India was. Bharat (RoI) came into existence in August 1947 at the same time as the land of the Indus aka Pakistan.
lol this thread.

but when will bangladesh apologise over mass killings of biharis?
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