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Pakistan's PM Imran Khan admit discrimination was the cause of Bangladesh

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We became free of Gangladesh
Subahanallah. Since we both were free from each others, so what is the point of fuss! Let's celebrate the freedom with a Bengali song, if you don't mind listening it. It is written by our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.
It's with English lyrics . Your blood will literally jump since in this song poet asked to break lock with kick and get freedom.

Ps :some may find this song as hindu song , as they consider Kazi Nazrul Islam a semi - hindu. So for the sake of them here is the mullah version of the song .
Same song, just faster rhythm and without music and sung by kolorob singer group.
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Subahanallah. Since we both were free from each others, so what is the point of fuss! Let's celebrate the freedom with a Bengali song, if you don't mind listening it. It is written by our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.
It's with English lyrics . Your blood will literally jump since in this song poet asked to break lock with kick and get freedom.

Ps :some may find this song as hindu song , as they consider Kazi Nazrul Islam a semi - hindu. So for the sake of them here is the mullah version of the song .
Same song, just faster rhythm and without music and sung by kolorob singer group.
Gangladesh Mata Ki Jai!!!!!!!:partay:
Gangladesh Mata Ki Jai!!!!!!!:partay:
Haq mawla. But change this name from Gangladesh to padmadesh, as we call our branch of Ganga as padma. Be more consistent. Lol. :enjoy:
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Can you stop posting bouncer's (in initial glance) early in the morning for the time zone us mere mortals live in? And then tagging me? I have to spend time in understanding nuanced conversation this early:lol:
Not really...bit (maybe lot) more to it than that....but yes heavily influenced by certain ideals espoused over here as you well know.

I grew up, in my formative years, always as someone that "didn't fit" in with the (confucian-taoist-buddhist-atheist-partially anglicized but still heavily sinicized) majority of where I was in all kind of ways (ethnic, religion, diet, language, demeanour what have you). Then when I visit back to the home culture....I never fit in there that much either (in some ways lot less). So looking back, I guess this must have had some effect on my core "lone wolf" psyche. When I finally did land on the shores of North America (first as a visit, and then much later as a home)....my eyes were opened truly to the frontier that I only dreamt of earlier (just the way people go about handling themselves on day to day stuff - so different from anywhere I had known till then)....there was real volume, space and scope for freedom....BUT I cannot ever forget where I come from, why I am here and where my DNA/heart/blood/colour comes from. There are much more eloquent answers for some of the deepest questions I have... given by my culture, and not the one found anywhere else (as much as those gesticulate and try)....everything else can layer itself around that as it wants to...but that core will remain sacrosanct to me....especially as I see the very conservatism I grew fond of....start to recede and atrophy here too (under sustained attack by certain nefarious and insidious forces)....and thus my core identity becomes every more important and relevant for the fight back sustaining itself now....to show ideas and truths transcend just about everything physically "different" there can be.

Mind is one thing....but the heart is something else...I should know better maybe....but I cannot ignore how I feel. I suspect my heart will always win this battle with the mind to the end....and probably the mind just becomes accustomed to that inevitability and helps the best it can with the circumstances.

It is only going to increase with time as India is way too large to simply churn and stew inside its own borders and have only some static cacophony of internalised answers and acceptable fusions...alongside norms and thought processes of the current day. No...I say it loud and clear..NO!.....it will (and already is) export and import (and re-import and re-export) far beyond its borders like it always has....and rejuvenate and replenish accordingly as it rises. I have already seen far stranger things taking shape in India (on the ground literally as I watched in shocked bemusement) than the amusing contrast you paint :P...and it is just the faint, distant shoreline of an unexplored continent of possibility that is coming into view...so just you watch my venerable friend, just you watch.

@hellfire @Skull and Bones @Roybot @MilSpec @Indus Pakistan @OsmanAli98 @django @Zibago @Hell hound @Desert Fox @I.R.A @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu @Oscar @GeraltofRivia @VCheng @PaklovesTurkiye @Chinese-Dragon

That was beyond respect. I need time to answer this, and to be able to bend both mind and emotion to the task.
Finally pm of Pakistan admit the mistreatment of Bengali which cause break up of Pakistan in 1971 .


The deprivation was the main cause of Bangladesh's creation, said Imran

Online Desk
December 23, 2011, 13:49
Updated: December 23, 2014, 14:31

In the early hours of this month, violent incidents took place in the Bulandshah district of Uttar Pradesh. Two people including the police were killed in this. Nasiruddin Shah came under the controversy by commenting on the death case.

Nasiruddin Shah said in an interview that a cow's death is more important than death of a police officer in India.

In an event organized in Lahore on the occasion of 100 days of Punjab government, Imran said his government is taking steps to ensure the right to religious minorities in Pakistan. The country's founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah also had such dreams.

Imran said his government will ensure that minorities feel secure, security, and they get equal rights in new Pakistan.

The Prime Minister said, "How will we deal with minorities, we will show Modi government."

According to Imran, the people of India say that the minorities here are not being used as equal citizens.

The Prime Minister said, if the weak people do not get proper treatment then they will become a coup.

In this regard, Imran has set example of East Pakistan. He said that people of East Bengal (East Pakistan) were not given their rights. This was the main reason behind the creation of Bangladesh.
বঞ্চনাই ছিল বাংলাদেশ সৃষ্টির প্রধান কারণ, বললেন ইমরান

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
২৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৮, ১৩:৪৯
আপডেট: ২৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৮, ১৪:৩১

চলতি মাসের শুরুর দিকে ভারতের উত্তর প্রদেশের বুলান্দশার জেলায় কথিত গোহত্যা নিয়ে সহিংস ঘটনা ঘটে। এতে পুলিশসহ দুজন নিহত হন। এই মৃত্যুর ঘটনা নিয়ে মন্তব্য করে বিতর্কের মুখে পড়েন নাসিরুদ্দিন শাহ।

নাসিরুদ্দিন শাহ এক সাক্ষাৎকারে বলেন, ভারতে একজন পুলিশ কর্মকর্তার মৃত্যুর চেয়ে একটি গরুর মৃত্যু বেশি গুরুত্ব পায়।

পাঞ্জাব সরকারের ১০০ দিনের অর্জন উপলক্ষে লাহোরে আয়োজিত এক অনুষ্ঠানে ইমরান বলেন, পাকিস্তানে ধর্মীয় সংখ্যালঘুদের ন্যায্য অধিকার নিশ্চিত করতে তাঁর সরকার পদক্ষেপ নিচ্ছে। দেশটির প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মোহাম্মদ আলী জিন্নাহরও এমন স্বপ্ন ছিল।

ইমরান বলেন, সংখ্যালঘুরা যাতে নিরাপত্তা, সুরক্ষা অনুভব করে, নতুন পাকিস্তানে তারা যাতে সমান অধিকার পায়, তার সরকার তা নিশ্চিত করবে।

পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, ‘কীভাবে সংখ্যালঘুদের সঙ্গে ব্যবহার করতে হয়, তা আমরা মোদি সরকারকে দেখিয়ে দেব।’

ইমরানের ভাষ্য, এখন ভারতের লোকজনই বলছে, সেখানকার সংখ্যালঘুরা সমান নাগরিক হিসেবে ব্যবহার পাচ্ছে না।

পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, দুর্বলেরা যদি যথাযথ আচরণ না পায়, তাহলে তা অভ্যুত্থানে রূপ নেবে।

এ প্রসঙ্গে ইমরান পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের উদাহরণ টানেন। তিনি বলেন, পূর্ব বাংলার (পূর্ব পাকিস্তান) জনগণকে তাদের অধিকার দেওয়া হয়নি। বাংলাদেশ সৃষ্টির পেছনে এটাই ছিল প্রধান কারণ।

© স্বত্ব প্রথম আলো ১৯৯৮ - ২০১৮
সম্পাদক ও প্রকাশক: মতিউর রহমান
প্রগতি ইনস্যুরেন্স ভবন,২০-২১ কারওয়ান বাজার , ঢাকা ১২১৫
ফোন: ৮১৮০০৭৮-৮১, ফ্যাক্স: ৯১৩০৪৯৬,ইমেইল: [email protected]
Tranlate the rest in English or else I will remove it because I do not know as if the message is peaceful or flame bait.
Imran is saying truth to some extent.It was Bhutto who wanted to rule Pakistan alone and he was ready to stoop to any level, even breaking Pakistan.Indians took advantage and tragedy occured on 16th December 1971 that every Pakistani cried.Our soul still weeps today.Bhutto was hanged by Gen. Zia-ur-Haq for political murder.Before Bhutto's death, he was not even able to walk or speak.He was given cloth for praying but he wrapped it back.He was given pages for writing his will which he burned.This happens to him.Even today, educated masses hate PPP except for it's own workers and illiterate people.The PPP govt in Sindh has still not learned the lesson and keeps treating it's own ethnic Sindhis like shit.If they don't vote them, they take away necessitates and let them rot to death.Imran cried when he visited.
There were also other factors, many in Bangladesh that were just like Bhutto.Allah(SWT) will soon deal with them as his vengeance is severe and his justice is stern.
Pakistan is very different as compare to what appears on this forum.You don't know, we have immense feeling for Bangladesh.I pray to Allah(swt) for Bangladesh's prosperous future :)

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Tranlate the rest in English or else I will remove it because I do not know as if the message is peaceful or flame bait.
@Slav Defence
Essentially the same news brother, but it's an old news of the English version of this newspaper, and now they ( news paper) again updated the same news in Bengali language, at 23 December 2018 .All are for election purpose I believe.
But that's not the case. The case is why such 7 years old news should be a thread after 7 years? And specially in a Pakistani forum before our election?

It really puzzled me. So if such news can be updated after 7 years , so such news can be posted after 70 years too.
IMHO this thread has been posted for a purpose
Before this thread , flame between Pakistan and Bangladeshi member reduced. And after this thread it's becoming worse .
Look I already rejected this thread here with the comment . But will they ( BD folks) hear me? No.
But if I were you, I would not allow such 7 years old matter making an issue .

Thanks and regards.
@Slav Defence
Essentially the same news brother, but it's an old news of the English version of this newspaper, and now they ( news paper) again updated the same news in Bengali language, at 23 December 2018 .All are for election purpose I believe.
But that's not the case. The case is why such 7 years old news should be a thread after 7 years? And specially in a Pakistani forum before our election?

It really puzzled me. So if such news can be updated after 7 years , so such news can be posted after 70 years too.
IMHO this thread has been posted for a purpose
Before this thread , flame between Pakistan and Bangladeshi member reduced. And after this thread it's becoming worse .
Look I already rejected this thread here with the comment . But will they ( BD folks) hear me? No.
But if I were you, I would not allow such 7 years old matter making an issue .

Thanks and regards.
I have just checked in and that too when tagged.

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