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Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to

He is talking out of the back of his dhoti. He does not understand that there will be a response which will decimate the whole region in the tit for tat responses from both sides. Jingoism aside war is a horrible thing and should be avoided at all cost.
I agree with you but it cant be avoided at all the cost. As the cost in the mind of RSS is loosing a separate muslim identity of Pakistan.
I agree with you but it cant be avoided at all the cost. As the cost in the mind of RSS is loosing a separate muslim identity of Pakistan.
I view the same. the fact that they prepared the CM launch, shows that Dehli is ruled by aggressive/mindless and unpredictable minds.
If we look at Article 370, RSS (ram) Mandir, CAA etc steps show that they lack diplomacy/vision/self-control/secularism/plurality etc. I mean everybody knows that Kashmiri can't do anything even if Martial Law is imposed. Still previous govt didn't do that.
This govt just play aggressive (be it lock down, monetary reforms, foreign policy) and what they think is right w/o thinking about repercussions.
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I view the same. the fact that they prepared the CM launch, shows that Dehli is ruled by aggressive/mindless and unpredictable minds. I mean everybody knows that Kashmiri can't do anything even if Martial Law is imposed. So previous govt didn't do that.
But now Article 370, RSS (ram) Mandir, CAA etc steps show that they lack diplomacy/vision/reaction/secularism/plurality etc. They just play aggressive and what they think is right w/o thinking about repercussions.
Thank you for your posts. I have repeatedly tried to game plan what the current Indian administration is trying to achieve. They have taken a leaf out of the Israeli playbook on Palestine and tried to implement this in Kashmir. The only strategy seems to me to forcibly try to achieve what they have been trying for decades and hope that Pakistan will not respond. The problem is Pakistan will be forced to respond if this continues. There are complexities in this response. If the response is covert it will give the Indians and opportunity to internationalize the issue and make Pakistan look like a perpetrator of terrorism. If Pakistan reacts openly then the complexities should be open for all to see. The only situation which will play in Pak hands if they conduct some sort of aggressive move. However if they just sit back and play the game right there won't be much which Pakistan will be able to achieve. The favor of the world lies in the Indian court as it has always done and Pakistan will not achieve much by either political or military means.
The only difference in this calculus is how China responds to the situation and whether the Chinese are willing to help cut India down to size .There needs to be enough juice in this situation from the geo strategic POV for the Chinese to react. And this is where the conundrum lies.
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even the radar warning on Rafael that missile lock is good enough to scare them away. Thats what was seen on Feb 27th. IAF with pairs of SU30MKis, Mirage 2000-5 and 5 Mig21 cleared the skies when missiles were locked and launched.


Very poor concept. Young pakistanis always underestimating the enemy.

Can the pl15 be used to engage enemy helicopters (transport and attack?)
It was a bvr kill brother, I don't think a hud video is possible, considering the fact that our ac did not leave our own air space.

it was a BVR kill with HUD recording with the lock on, fire, splash at a distance and disengagement as the second bogey had turned and accelerated away.
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