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Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

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I think you and I are now done Sir

First thought that i should reply then saw this line....I agree we are done..You have made your point and i have made mine...Lets leave it to readers interpretation....It was good to talk to you....:cheers:
First thought that i should reply then saw this line....I agree we are done..You have made your point and i have made mine...Lets leave it to readers interpretation....It was good to talk to you....:cheers:

It was deckingraj.........i am hoping this thread continues where we left off.....nice talking to you too :pdf:
While it is most interesting to see you both neighbours blaze and boil at each other, I couldn't still managed to explain myself the marvel of you both Pakistanis and Indian discussing a response of a surgical strike due to an incident that happened more than 1 year ago!!

I mean seriously..LOL. I am amazed at the waste of time on this thread which lost its relevance withing 3 months of Mumbai massacre. First Pakistani members say that they will launch their JF-17 and F-16 fighters against the incoming IAF Su-30s. Then an Indian member would start teasing the PAF combat jets.

The retort from Pakistani side would suddenly then take the time clock back to your 1965 and 1971 conflict were apparently, PAF gained a victory according to Pakistani members..... Indians would then tease them with the outcomes of both wars.. then Pakistani members will jump to Kashmir issue..then Indians will tease them again and finally what was supposed to be a response to a small air-strike will end up with Pakistani members immediately pressing the nuclear button!!

You guys just amaze us Europeans! One side doesn't stop barraging their threats of a nuclear attack and the other side cannot stop teasing the numerical and technological limitations of the other...

For Heaven's sake, the thread has lived its useful life; its more than a year now for the IAF to find any reason to strike Pakistani territory.
I agree lets kill this stupid useless thread only causes tension's ...
@adios - well we are debating Pak's response to a possible Indian strike. There are two assumptions implicit -
1. There is a serious terror attack in India. Akin to 9/11. Thousands of Indians are killed. It could even be a dirty bomb or a chemical attack by LeT supported by Pak army.
2. India decides to attack Pak terror camps. Say it has evidence and even the US agrees with the evidence.

Surgical strike is different from full scale war. But sadly Pak seems to equate both the things.The thread has shown how people in Pak think about such attacks by India.
You forget the frustration of Indian people and posters that our enemies (Pak terrorists ) are attacking us in our homes while they roam freely in Pak.
The only solution is for Pak to arrest these terrorist and stop supporting them.
Till then we will continue debating such scenarios.

Pakistan is right in equating the two. I am not sarcastic when I say this, but a surgical strike is valid only if there is one part that is rotten...support for terrorism in Pakistan, with due respects, is like a cancer - with the army and some elements of society and the establishment supporting it. In this case, you either attack everything, or you do nothing. Drone strikes are meaningless...
I agree lets kill this stupid useless thread only causes tension's ...

This thread is a tranquilizer for those who were suffering from "Surgical strike fever" !


Since the Mumbai drama in India i have been hearing about a new type of war against Pakistan so called " The surgical strikes " .

So we need to look into what a surgical strike is and how it is going to effect the already deteriorating situation between Pakistan and India (Few of our Indian members are having Surgical strike fever these days ).

What is a surgical strike:

According to me an unprovoked attack intended to deal only with a specific targets is called a surgical strike.

Where would India intend to carry out such a strike:

According to them they would be targeting what in their mind is training camps of Kashmiri mujahedeen LET etc.

But this is not the end of it , India would be intended in destroying Pakistan's sensitive installations and infrastructure ie Dams and Reactors and military locations.

Why a surgical strike is unacceptable :

India has no right to cross Pakistan's airspace and International border for any aggressive intent.
It would be considered a full scale attack on Pakistan's sovereignty.

IAF's SU-30MKI's violated Pakistan's airspace on Lahore and Kashmir borders , they were fully armed , they were intercepted by PAF F-16's and were given 30 seconds to leave the airspace or they would be responsible for any damage so they were forced to leave.

How would they carry out such a Strike:

According to sources IAF's Sukhoi's , MIG-29's and Mirage 2000's will take part in such an attack and they will have to destroy designated targets pin pointed by IAF and Indian Government or they can use their Brahmos super dooper sonic cruise missile .

How would Pakistan Respond:


As far as i can think of any scenario where India carrying out a surgical strikes in Pakistan i guess Indians would have to suffer heavy losses as they would not be sending their whole air force but a limited number of Planes.

Which would be either shot down by SAM's or Pakistan Air Force and there would not be many IAF pilots returning back home alive with their Planes.

In such a fight PAF will dominate them as being a defensive force and there would be no or little damage on the ground as PAF would be the one to take the war to its side.

I have made up a possible response of Pakistan lets see.

1: Introduction of the locations of IAF and PAF air bases.


2: India's Air force Converging into the Hot zone to carry out the surgical strike they would be backed by force multipliers and AWACS , Mig-29s will provide air cover while MKIs and Mirage-2000's will strike the targets in Pakistan.


3: Pakistan Air Force / Air defense will respond to the threat and during this operation Pakistan keeps a lethal weapon in its Hand.

Babur Cruise missile has a Range of 700km ( on paper ) and it is capable of destroying all of India's 18 Forward Air bases.

Lucky enough the Babur is believed to be deployed on Multi missile mobile launchers close to the border already.

Another option could be A-100 MRLS striking Indian Air force positions - 120kms range will enable it to take out some vital installations on the Indian side. Another weapon that Pakistan should buy considering this scenario can be SY-400 Guided multiple rocket launchers which have an effective range of 300-400kms and can be used in air burst - electronic attack-and impact modes.


After suffering heavy losses in Pakistan and on the ground on its own soil considering Pakistan's destructive Nuclear and Missile capability India would not start a full scale war.

Even if they did they would be demoralized and there would be very healthy Chances that Pakistan can take the battle to the Next level , also it would be Enough reason for China to arm Pakistan to its Teeth to cope with the adversary.

Share your ideas please.


Written by Black Blood

Very Nice. :cheers:
Surgical strikes if responded will be dire consequences for India.
Surgical strikes if not response will let Pakistan play the sympathy card and will still have dire geopolitical consequences for India. More importantly Pakistan can claim itself at risk and launch a major drive of arming itself to teeth. Secondly, surgical strikes can be attributed to rise in anti-India sentiments and a marked rise in violence in IOK. As well shift in focus of TTP to indian theater.

In a pure war planning sense, if ISI involvement in 26/11 is to be credited then Pakistan has already taken out successful surgical strikes in the heart of India without much fear or retaliation.
Great Work BB! :yahoo:

That should be the last we hear about surgical strikes on this forum.
I have few question in my mind for indian members, if they can answer;

As we can see here that all indian here says that indian is super power and pakistan is poor country and is running on financial aids, and pakistan army is junk while indian army is superior, and they say pakistani army and state is involved in terrorism in india, thus challenging the sovereignty of Indian state and killing the Indian citizens and they say pakistan cant nuke india, USA has control of nukes and india has brilliantly built active anti ballistic missile system:-)rofl:), so when india has such a huge power and on the other hand pakistan is just a banana republic with junk army, then why indian doesnt attack pakistan?

Still they dont attack pakistan, when pakistan state is playing with the lives of indian citizens(as indians says). After seeing all this, 5 things come into my mind;

1. India army is strong only on papers and cant face Pakistan Army in battle field.
2. Indian army and govt doesnt have balls to attack pakistan.
3. Or Indian army and govt doesnt care about the life of thier citizens and state's sovereignty(as indians are 100% sure pakistani state is involved in terrorism in india).
4. Or India is hypocrite and lier state and doing false propaganda against pakistan.
5. Or India doesn't start war against Pakistan because they don't want 1billion indian getting killed.
While it is most interesting to see you both neighbours blaze and boil at each other, I couldn't still managed to explain myself the marvel of you both Pakistanis and Indian discussing a response of a surgical strike due to an incident that happened more than 1 year ago!!

I mean seriously..LOL. I am amazed at the waste of time on this thread which lost its relevance withing 3 months of Mumbai massacre. First Pakistani members say that they will launch their JF-17 and F-16 fighters against the incoming IAF Su-30s. Then an Indian member would start teasing the PAF combat jets.

The retort from Pakistani side would suddenly then take the time clock back to your 1965 and 1971 conflict were apparently, PAF gained a victory according to Pakistani members..... Indians would then tease them with the outcomes of both wars.. then Pakistani members will jump to Kashmir issue..then Indians will tease them again and finally what was supposed to be a response to a small air-strike will end up with Pakistani members immediately pressing the nuclear button!!

You guys just amaze us Europeans! One side doesn't stop barraging their threats of a nuclear attack and the other side cannot stop teasing the numerical and technological limitations of the other...

For Heaven's sake, the thread has lived its useful life; its more than a year now for the IAF to find any reason to strike Pakistani territory.

r u really a Europeans..!! :cool:
i am following u r post !!! :D
I remember when 26/11 occurred Obama came out with a statement saying that India has the right to defend itself, if there is another god forbid terrorist act linked to Pakistan I think India would be compelled to attack the terror camps.
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