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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Why shouldn't people discuss whatever they want? Its their choice.

If you disagree with that and choose to boycott FB, then do it yourself, why are you forcing your decision on everyone else?

And on this point of 'discussing whatever they want' and 'freedom and liberalism', just look at where the West is, in terms of being developed societies that offer every imaginable service to their citizens, continue to make scientific and technological achievements, and then see where the Muslim world is, still obsessed with petty issues and Mullah ideology over banning websites and ending fahashi.

With this kind of attitude the Muslim world will continue to excel at only one thing, 'anti-fahashi police and actions', while the rest of the world excels in science, technology, arts and literature.

Correct me if I am wrong but the path to prosperity and progress doesn't go through Fahashi, or does it?
I know you are fed up with Muslims attitude on the whole(so am I) but don't you think that you are pointing at the wrong thing?
Last I checked, nations progress with education, not liberalism.
bAN ON "VEIL" in france is no big deal however, pakistan banning facebook on blasphemy is "barbaric" weird double standards.....

well said.....:tup:

If they do not tolerate Veil, Minar etc then why anyone expect us to be super hero.......!!!!!!!!!!!!
They shud have band **** sites instead of Youtube, thats insane, I had the whole list of songs in YouTube to download :frown:
I came across this link when searching for Islamic response to Blasphemy.

I am surprised that ignoring was an option which itself was ignored by Islamic Scholar Dr. Naik who is considered moderate by some.


Question Hour - Dr. Zakir NaikRuling for Blasphemy in Islam

Q. How should Muslims respond to the recent controversy, which erupted out of publishing 12 caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in one of the Danish newspapers? What is the ruling for blasphemy in Islam?

A. A Christian surveyor, Professor Edward reported in the TIME Magazine of April 16, 1979 that in a span of 150 years, from 1800 CE to 1950 CE over 60,000 books have been written against Islam. It works out to more than one book against Islam everyday.

Today there is virulent propaganda against Islam in the international media, in international newspapers and magazines, on radio broadcast stations and satellite TV channels. A section of the media is attacking Islam, and this has reached epidemic levels especially after eleventh of September, 2001.

This is not the first occasion where the media has been used as a tool to malign Islam.

On the 30th of September 2005, one of the Danish newspapers (Jyllands - Posten) published 12 defamatory caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which included images of the Prophet wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse and showed him as a knife-wielding nomad surrounded by veiled women. These drawings were later reprinted on January 10, by a Norwegian evangelical newspaper “Magazinet” in the name of defending “free expression”. These sparked boycotts and demonstrations against these acts throughout the Muslim world. Islam prohibits any depiction of the prophet (pbuh), even if it is done in the right spirit, as such images could possibly lead to idolatry.

Recently, an interesting article appeared in the ‘Guardian’ (weekly newspaper of the UK) on Monday, February 6, 2006. Three years ago in April 2003, a Danish illustrator Christopher Zieler submitted a series of unsolicited cartoons dealing with the resurrection of Christ, to Jyllands-Posten. However, the cartoons of Christ were turned down by Jyllands-Posten on the grounds that they could be offensive to readers and were surely not funny.

A British historian David Irving was recently given a three-year sentence on charges stemming from two speeches he gave in Austria in 1989 in which he was accused of denying the Holocaust. (The Times of India, February 24, 2006). The report urges us to contemplate why is “freedom of expression” conveniently forgotten when it comes to topics that may hurt a section of this world?

With regards to how should Muslims respond to this sort of defamation against Islam, broadly, I can classify the Muslim response into six different categories.

1. Replies via the Media

The first way is to reply via the media i.e. using the same tool, which is often used against us. Replies can be in the form of letters, articles, pamphlets and books, which can be sent to newspapers and magazines and posted on the Internet. Appearances on satellite TV channels and giving public lectures in order to present the correct picture of Islam are also another possible way. Common non-Muslims throughout the world have become victims of a section of the media and its propaganda. One cannot blame a common non-Muslim for being against Islam unless we Muslims clarify their doubts and remove the misconceptions prevalent in their minds. It is the job of every Muslim to respond to allegations against Islam and clarify misconceptions.

2. Peaceful Protests and Demonstrations

There can be peaceful demonstrations or protests in the form of a congregation. A large number of Muslims can march to parliament house and protest against what has happened. Muslims can also give a letter to the embassy of that particular country and request the Prime Minister to take action against the offender.

3. Filing a Legal Suit

We can even take legal action against the defamer in his country or file a case in the International Court of Law if the nation where the act has taken place is condoning the act. We can sue the offenders by pulling them to court, which is one of the good ways of preventing such things from occurring in the future.

A striking example in this respect can be cited of CAIR (Council on American - Islamic Relations), which is the largest Islamic civil liberties group in the U.S. In 1997, CAIR succeeded in shaking down Nike when they filed a defamation suit objecting to a pair of shoes manufactured by Nike, which had a design on the heel similar to the Arabic word for “God”, Allah. However, there was an out-of–court settlement and Nike not only publicly apologised but also agreed to give several million dollars to the Muslim community, which were spent to build three playgrounds at Islamic Centers in the United States.

4. Economic Embargo

The fourth strategy is to put an economic embargo, a very effective weapon aimed at weakening the economy of any country. Muslim countries can get together and apply economic or business pressure against that country if it continues to publish defamatory things. It is advisable to boycott certain goods if we know that boycotting products of that country can create a huge effect on the country’s economy. During the gulf war, a few countries in the Middle East boycotted American products and caused a big loss to the U.S. If a section of the western media has “freedom of expression” then we Muslims too have the freedom to use or abstain from using a product. Say for example if the western countries wish not to procure oil from the Muslim world, it is their choice for which we cannot compel them. Similarly, if the Muslims do not want to buy products from a particular country, it is illogical for anyone to have any objections to their decision.

5. Political Pressure

This takes place on a higher level i.e. between political authorities of countries. The leaders of different Muslim nations can apply pressure on a political level. The Muslim governments can withdraw their ambassadors from that country and shut down its embassies as part of a political boycott, if they refuse to give a public apology and do not stop defaming the Prophet (pbuh).

6. Moderate Force

The sixth strategy is to carry out demonstrations using a limited amount of force. As far as the first five strategies are concerned, no Muslim or non-Muslim can have any objections. If there is freedom of speech then we Muslims also have the freedom to reply in the media, to participate in peaceful demonstrations, or take legal action seeking punishment or compensation. We can even boycott goods or apply political pressure since it’s a matter of personal choice.

Alhamdulillah, I feel that this time Muslims across the globe have responded very well and we have been united in our protests and succeeded in voicing our displeasure at the cowardly attempts on ridiculing the Messenger (Pbuh) by a section of the civilized world. (except a few stray incidents where violence was used at a higher level which Islam does not permit). The response from the Muslims came in almost all of the above six categories. Muslims did not react immediately; rather we gave ample enough time to the Prime Minister of Denmark to use his good offices to intervene and ensure that Jyllands-Posten apologise for hurting the sentiments of 1.3 billion (Muslim) citizens of this world. Muslims exercised restraint until they were forced to come out on the streets when other European newspapers reprinted these provocative images.

We gave our replies via the media – numerous letters, emails, and articles were written in newspapers, magazines and were also put up on websites. We held peaceful protests and demonstrations across the world in almost every nation that has a considerable Muslim population. We levied an economic embargo as well – the Middle East boycotted Danish goods and products, which caused a huge loss to the Danish economy since Middle East happens to be one of the largest consumers of Danish products importing more than a billion dollar of goods annually.

Besides this, we also applied political pressure when the Danish government refused to apologise for publishing the caricatures, citing freedom of thought, Saudi Arabia and some other Arab nations recalled their ambassadors in Copenhagen and imposed restrictions on Danish goods. This immediately prompted the Danish Industrialists’ Association to ask the Jyllands - Posten daily to apologise for publishing the cartoons.

The punishment for blasphemy in most of the major religions is death. It is stated in the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the authority for both the Jews and the Christians:

And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: [Book of Leviticus 24:16]

Moreover, if we read Manusmriti, the Law book of the Hindus, it says:

“If a man born of a lower class intentionally bothers a priest, the king should punish him physically with various forms of corporal and capital punishment that make men shudder.” [Manusmriti 9:248]

Regarding the punishment for blasphemy in Islam, it is mentioned in the Glorious Qur’an:

“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;” [Surah Al-Maidah 5:33]. In Islam, a person who has committed blasphemy can either be killed or crucified, or his opposite hands and feet can be cut off, or he can be exiled from that land. On the other hand, in other religions there is no other option except capital punishment. Islam at least has four options of punishment for an act of blasphemy.

In spite of all the negative propaganda in a section of the western media, ironically Islam still happens to be the fastest growing religion, not just in the west but also across the world. The more people try to suppress Islam, the more it will prevail. Allah (swt) will make His Deen (Islam) to prevail over all the other ways of life irrespective of people mocking and ridiculing His messengers. As Allah says in the Glorious Quran:

“Mocked were (many) Messengers before thee; but the scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.” [Surah Al-An’aam 6:10].

(Readers can send their questions to Dr Zakir Naik on his email: zakir@irf.net)
Some people here are quite disappointing & hopeless , banning Facebook is what ?

Its a god damn website which has something that can lead to massive protests in Pakistan and Billions would be lost in those protests caused by a wesbite.

FB is banned in Pakistan till 31st and this was the right thing to do to save country from those raiots etc.

Its pathetic how people are brining in their X-hated policies in this matter, Its not just GOP its People of Pakistan this time.
I am hearing today YouTube got banned too, that means you guys will not be able to see videos anymore.
yar whats wrong wikipedia.org is working. Facebook and youtube got restricted for few days or months, discussion related to these are under progress. hopefully they will remain banned till 31st of this month, just to record our protest. on the other hand wikipedia is fully functioning.

Some people are making it a chance to spread lies and distort image of Pakistan.

Wiki is working fine in many cities i do not know how it cant be opened in few places if PTA had restricted it? Then it should not be opening in any part of Pakistan.
Just so all of you know...The main FB page which started all this ...is no more online...

Though there is another one...but the page with around 80000 members is not available now :)

I am in UK...not sure about the situation from your locations !!
Why shouldn't people discuss whatever they want? Its their choice.

If you disagree with that and choose to boycott FB, then do it yourself, why are you forcing your decision on everyone else?

same goes for super duper literate and civilized societies you are defending...

If someone has problem with VEIL and Minar, then why they are enforcing their point of view via force i.e., resolutions in parliament.

Societies doesn't go like that the way you presented. These things look good only in books but reality is very different.
Facebook hit badly by ban in Pakistan i hope all Muslims countries will ban Facebook for 2,3 weeks.

Who gives a damn about being pleased by these morons ?
We just dont want to be offended !

Exactly who wants to get please of those dumba**. Just time to tell them buddy it's enough and we won't tolerate this.

Facebook hit badly by ban in Pakistan i hope all Muslims countries will ban Facebook for 2,3 weeks.

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