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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Glad to find a thread already on this. Some Pakistani friends had informed me that the English language version of Wikipedia is banned/blocked. Versions in other languages are still open though. I guess this confirms it then.
Stupidity all around, from all sides is causing all kinds of problems.


Draw Muhammad Day backfires for Seattle cartoonist

If the Internet respected intentions, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris might have had a good May.

"It's been horrible," Norris said from her home Wednesday. "I'm just trying to breathe and get through it."

It is a culturally, religiously and even racially charged viral movement Norris sparked in April when she drew a cartoon to protest Comedy Central's decision to nix a recent "South Park" episode that tested the taboo on depicting the Prophet Muhammad. Her cartoon featured a proclamation that Thursday, May 20, be "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day."

She didn't mean it, but here's the punchline: It didn't matter.

"Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" took off within days of Norris' April post and a subsequent appearance on "The Dave Ross Show" she says she also regrets. Thousands of images have already appeared on at least two related Facebook pages she did not create that boasted upwards of 71,000 members Thursday afternoon and features not discussion or debate but streams of verbal and visual vitriol.

Online causes form a yin-yang, so here's the bright side: A Facebook page against these Facebook pages had 72,000 fans Thursday.

Depiction of any prophet is prohibited in Islam, a cultural tenet that led to riots, religious tension and even deaths after European papers published cartoons featuring Islam's chief prophet in 2006.

In the weeks since Norris posted her cartoon, blogs have fumed. Muslim advocacy groups have braced for impact. And today, a Pakistani court ordered authorities to block Facebook in the country until this all blows over.

Meanwhile, Norris lost 7 pounds and her comfort in artistic obscurity.

"I'm pretty compulsive. I put things on my blog or on my Facebook page right when I make them, all my cartoons and stuff," she said. "I guess now I would think about how to create something to stay specific to what I was talking about in case it goes viral."

Norris has posted apologies, joined protest groups, talked with national media and given her site a mea culpa makeover to try to distance herself from her monster.

But there's nothing she can do to stop it -- or even turn away. She's spent today battling alternating waves of anxiety and serenity, she said, checking Facebook, taking a walk, then checking Facebook again.

When the big day arrives Thursday, Norris will leave Seattle on a vacation she'd scheduled with a friend before this began. Her friend is bringing an iPhone. If it gets coverage where she's going, Norris said, she'll check some more.

"I can't help it," she said. "It's like watching a car wreck."

That wasn't her intention, either.
Wikipedia is back now!I guess it was banned by mistake..It is online now and working.
If you get offended you get offended as if the world cares, thats why all these things will continue and nobody will be able to stop it.

Why dont you mind your own bloody business and stop lecturing us about what the world cares about and what not. Stay in the line of bigots that you trying to advocate for and as I said mind your own bloody business.
The best thing would be to start a page called, We Forgive You, Thats What Our Prohpet Mohammed (PBUH) Taught Us.

Someone make this page and make us proud.
Please we don't want Saudi Arabia like censorship in Pakistan.I think people of Pakistan are mature enough to know whats good for them and whats bad.Pakistan is not a wahabi fascist country.Anyway youtube ban won't last long..It will be unbanned soon.
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It might be stone age for those sons and daughters of elite who are most of the times on dating sites. Atleast majority of the people in Pakistan do not consider it going to stone age.

Very unfortuante comments from a Think Tank member
Why dont you mind your own bloody business and stop lecturing us about what the world cares about and what not. Stay in the line of bigots that you trying to advocate for and as I said mind your own bloody business.

Dude I am not lecturing anyone, just saying that this bloody business will not stop no matter what happens and slowly this will become a mass movement.
Facebook hit badly by ban in Pakistan i hope all Muslims countries will ban Facebook for 2,3 weeks.

Ooooooo... Six percent decline in just one day. :D:bounce:

I hope Turkey and other Muslim Countries also join us..

This will be a really nice lesson for FB.
Some stupid Idiots sent me sms to keep pinging facebook ip (If a lot of people do this it would flood) what these idiots don't realize is that We won't even reach facebook server.The ip currently terminates at PIE so well end ddosing PIE's Server.
The best thing would be to start a page called, We Forgive You, Thats What Our Prohpet Mohammed (PBUH) Taught Us.

Someone make this page and make us proud.

Oh that would be Boring. Can we discuss that for 700 odd posts here. Can it get fanatics worked up.

BTW why dont you start it yourself. If facebook is banned why not on Orkut.
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