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Pakistan's Internet censorship

BS decision - Muslims need to grow a thicker skin instead of being 'offended' over facebook comics.

The GoP (PPP) is basically caving in to the religious lobby and enforcing draconian and intolerant decisions to deflect attention away from its failures in governance, much like the PPP caved into religious extremists under ZA Bhutto and legalized intolerance, discrimination and prejudice against a community with the laws against Ahmadis.
I think facebook is banned for right reason , Facebook have not rules & regulation , you can make Events , groups & Discussion whatever you want.

So banning facebook in protest of '...........Draw day' is very good Decision .

I boycotted facebook since 19 May.
you ignore this next time they go a step further....and ignore that they go further & slowly but eventually you have this:

YouTube - funny afraid jesus dancing in the streets

now tell me if you have a small wound if you don't do something about it it will only become more infected & worse!!! not better....:coffee:

burying your head in the sand never helps! someone has to start somewhere

I ignored it.. :agree:

its very simple to ignore !!!:tup:

And I assure you I am not going to start another FB page against it :D
What is wrong to block a site that contains stuff that People of Islamic republic of Pakistan don't like.

We can live without youtube , as we were before 2005 when there was no youtube. Blocking youtube does not mean we go into Stone age.

But i think better way is to Block the URLs that Contains the Wrong Stuff, as like Saudia Arabia , Where we can access the Youtube but not all Videos.
Yeah but the original blasphemist was from Denmark. France is banning Burkha and beard. The world will be getting smaller and smaller if you keep harping on the Phadas.

We are only discussing the facebook page and nothing else, stick to the topic and do not bring in other points of discussion.
are u sure or just guessing????

calculative guess.
no company in the world releases daily financial results.
The loss or profit from this incident will be calculated at the end of the quarter, ie at the end of June.
Well one hilarious thing is that one can open redtube but not youtube.


Anyways the websites should do something to solve this issue. They shouldn't get their sites hijacked with such ***** and absurdity. Remove all blasphemous material from the sites. Enough with this freedom of speech BS.

I ignored it.. :agree:

its very simple to ignore !!!:tup:

And I assure you I am not going to start another FB page against it :D

Yeah the only thing which can stop any bad thing going on in the world is "just Ignore it".....

If someone rapes a girl ignore it coz its not your issue let the girl deal with it....

If you are a victim of theft ignore it coz the thieve will find his punishment on the day of judgment...

If someone kills your brother ignore it coz he will be dealt harshly at the day of judgment

If someone abuses your mother and says her a prostitute ignore it coz someday he will get the punishment

if someone draws nude pics of your sister ignore it coz its freedom of speech and state has no right to stop him....

if someone is making pornographic movies ignore it no matter how much this is exploiting our young generation this not the matter of concern of a state because banning them will be against freedom of speech
In essence, banning a website for content that is deemed offensive is unwarranted because people can choose to ignore it. However the responsibility also lies in a company such as Facebook to understand that freedom of speech has to be within limits that have clearly been crossed on this page.

This is nothing but a way in which bigots under the guise of 'Freedom of Expression' are openly abusing a whole group of people, many of whom would have ignored it anyhow.

We have an religiously emotional minority that can get aggressive, this religious group is being pandered to on many occasion which I feel is incorrect. Perhaps we need to learn from this moment onwards that ignoring rather than fighting back is the best way and the only way Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) would have liked it to be.

Time to reevaluate the situation and work on the basic fundamentals of how to react to any such incident in the future.
are u sure or just guessing????

Dude total evaluation of Facebook was a USD 1 billion (Offer made by Yahoo). Even if we double the number (mind you total net worth not daily income) it will fall well short of the figure mentioned to you in the SMS. Anyways since last 2 days - the pages have only attracted higher traffic - I doubt there would be even marginal loss for them.

This is my rational argument, Rest is what you believe.
BS decision - Muslims need to grow a thicker skin instead of being 'offended' over facebook comics.

The GoP (PPP) is basically caving in to the religious lobby and enforcing draconian and intolerant decisions to deflect attention away from its failures in governance, much like the PPP caved into religious extremists under ZA Bhutto and legalized intolerance, discrimination and prejudice against a community with the laws against Ahmadis.

Hear.... Hear....
Frankly speaking, we are stupid to the extent of being moronic. We have so conveniently played into the hands of a publicity stunt. We are behaving like fools in helping some people achieve exactly what their objective was from the start, publicity. Why are we so naive to think that banning facebook will make them bear losses? In fact all this free publicity will earn them returns far beyond our imagination.

We need to be patient, tolerant and level headed while dealing with such situations. For those of you who have seen Dr. Zakir Naik speak, even when a non-Muslim asks a question which might be considered offensive by Muslims, he listens to him and than answers the question with patience and with logic as opposed to our average Mullah's who issue a fatwa of Kufar even if an average Muslims asks a question to clarify his concepts.

Lets just leave them alone.
Youtube is reportedly down in many places as well.

I hope all the children of Wahhab, Maududi and Qutb are happy. Let's revert to the Zia days. Ban everything now. The interweb is full of **** so we might disconnect Pakistan altogether. Let's cut off the SEAMWE-3 and SEAMWE-4 entirely.

Welcome to the stone ages. Fascism at its best. Thank you Fundos.

And Children of whom and whom and whom are mourning?? Who have faced an intolerable discrimination?? who have been subjected to unjust and unimaginable torture and hardships?? And who have been deprived of their due rights???
What is freedom of speech and who is gonna determine its boundaries?? Does it have any boundaries?? What is religion?? and who should determine its boundaries??
What is liberalism?? And what is fascism?? which of them is good?? or both of them are points of extremes?? which one can serve us well?? or both of them are means of drowning us ?? And what is modernism?? Unless one finds answers and Just answers to the above raised issues, no one has the right to paint others with black.

Now lets come to senses, before its too late. Ist of all you must realize that if a ban is enforced by the government of Pakistan, which all of you are so proud of being legally elected, and not by the children of Wahab,Maududi and Qutab.
Secondly, This current government is the hub of liberal schools in Pakistan, and you wont find a more liberal force then them in Pakistan. But even then, if they have felt something extra-ordinarily odd and questionable and decided to impose a ban, then it means its not about Wahabis, Maududis and Qutabis, but something really wrong and out of the way, which you alas cannot see.

Thirdly, and more importantly, as Muslims we must not let our religion and our Prophet (P.B.U.H) be ridiculed. No one has the right to do so. Neither we as a state should allow them, who declares to be Islamic republic and that too very proudly. It does not mean that all of us should pick arms and declare a Jihad or crusade, but peacefully and firmly record our protests that carry a massage clear enough, that you are crossing boundaries which wont be allowed and tolerated. The act of this kind of Blasphemy is not new and the only one, but keeps on coming back and forth every now and then. The sole reason, Islamic states and not the Muslims, do not respond in timely and reasonable way, and thus all around the world the ridicule continues. As a result, Anxiety amongst the Muslims specially the youth crosses it threshold and we see more jahadists and people like them being produced, Which unfortunately create another source of problems for all us.

Now the good point about this ban is, that it has come in the right time, before public can react and come on the street and indulge in violence and public and private property losses. By doing so the government has actually killed the reason for the public to come out of their homes, as they did, if you can remember, in Denmark Cartoon case.
More importantly Wikipedia has not been banned, not officially.And to me its a harmless. but those who are involved in derogatory activities, deserve what they got , and more like them should be banned. This principally stand correct, and the masses of this country will support it, and appreciate it.

Lastly, pointing Wahad , Maududi and Qutab, here without any justifiable grounds, is a shameless act. And then finding rather making a connection somehow between them and the stone age, is even more. You cannot paint every one with the same brush. But by doing so, you prove to be one point of extreme if they are the other. And that's make you no different from them but in a different fashion!!


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