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Pakistan's Internet censorship

An update... The creator of the page must are publically giggling. They have already posted a youtube video claiming of having Pakistani govt. on the run (referring to the Ban). And depriving millions of Internet content. 2-3 out of work graphic designers have had an impact on millions. WOW.

I oppose the campeign, but is it not too much??
What a BS arguement to support hate filled act. Tell me what difference does that made into lives of people dying of hunger? and what about people who died (and are still dying) from their bullets, bombs and beheading?

What would your opinion be if somebody start paying poor people for drawing sketches of Prophet (PBUH)? Afterall, that will be a humanitarian act for providing employement to poor and needy people dying of hunger.

Another Indian idiot jumps the gun without reading all the other posts that I wrote after this in reply to similar queries. Listen, I am not condoning this act, but the quotes of Mullah Omar who is from a barbaric regime sound more realistically to be of a valid stance. What else can you expect from such a regime, and first of all read my other comments before writing your nonsense over here.

Also what has paying people to insult other got to do with this. Seems like most of you people are not able to comprehend a situation from a slightly different point of view.
Muslims have acted exactly the way Europeans wanted them to act,

You hit the nail here...
That's what Muslims need to understand...I would rather not use the word Europeans as in generalization though...

One of the Page on FB...very clearly in the information section quotes as below...
"We would like to encourage you all to add and share Muhammad's photos, as this will only enrage some people :)"

And that's exactly what has happenned...a few nutters wanted you to be enraged and they are having the last laugh...Most of the people did not knew about it till day before yesterday ..till our muslim friends started forwarding the appeals and now the whole world knows about it..

Should have ignored it ...just like multiple blasphemous websites that you ignore
Jab main raasta hi ban hai miya to Proxy to band honi hi thi

Waise in a way, it is not such a bad idea to ban facebook. Freedom issue apart, what difference will it make if we are not able to be on facebook. Email to ban nai hui na.

Though banning wikipedia & youtube is a bad idea. Its such a huge reservoir of Knowledge, we just need to lookout for the right stuff, not the wrong one.
Use DailyMotion instead of Youtube

Use Encyclopedia instead of Wikipedia

However forget the social networking thing, its kills time and time is a precious thing.
Everyone in Pakistan go for "nexlinx ISP" nothing is banned there except Facebook....... youtube and wikipedia working fine
umm some people need to think LOGICALLY. stating your views in a forum and u get called an anti pak, anti muslim for VOICING UR OPINIONS. seriously guys GET A LIFE. annd i think this ban was stupid. why dont they just ban the whole internet!:disagree:

whole internet is being ban but reselt will come out soon. load sheding is the selution for ban every thing.we are try our whole best to ban it:P
Use DailyMotion instead of Youtube

Mate...the blasphemous videos similar to FB and Youtube is on dailymotion too...i searched for it now and i can see them...

it comes back to the point...Ignore it..Banning will only spread these contents and and wont stop them
thats pretty good that youtube is gonna blocked here

it should not be allowed again
and same the facebbook too
we should creates our own sites for our requirments
Mate...the blasphemous videos similar to FB and Youtube is on dailymotion too...i searched for it now and i can see them...

it comes back to the point...Ignore it..Banning will only spread these contents and and stop them

But we have phada with US and not France because all this blasphemous stuff originate from the US.

Hope you understand, the ban is specifically for nation where these originate from and whom the companies belong to.

Of course there will always be blasphemous stuff that we all do ignore, but with such a high profile website such as facebook, it ought to be more careful and understanding of others feelings.
I am sure these guys wont mind the publicity provided by the Muslims themselves. About 90% of the traffic to the page comes from the links provided by muslims - as on this forum. And now thanks to the BAN, they have become an international news and being covered by mainstream media. It would have taken millions to create a publicity campeign such as this, and they are getting it for FREE.

I never knew such a page existed and for for the rest of my life would have never known - If not for the heated discussion on the thread on defence.pk.
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