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Pakistan's Inherent Strength


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom

Dr Samar Mubarak gives an insight into Pakistan's nuclear capability, it currently stands as the fourth largest nuclear power in the world, with an advance weapon and delivery system. Watch the second part to understand where Pakistan stands on ICBM capability.

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It,s just like the credit cards that come free with your new wallets, you can never use them.
Nukes can be deterrent but not the strength.

Not sure where you have studied defense doctrine but from but that is far from the truth. Case in point, in World War II the United States used it's ultimate strength against Japan and ended the war decisively and forced an unconditional surrender. Now of course that was a case of one nuclear power vs a non-nuclear power, the equation does change when both warring parties are nuclear armed. It then comes down to nuclear capability of both which is an array of factors.
Not sure where you have studied defense doctrine but from but that is far from the truth. Case in point, in World War II the United States used it's ultimate strength against Japan and ended the war decisively and forced an unconditional surrender. Now of course that was a case of one nuclear power vs a non-nuclear power, the equation does change when both warring parties are nuclear armed. It then comes down to nuclear capability of both which is an array of factors.
After the defeat of germany Japan was already on verge of defeat.Hirosima and nagasaki were more like vendetta for pearl habour.
whats problem with indians??? when ever it comes to pakistani nukes they start economy and all this rubish....
we know all these but first we have to survive in this cruel world of ( jis ke lathi us ke bhens). it our detterent against india and others. you do not need to worry
By 2015 we will have close to 300 warheads primed.......one for every major city in India...:)
Nuclear weapons complimented by strong economy and strong military complimented by a strong political government will give Pakistan an unprecedented strength.

Come next elections, Pakistanis must choose a right political leadership. We must think for the country and not individual likes or dislikes. If we have a strong political leadership, strong economy and good governance will be possible. This way, Pakistan will be able to explore its inherent strengths.
4th largest nuclear arsenal but smallest economy among 7 countries who owned nuclear weapons by 1998.

History only remembers the victor, not the financial status of victor.

The man who stood undefeated in over 100 battles did not have enough possessions to conduct his funeral.
Even during the times of severe hardship, Prophet Muhammad had several sword hanging at gate.
dr samar mubarkh is a fraud but we have proud that our nuclear weapons growing day by day we have crossed india many years ago
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