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Pakistan's Inherent Strength

Dr Samar Mubarak gives an insight into Pakistan's nuclear capability, it currently stands as the fourth largest nuclear power in the world, with an advance weapon and delivery system. Watch the second part to understand where Pakistan stands on ICBM capability.

Although we have Shaheen III but we shouldn't have stopped our work on Ghauri-III which is awaiting to launch since 1999, which has a planned range of 3000-3500KMs which is great and I think the present GoP can make Nation Happy by releasing him and allow him to work freely on this and other projects as well.
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I think strength of social fabric of a nation should be the basis of national strength along with defense capabilities and other factors.
Nukes can be deterrent but not the strength.

How is deterrence exercised. By display, projection and show of strength to quote some aspects.

You are right to an extent that, "after the defeat of germany Japan was already on verge of defeat.Hirosima and nagasaki were more like vendetta for pearl habour."

This vendetta also was undertaken through the use of power US possessed, which was used as a deterrence against any future challengers, that they have the will and capability to use such a power if challenged again.

Deterrence therefore, is also an expression of power, through the threat of use of power.
Although we have Shaheen III but we shouldn't have stopped our work on Ghauri-III which is awaiting to launch since 1999, which has a planned range of 3000-3500KMs which is great and I think the present GoP can make Nation Happy by releasing him and allow him to work freely on this and other projects as well.

Until Shaheen-III IRBM is tested, it cannot be considered as reliable.
Ghauri-III would have been a sitting duck in case of war. Pro-longed furling duration and less ABM-evading capabilities proved that a solid-fueled IRBM would be a better choice. We do not have the luxury of wasting funds on two separate systems which can do the same thing.
Dr. Samar had his time, and he did very well. Organizations keep growing and new faces replace older ones. One should not undermine the younger generation since it is both competent and dedicated to Pakistan's Strategic Weapons development at the same level.
I think strength of social fabric of a nation should be the basis of national strength along with defense capabilities and other factors.

Very true. The notion of National Power has many aspects. The coherence of social fabric being one of them.

Use of Madhrui Dixit's thumkas to keep the social fabric fastened together and strained in the direction of thumkas is one example of keeping the social fabric co-joined in a mutually beneficial social activity in the face of rising social tensions.

Sanskrit in easy form eh!
Very true. The notion of National Power has many aspects. The coherence of social fabric being one of them.

Use of Madhrui Dixit's thumkas to keep the social fabric fastened together and strained in the direction of thumkas is one example of keeping the social fabric co-joined in a mutually beneficial social activity in the face of rising social tensions.

Sanskrit in easy form eh!

If you would have known the history of Indian freedom struggle across the lines of religion, languages and social status, and thus the struggle to emerge from an nation touted to struggle with existence to a nation today acknowledged as a global player, you would know what our social fabric stands for.

back on topic, good to see pakistan has impressive arsenal of missiles and nuclear program...

as far as this experts "proliferation claims wrt to libya and iran;

Chronology of Libya's Disarmament and Relations with the United States | Arms Control Association

If you would have known the history of Indian freedom struggle across the lines of religion, languages and social status, and thus the struggle to emerge from an nation touted to struggle with existence to a nation today acknowledged as a global player, you would know what our social fabric stands for.

back on topic, good to see pakistan has impressive arsenal of missiles and nuclear program...

as far as this experts "proliferation claims wrt to libya and iran;

Chronology of Libya's Disarmament and Relations with the United States | Arms Control Association


I am sorry, I don't understand your answer to my comment.
How is deterrence exercised. By display, projection and show of strength to quote some aspects.

You are right to an extent that, "after the defeat of germany Japan was already on verge of defeat.Hirosima and nagasaki were more like vendetta for pearl habour."

This vendetta also was undertaken through the use of power US possessed, which was used as a deterrence against any future challengers, that they have the will and capability to use such a power if challenged again.

Deterrence therefore, is also an expression of power, through the threat of use of power.
Same Hiroshima and Nagasaki show of power has made USA realised that they have unleashed a Frankenstein which has put their own existence in danger.Its more like now usa has be trying to put that genie back after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.but that genie everytime grows new head for it like hydra.

Had any other country possessed the nuke during world war they usa would not have though even to use its nukes.Thats where deterrence kicks in.

And if you think deterrence is show of power then usa blasting every other country once a decade is deterrence too to keep others from challenging it.Unfortunately for last decade its been Afghanista-iraq-pakistan.
Very true. The notion of National Power has many aspects. The coherence of social fabric being one of them.

Use of Madhrui Dixit's thumkas to keep the social fabric fastened together and strained in the direction of thumkas is one example of keeping the social fabric co-joined in a mutually beneficial social activity in the face of rising social tensions.

Sanskrit in easy form eh!
Seems like momeen is quite pareshan with madhuri dixit's thumkas which even his nukes cant detter.Such is the situation now that every one feels danger from it weakening the cultural fabric of the society............. :)
Same Hiroshima and Nagasaki show of power has made USA realised that they have unleashed a Frankenstein which has put their own existence in danger.Its more like now usa has be trying to put that genie back after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.but that genie everytime grows new head for it like hydra.

Had any other country possessed the nuke during world war they usa would not have though even to use its nukes.Thats where deterrence kicks in.

And if you think deterrence is show of power then usa blasting every other country once a decade is deterrence too to keep others from challenging it.Unfortunately for last decade its been Afghanista-iraq-pakistan.

Deterrence is not only nuclear power. It is conventional military power as well. It can also be economic power and its manipulation. It is political power and its coercive application. It can be geopolitical power projection with a combination of many or all the above. It can be a country's ability to manipulate the world forums like UNO, WTO, World Bank etc etc and much more.

It can also be @ajtr with some catchy responses which makes others speechless.
Nukes can be called an acquired strength not an inherent strength.

Someone gave an example of the US nukeing Japan as inherent strength .

The acquisition of nukes was in addition to the vast industrial & economic might of the US coupled with its location which prevented it from being bombed & attacked - these could be called inherent strength.

Nukes without any thing - economic to back it are of little use as there are numerous ways to fight withing the nuke threshold as US did to USSR.
Seems like momeen is quite pareshan with madhuri dixit's thumkas which even his nukes cant detter.Such is the situation now that every one feels danger from it weakening the cultural fabric of the society............. :)

I agree with you. Thumkas can make people forget the nukes.

Nukes can be called an acquired strength not an inherent strength.

Someone gave an example of the US nukeing Japan as inherent strength .

The acquisition of nukes was in addition to the vast industrial & economic might of the US coupled with its location which prevented it from being bombed & attacked - these could be called inherent strength.

Nukes without any thing - economic to back it are of little use as there are numerous ways to fight withing the nuke threshold as US did to USSR.

Strength could be acquired or inherent, it adds to the capability of the holder to use it in whatever manner it could or desire.

Strength could be in the form of conventional or nuclear or economic or political or geostrategic or geopolitical etc.

Could poor economy reduces the capability of a nuclear capable nation to deter. I don't think so. It is the economic capability which has reduced and not the nuclear power. Yes the progress of enhancing the nuclear capability may be affected, but certainly not the number of bums or the rockets and other means to carry these bums.

Nuclear threshold is a separate subject. Some other time please.
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