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Pakistan's Missile Defence System?

Initially Pakistan may have system similar to S-300VM, if work is in progress of developing a missile defense.

S-300VM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

slightly doubtful if Ballistic Missile Defense is even required by Pakistan. If one goes by so called Pakistan centric missiles in Indian arsenal, all are endo-atmospheric and more cruise type. would it not be more sensible to strengthen your Air Defense in point and theater terms?

Its pointless saying Pakistan has no BMD now.We are nuclear power the first thing we know is its Might. THe Nuclear knows the destruction and thats why BMD are there in pakistan. As a hypothesis I think im right Pakistan does have BMD already not sure of what origin. furthermore saying pakistan has no $$$$ well I think When Pakistan finds something important to be acquired they eventually get their hands on that stuff. Though its just hypothesis

Yes it is exactly that. A hypothesis. Then you would have had a no first strike policy in place by now
slightly doubtful if Ballistic Missile Defense is even required by Pakistan. If one goes by so called Pakistan centric missiles in Indian arsenal, all are endo-atmospheric and more cruise type. would it not be more sensible to strengthen your Air Defense in point and theater terms?

That is the reason I mentioned S-300VM please read info available about it, this system can intercept all types of air born threats but it specializes in Short Range Ballistic missile defense.

If Pakistan acquire this type of system and integrate it with current systems it will enhance our air defense many folds, and we must remember that India's primary nuclear missiles against Pakistan is its short range ballistic missiles like Prithvi and its successors not the IRBMs like Agni-I, II, or III.

For Point defense against cruise missiles SPADA is a good system integrated and supported by other systems which includes radar guided guns and other point defense systems.
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