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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Originally Posted by aditiwari007 said:
Pakistanis are addicted to getting foreign technology as donation. They even cant develop missiles on their own, forget ICBMs

Wake up mate, its ain't Pakistan who claims duds like tirshool and prithvi from DRDO, yeah you can forget ICBM because it is not intended for you, ICBM development is a dangerous work so stay safe, don't try this at "home", you are already burning.
Time has proven that pakistan always came up with a solution to every indian threat, and i am sure pakistan would be working on it.

by the way sometimes i think that there might be a secret pact between indian and pakistani army to keep a certain level of tension between them just to find excuses for procurement and development of more and more sophisticated weapons with the help of the rest of the world.

its just a funny idea, nothing more...
Pakistan Should build ICBM but the one that can threaten Uncle Sam just in case if US attacks Pakistan.

As Far as india is concerned we have got it covered already.

ICBM will keep those narco fascist EURO at bay too.

As far as Russia is concerned it is my personal opinion that we should develop stretegic ties with Russia.
Pakistan Russian ties have improved and need to continue to build economic and strategic relations with them. Russia is a rising power, Pakistan is the 6th biggest country in the world in population and we have common interests as well.
Where is our long range 7000km misile i think this is the right time to test this misile if it is ..............
Where is our long range 7000km misile i think this is the right time to test this misile if it is ..............

Hold your horses. There is no missile in the Pakistani arsenal with the range you mentioned above. So lets not get carried away.
Time has proven that pakistan always came up with a solution to every indian threat, and i am sure pakistan would be working on it.

by the way sometimes i think that there might be a secret pact between indian and pakistani army to keep a certain level of tension between them just to find excuses for procurement and development of more and more sophisticated weapons with the help of the rest of the world.

its just a funny idea, nothing more...

YOU know it can be TRUE!;):):smokin:
i dont see any benefit of ICBM at this moment. Pakistan should work on its image, improve economy and trade, and develop capability for ICBM but not test it. any test at this time will bring more pressure which pakistan cannot afford. a strong economy will support any project we want just like the indians.
I would rather prefer Pakistan develop its space capability which will help in spying, communication and our cruise missiles and even against terrorists.
Hold your horses. There is no missile in the Pakistani arsenal with the range you mentioned above. So lets not get carried away.

D. Ice COLD, sir!
ever you thought, that we had a nucklear war head,READY scince 1984?
i guss, on the basses of that, HARD FACT, its logical to ASSUME , there is something in the testing fields, btw no one can ANSWER, that when our economy can become, a super ECONOMY?
So if we cant determind when , our economy will stand , its better to have ICBM in our hands, so the world can understand that, they can share us but they cant bombed us!;):cheers::pakistan:
while on the topic of economy all the economic powers became economic powers after having an ICBM japan and germany ww2 losers are the only exceptions.
ok technically speaking, having in ICBm capability is owesum.

1- But who we are going to target with an ICBM. Is there any enemy country at 7000 + km range, which we consider as a potential threat to our security in present and in near future.

2- Is there a financial justification for such luxury item like ICBM, we have justification for our ballistic and cruise missile programs having range from (290 to 2500km) in the form of threats from india.
ok technically speaking, having in ICBm capability is owesum.

1- But who we are going to target with an ICBM. Is there any enemy country at 7000 + km range, which we consider as a potential threat to our security in present and in near future.

2- Is there a financial justification for such luxury item like ICBM, we have justification for our ballistic and cruise missile programs having range from (290 to 2500km) in the form of threats from india.

Buddy, we should not forget that we are not living in medieval ages where a relationship is held as long the king lives. Today, its all about interests and they change over night so Nobody is actually sure when he gets up next morning then who will be the enemy and who will be ally. The best examples are US-Iraq & US-Taliban relations.

Also, having an ICBM capability will keep other western nations on their shores if they try to act over smart tomorrow. As UK admits that war on Iraq was not justified & unnecessary, they bombed Iraq for their own interests.
Currently pakistan has no need for an icbm nor in the near future.As soon as it tests an icbm, the next big news will be pakistan under international sanctions because it wont have the the answer why it needs an icbm.Perhaps after 25 to 30 years when it is economically self sufficient and strong enough it can build one.But to me it would be nothing but a thing for national pride and power projection which currently it does not need to show but as I said after 20 to25 years.
Oh no... not another of those mass destruction threads. Now could you sensibly think:

1) What is the need for developing ICBMs?USA? Israel? both have already got you in their sights and range.

2) Can your economy sustain the development, testing and deployment of ICBM at present situation when you owe a lot of money already to IMF?

3) Do you think that European and Western nations would be ready to trade with you in weapons and even advanced civilian technology, that could be modified for military use? An ICBM test would result in a blanket embargo on Pakistan, costing your economy dearly.

4) What pretext would you use to justify your test? India? The whole world knows that your missiles already cover the entire Indian territory. There would be nothing to hide behind, but rather openly display your hatred for West and become another Khomeinist-style Iran.

5) With half the world already worried about your nuclear weapons' safety, a test of this nature would be the final nail in your coffin of dead trade, commerce and economic support from world around. Why do you think your neighbour is not pursuing ICBM technology despite having one of the most most advanced space programmes around the world? Think about it.

6) Europe if not the United States would be the most displeased with either of you acquiring an ICBM since we already face threat of radical Islamist fundamentalism in some European countries. The last thing would be your government unable to quell a fundamentalist invasion and taking over your missile arsenal even if not nuclear arsenal.

7) DO you want to end up like North Korea?
Europe if not the United States would be the most displeased with either of you acquiring an ICBM

aaaaah yes we dont want to "DISPLEASE" europeans and americans since they are our overlords and get to dictate to US and to the lower world what technology is one fit to recieve.

we would like to beg forgiveness for our dicretions against the almighty white men for WE (the non whites) do not know our place in this world and dared to imagine a place where a human being from another part of a world would be considered as free or equal as they are to their peers.

Alas we all know that Europeans and Americans with the pure white skins should be allowed to have ICBMs in case us lower beings decided to develop some self esteem and they have to put us in our place by targeting our cities and our people.

............ is what sits just perfectly with the indians with their cast mentality.
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