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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

I am not sure why Pakistan needs an ICBM.

We are not going to take on Europe, Russia or the US.
Our existing missiles cover most of India anyway. The only new target would be Israel.

So what's the point of developing long range missiles? The only side benefit might be a satellite launch vehicle. That would be awesome!

clear your mind ,pakistan is ready to take on , any one, who ever he , could be to harm pakistan.. any one wiether it is(Europe, Russia or the US).:tup::pakistan::smokin:
more of a spectulation at the moment then any real news!!
if it turns out to be true, one can point to many goods that it cac bring to us if we think on it. but, first let us get confirmed and it is better to start the debat on it merits and edmerits after this!!
i hope you guys agree!


i guss, they want to keep the things quiet as much as posible for now!
ICBM: Pakistan intercontinental missile underway | Pakistan Daily

According to sources, the intercontinental missile has a range of 7000 kilometres and is capable of hitting its target falling within its range. The missile can contain nuclear as well as traditional warheads. The missile has been termed a significant milestone for the defence of the country and is believed to strengthen the defence. According to sources, the missile would soon be test fired. :bunny:

Wow 7,000 km (4,349 miles)...

If this is true then this would categorize this missile as an ICBM.

Consider this the distance from NY City to San Francisco is 4,828 Km ( or 3,000 miles) (the width of the US)....

This missile can reach (proximity and close est.) Europe, Moscow, Russia, Israel, Japan, West Africa, and other corners of the Earth. Great technological attainment/achievement by Pakistan.
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This was discussed at length in a different thread that ICBMs would be a net-negative for Pakistan. If we can hit Europe, they would be less likely to help us militarily. And it might bring sanctions from US -- no military sales unless they are COIN related.
I think few recent moves of India that it increased its defense budget 33% and got Nuclear Submarine + Anti Submarine Aircrafts has asked Paksitan to do something "amaizing" for its countrymen.. or it is a subliminal message to CIA or God knows what but its not our requirement to go for ICBMs and raise eyebrows of western world without any reason. I remember an interview with Sir Samar Mubarik Mand and the same question of ICBM was asked to him and he replied "We are not in need of such missile but have capacity to build if needed". May be Pakistan is feeling some need to show-off its control over technology etc. Other than that, I really dont see a reason why Pakistan would want to have an ICBM which would cost millions of dollars and its production would be equally costly and burden upon our counted budget. We dont have anybody to hit sitting 7000KM away. Can somebody enlighten me please??
I echos Graphicans post that ICBM will be too expensive for Pakistan
as military platform to launch nuclear strikes. and that Pakistan doesn't have a real enemy at 4000 miles unless Israel starts acting funny.

the only Obvious reason i can think of is that Pakistan is going for space and launching Satatlights which is good news.
The Pakistani space program was long due but with impending sanctions in the past and cutting of funds, it got waylaid many times. However, the ability was always present and now this ICBM is a step towards that capability.
Wow 7,000 km (4,349 miles)...

This missile can reach (proximity and close est.) Europe, Moscow, Russia, Israel, Japan, West Africa, and other corners of the Earth. Great technological attainment/achievement by Pakistan.

This means Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shanghai will be within the range of this missile. I wonder how the Chinese will react to this. One more country with capability to point nuclear tipped missiles at it, will not be a happy prospect for the Chinese. International friendships and alliances are temporary. Friends and enemies keep changing fast. Nothing is permanent except self-serving national interests.
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I wonder how is Pakistan going to test this missile. The territory of Pakistan is not 7000Kms long. The missile has to be flown over Arabian sea and Indian ocean. To evaluate the performance of the missile it has to be continuously tracked over its flight path, which means Pakistani naval ships have to be positioned all over the Arabian sea and Indian ocean.
This means Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shanghai will be within the range of this missile. I wonder how the Chinese will react to this. One more country with capability to point nuclear tipped missiles at it, will not be a happy prospect for the Chinese. International friendships and alliances are temporary. Things change pretty fast in international scenario. Only self-serving national interests are permanent.

Don't worry about us Chinese losing sleep, my Hindu friend. Honestly, I don't worry at all. Why should Chinese people fear/distrust Pakistanis?! They are our faithful friends. Also both India's and Pakistan's nukes are 20-30 kt, where as China's are 10+ Mt. Furthermore, just like USA and Russia we have THOUSANDS of them that we can "rain in" on any continent. :agree: Pakistan & China will remain friends longer than you can ever imagine! :pakistan::china:

By the way, when will you change your name from Chinese-sounding to Hindu-sounding?! Because deceiving others is not a nice thing. :)
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