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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Israel is kind of a landmine for Pakistan. It would never pose direct threat to us as they know result could be devastating for them. They are busy digging holes, softening grounds and installing their asserts in Pakistan with the help of India. After all who is financing TTP and BLA and giving them the un-traceable communication equipment. An unexposed enemy is dangerous then the one you already know and Israel knows if there could be any threat to their existence ever, it would be from Iran or Pakistan.. rest have been "leveled" already. So we need to be aware that of these aspects and stay prepared for any mis-adventure on the part of Israel.

Friend you mean war between pakistan and israel would end israel and america would eat popcorn and watch it? i think pakistan wont even know what came and hit them untill its too late. if pakistan even dare to take on israel than thats it. That would be begning of 'end' of pakistan my friend. Anyway you are taking israel too much lightly (due to size of it). Let us know what pakistan got and compare it to israel. Am sure you would know the 'huge' difference.
Besides your obvious stupid remarks, I will say this it's in both Pakistan's and China's "national interest" to prevent Indian hegemony and to contain India. That too will most likely be permanent.

so does its india + america + japan's intrest to contain pak-china.
some thing is coming soon wait and see i think its already developed and news is leaked to check western response it will be in august or in Sep I

Yes, I guess its already developed. Pakistan is announcing initiation of its development coz of strategical policy............I believe that, it will be fired within 2 to 3 weeks.
This was discussed at length in a different thread that ICBMs would be a net-negative for Pakistan. If we can hit Europe, they would be less likely to help us militarily. And it might bring sanctions from US -- no military sales unless they are COIN related.

Y europe will think like that? There is no threat for europe or any other cuntry. Its just enhancment of missel technology
This means Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shanghai will be within the range of this missile. I wonder how the Chinese will react to this. One more country with capability to point nuclear tipped missiles at it, will not be a happy prospect for the Chinese. International friendships and alliances are temporary. Friends and enemies keep changing fast. Nothing is permanent except self-serving national interests.

Y china will be worried.............China is already cooperatin with us to enahnce missel technology. This missile could be for one step ahead for Satellite killer. :china: :cheers: :pakistan:
so does its india + america + japan's intrest to contain pak-china.

Its only India.

America already suppoted Pakistan in cruise technology. We build them b4 India with the cooperation of USA.

USA n Pakistan together fighting against terrorism. :usflag: :pakistan:

Japan has no concern wt so ever Pak will develop. We have very good relations with them. :police:
Its only India.

America already suppoted Pakistan in cruise technology. We build them b4 India with the cooperation of USA.

USA n Pakistan together fighting against terrorism. :usflag: :pakistan:

Japan has no concern wt so ever Pak will develop. We have very good relations with them. :police:

Also concerning Japan, the youth and nearly all adults don't want war with China or any Asian nation -- furthermore, more and more Japanese are realizing their misjudgement (i.e. realizing the "special treatment" Honorary Whites receive ain't friendly). Japan's population is easy to understand (for me). The very small numbers of old farts that look condescending towards other Asians is shrinking..... especially with the rise of China to its natural place, Japanese are re-learning their rightful place as partners of Asia (rather than as Honorary Whites).

Regarding India, they are Asians as well. The sooner they realize a united Asia is best for themselves as well a the world, the better off.

Concerning USA, they are in no position for another war (unless they want Armageddon). The world is too inter-connected and inter-dependent, that any conflict will mean we ALL suffer. :rolleyes:
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so does its india + america + japan's intrest to contain pak-china.

It is not in Japan's interest to contain Pakistan. However it is in Russia's, China's, Iran's, Pakistan's and other SCO/Asian countries to contain US. Both Iran and Pakistan can effectively contain Israel, and Pakistan and China and considering China's buildup of Bangladesh's defence India will be contained and constricted at trilateral points (Pakistan to west, China to North, Bangladesh to East).

This ICBM allows Pakistan to challenge and confront future threats, Pakistan is enhancing it's missile projection capability.
It is not in Japan's interest to contain Pakistan. However it is in Russia's, China's, Iran's, Pakistan's and other SCO/Asian countries to contain US. Both Iran and Pakistan can effectively contain Israel, and Pakistan and China and considering China's buildup of Bangladesh's defence India will be contained and constricted at trilateral points (Pakistan to west, China to North, Bangladesh to East).

This ICBM allows Pakistan to challenge and confront future threats, Pakistan is enhancing it's missile projection capability.

Not to mention with Bharat's latest moves, they made more enemies in the East (namely North Korea & Myanmar). It's in India's interests to join Asia, not "contain" Asia. :cheers:
Not to mention with Bharat's latest moves, they made more enemies in the East (namely North Korea & Myanmar). It's in India's interests to join Asia, not "contain" Asia. :cheers:

Yes but there is little military harm North Korea can do to India directly, unless North Korea launches it's ICBM's at India, though considering North Korea's ICBM supply is limited their ICBM's are US-specific. Though Myanmar on the other hand could reinforce Bangladesh at China's bequest and this could prove to be great difficulty for the Indians, that they are being double-teamed on their right flank.:agree:
By the way it is great timing that Pakistan acquired ICBM's on it's 62nd independence day.
Yes but there is little military harm North Korea can do to India directly, unless North Korea launches it's ICBM's at India, though considering North Korea's ICBM supply is limited their ICBM's are US-specific. Though Myanmar on the other hand could reinforce Bangladesh at China's bequest and this could prove to be great difficulty for the Indians, that they are being double-teamed on their right flank.:agree:

north korea dont have icbms, the last few times they tested long ranged missles all failed... as far as sny knows they cant even hit hawaii let alone main land usa
north korea dont have icbms, the last few times they tested long ranged missles all failed... as far as sny knows they cant even hit hawaii let alone main land usa

North Korea has the Taep’o-dong-2 ICBM missile.

Missiles: Range (Km)
Taep’o-dong-2, 2A, 2B (6) 6,400-6,700
Taep’o-dong-2A > 7,000
Taep’o-dong-2A 8,000-12,000
Taep’o-dong-2C/3 9,976-14,964

Source: Taep'o-dong 2 (TD-2) - North Korea

The range of the Taep’o-dong-2 missile does categorize it as an ICBM, officially any missile with a range of 5,000+ Km is considered an ICBM.

Please read below,

"A declassified CIA report to the Congress estimated that North Korea would require 10-15 years to develop an ICBM capable of delivering a chemical, biological, or nuclear warhead. However, 1998 Rumsfeld report concluded that

"There is evidence that North Korea is working hard on the Taep'o-dong 2 (TD-2) ballistic missile. The status of the system's development cannot be determined precisely. Nevertheless, the ballistic missile test infrastructure in North Korea is well developed. Once the system is assessed to be ready, a test flight could be conducted within six months of a decision to do so. If North Korea judged the test to be a success, the TD-2 could be deployed rapidly. It is unlikely the U.S. would know of such a decision much before the missile was launched. This missile could reach major cities and military bases in Alaska and the smaller, westernmost islands in the Hawaiian chain. Light-weight variations of the TD-2 could fly as far as 10,000 km, placing at risk western U.S. territory in an arc extending northwest from phoenix, Arizona, to Madison, Wisconsin. These variants of the TD-2 would require additional time to develop and would likely require an additional flight test."

Source: Taep'o-dong 2 (TD-2) - North Korea

I understand some of their tests failed, but you can bet the N.Korean military scientist are making progress and are learning from their mistakes.

I think you should reevaluate your assessment on North Korea's ICBM capability...

Edit: Please visit this source:

"North Korea's satellite claim means ICBM threat is real at last"

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