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Pakistan's exports declined by 24% in july 2022.

Bro my point in the previous post is to point out the error of your argument. The exports did not go down to control CAD. Exports being chopped down does not help CAD. Stopping imports for the export industry is also equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot.

This is not about populist rhetoric. It is about the fact that this govt (PDM) sucks and has screwed over the economy including the hard earned improvement in export industry that PTI accomplished. They don’t have dollars not because of oil or whatever- but because remittances have dropped by abt a billion a month. This is because overseas Pakistanis don’t trust them.

So frankly, you come off as totally partisan and biased my friend. Maybe go read your previous posts and understand what we are saying.
According to woods law of inverse maths.
4-3= -1 hence stopping raw material for exports help reducing CAD.

Because if you import 3$ raw material and export a 4$ worth ready made material you are still negative
According to woods law of inverse maths.
4-3= -1 hence stopping raw material for exports help reducing CAD.

Because if you import 3$ raw material and export a 4$ worth ready made material you are still negative
Pakistan does not consume $3 to produce $4. It consumes $5 to produce $4.. hence the perennial CAD. :coffee:
According to woods law of inverse maths.
4-3= -1 hence stopping raw material for exports help reducing CAD.

Because if you import 3$ raw material and export a 4$ worth ready made material you are still negative
cost of raw material import: $3
price of finished product for export :$4
cost of changing that raw material into finished product: $0

some kinda PTI magic, that!

Pakistan is stuck between a rock and a hard place. it is either the crooks and robbers of PDM or delusional morons (and crooked infiltrators from other parties) of PTI. who tried to implement UK welfare state in Pakistan. failing to understand the differences in cultures (esp tax paying and family planning).

UK: hum 2 humarai 2 (learn to be mostly self-reliant
Pakistan: hum between 2-5, humarai between 6-35
Pakistan does not consume $3 to produce $4. It consumes $5 to produce $4.. hence the perennial CAD. :coffee:
Nope this is rubbish

Nope this is rubbish
The real reason we are in this world of pain is remittances- here is the news saying as much which Dawn tries to bury.

May 2022:- $2.332bn
Compared to

April 2022:- $3.125bn
May 2021:- $2.506bn

They should be panicking but instead trying to put spin on it that oh it’s still above 2 bn$. Typical duffers.

I’ll repeat it again for you- we lost abt a billion dollars a month in remittances since the PDM took over. This is because of their anti overseas Pakistani policiesz

Then why the deficits? Your claim of $3 converted to $4 is no more well researched than my claim of $5 to $4
Our deficits have more to do with the way our economy is structured- pricing commodities unrealistically. All political parties in the wrong there including PDM. But PDM is also anti overseas Pakistani and killing remittances creating CAD problems.
Our deficits have more to do with the way our economy is structured- pricing commodities unrealistically. All political parties in the wrong there including PDM. But PDM is also anti overseas Pakistani and killing remittances creating CAD problems.
If you make the case that Pakistan has structural problems that all political parties have not been able to fix, then I can agree to that. But the claim that remittances are down is just copium. The remittances have appreciated since PDM took control as per official data published by SBP.
cost of raw material import: $3
price of finished product for export :$4
cost of changing that raw material into finished product: $0

some kinda PTI magic, that!

Pakistan is stuck between a rock and a hard place. it is either the crooks and robbers of PDM or delusional morons (and crooked infiltrators from other parties) of PTI. who tried to implement UK welfare state in Pakistan. failing to understand the differences in cultures (esp tax paying and family planning).

UK: hum 2 humarai 2 (learn to be mostly self-reliant
Pakistan: hum between 2-5, humarai between 6-35
Sure all world exports are minus ecomic activity

Traditional maths

sale of product= raw material+ cost(usually labor in rupees)+ profit.

N League maths
Sales of product=
raw product + cost+ negative profit.

Apparently bengalesh vietnamese Korean germans and Chinese are all idiots

Interestingly apparently in cotton exports the raw material of cotton, labour and electricity is far higher the end product

No wonder only bengladesh can export as they have plenty of home grown cotton home grown cheap hydro

(And this rheotical Incase patwari start jumping Pakistan is 6th largest cotton producer 40% hydro power )
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If you make the case that Pakistan has structural problems that all political parties have not been able to fix, then I can agree to that. But the claim that remittances are down is just copium. The remittances have appreciated since PDM took control as per official data published by SBP.
I gave you my source showing drop on remittances- show your source (apparently official data)
Sure all world exports are minus ecomic activity

Traditional maths

sale of product= raw material+ cost(usually labor in rupees)+ profit.

Patwari maths
Sales of product=
raw product + cost+ negative profit.

Apparently bengalesh vietnamese Korean germans and Chinese are all idiots

Interestingly apparently in cotton exports the raw material of cotton, labour and electricity is far higher the end product

No wonder only bengladesh can export as they have plenty of home grown cotton home grown cheap hydro

(And this rheotical Incase patwari start jumping Pakistan is 6th largest cotton producer 40% hydro power )
Who will account for the subsidies that sustain the population that produces these goods in Pakistan? These are also costs that the society implicitly adds to the cost of production. It may not appear in the company balance sheets, but Pakistan's exchequer will not be able to escape it. I'm not sure if you really did not think of it or you intentionally mean to deceive the fervent PTI supporters who so desperately want to believe that PTI had redeemed Pakistan in 3 years.

China does not have twin deficit. Vietnam has a lot of FDI that comes in. They are not affected by CAD the same way. Bangladesh on the other hand is already parleying with IMF. Although the situation for Bangladesh is much better than Pakistan, the twin deficits have hurt them as well.
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I have indeed shared this in the past. There is no indication that Pakistani economy is suddenly collapsing because of a drop in remittances. PTI supporters have manufactured this narrative to cope with the unrealistic claim that PDM torpedoed the economy within 3 months.

by the way we dont give nationalities to indian lol
I do not care for PLM N or PTI. I say what rationally appeals to my understanding of how the economy works. I'm at frequent odds with the PTI narrative because it is simple populism. If you disagree with my views, please contest them rationally. Perhaps you can correct me and other readers with your better understanding.

Are you VCheng in disguise? :P
I have indeed shared this in the past. There is no indication that Pakistani economy is suddenly collapsing because of a drop in remittances. PTI supporters have manufactured this narrative to cope with the unrealistic claim that PDM torpedoed the economy within 3 months.

The post is misleading - please go and put the last 1 yr of remittances each month into a graph. Remittances reached 3+ billion under PTI. Dropped nearly a billion in May and are still not more than last years remittances in June.

Yes record remittances for the year due to PTI. Last three months have been a disaster.
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