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Pakistan's English Obssession & Lack of Linguistic Pride

Great Example, Japan has all things done in their own language

a) Programming
b) Banking Machines
c) Software Application all done in their Languages
d) Signboards in country

There is no reason why Pakistan should not Prioritize Urdu as a Unified Language , in all Provinces and English as a Secondary Language
Great Example, Japan has all things done in their own language

a) Programming
b) Banking Machines
c) Software Application all done in their Languages
d) Signboards in country

There is no reason why Pakistan should not Prioritize Urdu as a Unified Language , in all Provinces and English as a Secondary Language
And they (Japan) have a high literacy rate as well.

They (Japan) are well educated.
It is a big failure. As to how big...I do not know...
Regarding this forum, I think the reason for being in English mainly is to allow non Pakistanis to be involved. Although I do hope Urdu plays a more prominent role...it will help improve my Urdu....
You may have reasons to think it as a big failure, thing I might have failed to perceive. However, i think bigger failure as a nation is intolerance, lack of education, lack of social sense etc. Learning English is not the reason we have these ills.

White people keep their language, they have pride in themselves. All white countries are run in their own language, and the 'language of education' is their own.

English is a strange language, the darker the people, the more important it becomes.
@TMA like I said there are things which i might not perceive but this gentleman has a point i didn't think about earlier. Sometime you do social ills and are intolerant if you have no pride at all. But how important it is, i request you all to think about and give reasons why it is important.
"Around 75% of Urdu words have their etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit, and approximately 99% of Urdu verbs have their roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit. Because Persian-speakers ruled the Indian subcontinent for many years, Urdu was influenced by Persian and to a lesser extent, Arabic, which have contributed to about 25% of Urdu's vocabulary."

Remove English words
Remove Arabic words
Remove Farsi words
Remove Turkic words
Remove any other non-Hindi words
Rename to Hindi
Change script from Arabic to Devanagari script
Rename to Sanskrit
Become part of Vedic Akhand Bharat
Mission complete!

oh don't forget to take Burma, Indonesia etc. too

According to another Pakistani traitor named Tarek Fatah "An India, where the Indus, and the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra is not your part, is not India"
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"Around 75% of Urdu words have their etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit, and approximately 99% of Urdu verbs have their roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit. Because Persian-speakers ruled the Indian subcontinent for many years, Urdu was influenced by Persian and to a lesser extent, Arabic, which have contributed to about 25% of Urdu's vocabulary."

Remove English words
Remove Arabic words
Remove Farsi words
Remove Turkic words
Remove any other non-Hindi words
Rename to Hindi
Change script from Arabic to Devanagari script
Rename to Sanskrit
Become part of Vedic Akhand Bharat
Mission complete!

oh don't forget to take Burma, Indonesia etc. too

According to another Pakistani traitor named Tarek Fatah "An India, where the Indus, and the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra is not your part, is not India"

Can't tell if you are being serious or not. Seems you are being sarcastic.

Pakistani Urdu is heavily influenced by Farsi. Urdu spoken by poets, religious scholars, writers is practically a dialect of Farsi which most Pakistanis enjoy but find difficult. Mostly people speaking Urdu mix in their local languages as well, commonly Punjabi, Pukhto, Seraiki, Hindko. Urdu is an amalgation and its still being changed. In recent years, more Pukhto words are entering Pakistani vernacular due to KP (and former FATA) becoming more mainstream in Pakistan.
Can't tell if you are being serious or not. Seems you are being sarcastic.

Pakistani Urdu is heavily influenced by Farsi. Urdu spoken by poets, religious scholars, writers is practically a dialect of Farsi which most Pakistanis enjoy but find difficult. Mostly people speaking Urdu mix in their local languages as well, commonly Punjabi, Pukhto, Seraiki, Hindko. Urdu is an amalgation and its still being changed. In recent years, more Pukhto words are entering Pakistani vernacular due to KP (and former FATA) becoming more mainstream in Pakistan.
I don't mind Pukhto, Balochi, Saraiki, Punjabi, Kashmiri etc etc having influence on Urdu/Hindi, or even Persian or Arabic or Prakrit as these are "origin languages/native languages"... It is English which is the "killer" of other languages due to globalisation. Especially since this language was forced upon the Muslims of the Subcontinent. Of course if there is no word for something in Urdu by all means, but I would prefer to create a word from Urdu or Persian/Arabic or even any of the native tongues first.
All languages undergo change, but we can try to "control" that change...to some extent...

So instead of using the word "helicopter" we can use the Pukhto word چورلکه instead and introduce this into Urdu....

"Around 75% of Urdu words have their etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit, and approximately 99% of Urdu verbs have their roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit. Because Persian-speakers ruled the Indian subcontinent for many years, Urdu was influenced by Persian and to a lesser extent, Arabic, which have contributed to about 25% of Urdu's vocabulary."

Remove English words
Remove Arabic words
Remove Farsi words
Remove Turkic words
Remove any other non-Hindi words
Rename to Hindi
Change script from Arabic to Devanagari script
Rename to Sanskrit
Become part of Vedic Akhand Bharat
Mission complete!

oh don't forget to take Burma, Indonesia etc. too

According to another Pakistani traitor named Tarek Fatah "An India, where the Indus, and the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra is not your part, is not India"
I don't know about the language bit, but an India without the Indus is not really India....Pakistan is really India...
Stop calling Urdu and Hindi tbe same. Urdu has 500 years of literary history. Hindi is a bastard child of Urdu invented in 1880.


My young child---how ignorant are you of the world and the happenings of the world---.

Good old new york---where immigrants from europe arrived---speaking in one language and then switching over to another language flawlessly---as the majority spoke different languages---they communicated in different languages as such---ultimately switching over to english.

California---a melting pot---. Latino children don't speak spanish---vietnamese children don't speak their mother tongue---chinese kids don't speak their mother tongue---but still---the wheel of life keeps moving forward---.

You are a bitter young man son---you seem to have an identity crisis and you are attaching your bitterness to your mother tongue---.

Today---language is just a conduit to communication---.




Some people don’t seem to understand what a loan word is. It’s acceptable to use English loan words. Every language has loan words.

But using the Urdu script to write English or speaking English just cause you think it’s cool it’s kinda sad and pathetic.

Supreme Court
National History Museum
International Airport

We have our own words for this.

Things like microwave, internet, SIM is acceptable to adopt. But not words you already have.

Stop calling Urdu and Hindi tbe same. Urdu has 500 years of literary history. Hindi is a bastard child of Urdu invented in 1880.



You know I don't mind calling Urdu Hindi and Hindi Urdu. The reason being similar to India really referring to Indus and not Gangaland....Hindi was used to mean Urdu and vice versa before the 1880s and even in Allama Iqbal's poetry he used Hindi to mean Urdu and not the Hindi of today.
I agree the extremists amongst the followers of Sanatum Dharm wanted to rid themselves of foreign "Muslim" words and purify their languages so they Sanskritized Urdu/Hindi BUT they IRONICALLY still called the language HINDI which itself is a foreign word....they should have called it something else and left the word Hindi for the Muslims to use...

By the way I don't mind the fact they wanted to rid their tongue of foreign words and Sanskritise the language, but just don't bloody call it HINDI...but they did..... personally they should have Praktized the language as it would sound better...
If some of you are that obsessed with your baap ki zabaan then just make English the official language and leave our beautiful languages alone. Past 70 years you chutiya Anglo Pakistanis have ruined Urdu and our mother tongues.

There is no such thing as "International Market" and "International levels" . These are basicaly the terms that anglo pakistanis and corrupt government elites throw to justify their use of English. There is no need of English even in top notch business deals because we can all understand urdu and we can simply choose to talk in that. Chinese do the most trade around the world and they have to compete at "International levels." Can they all speak english? No. This is merely an illusion that english is required.

Pakistan’s obsession with English is truly bizarre...

I meet Turks, Persians, Arabs, Kurds, Africans, none of them use English words in their mother tongue conversations in the way Pakistanis and even Indians do...

chavval nasal ee hosee jhairee aapnee zubaan da darja katt khud ee karr see...
Stop calling Urdu and Hindi tbe same. Urdu has 500 years of literary history. Hindi is a bastard child of Urdu invented in 1880.




Some people don’t seem to understand what a loan word is. It’s acceptable to use English loan words. Every language has loan words.

But using the Urdu script to write English or speaking English just cause you think it’s cool it’s kinda sad and pathetic.

Supreme Court
National History Museum
International Airport

We have our own words for this.

Things like microwave, internet, SIM is acceptable to adopt. But not words you already have.

But I would prefer to coin new words using Pakistan'n native tongues or using Sanskrit or Persian or Arabic first for such things and failing that then using English words which themselves are new words often....
When languages and cultures are destroyed by incompetency, you get something like this. Behold the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority's "translation" of Islamabad International Airport.


International = بین اقوامی (Bainul Aqwami)
Airport =ہوائی اڈے (Hawai Adda)

Makes me wonder what the average IQ is of the people running this government department. Oh...well this should answer my question about IQ...read the Urdu translation of Civil Aviation Authority. "Ceevul Aay Vee Aay Shun Ator It Tee"


Civil can be قومی
Aviation = هوا بازی
Authority = مقتدرہ

And this nonsense is not an isolated incident. Just last month, The Citizens Archive of Pakistan inaugurated the "National History Museum" as the "نیشنل ہستورے میوزیم".

Museum =عجائب گھر (Ajaib Ghar)
National = قومی (Quami)
History = تاریخ (Tareekh)

And I don't even know WTF this is? Brought to you be Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. These illiterate mutts can't even speak proper English or Urdu...god only knows if they can speak their own mother tongues properly.


Stop allowing incompetent government departments and bourgeoisie civil society groups to destroy our cultures and our languages. This is not just about Urdu...all our languages in Pakistan are under threat due to ignorance like this.

One should always live by example, سندھ پادری کنگ
You know I don't mind calling Urdu Hindi and Hindi Urdu. The reason being similar to India really referring to Indus and not Gangaland....Hindi was used to mean Urdu and vice versa before the 1880s and even in Allama Iqbal's poetry he used Hindi to mean Urdu and not the Hindi of today.
I agree the extremists amongst the followers of Sanatum Dharm wanted to rid themselves of foreign "Muslim" words and purify their languages so they Sanskritized Urdu/Hindi BUT they IRONICALLY still called the language HINDI which itself is a foreign word....they should have called it something else and left the word Hindi for the Muslims to use...

By the way I don't mind the fact they wanted to rid their tongue of foreign words and Sanskritise the language, but just don't bloody call it HINDI...but they did..... personally they should have Praktized the language as it would sound better...

Yes, but Hindi and India today mean totally different things than what they should have. For the common man, Hindi and India are both associated with the country of India. They lack the knowledge of the IVC and the history of Urdu (i.e. Hindustani) language.

The problem about Hindus changing the language and script of Hindustani is more about their opposition to Islam and Muslims, than recovering some long lost idyllic fabled past (which never happened.) India claimed it was a secular country, but their actions betrayed their true feelings. Our leaders like Quaid e Azam saw through their lies.

But I would prefer to coin new words using Pakistan'n native tongues or using Sanskrit or Persian or Arabic first for such things and failing that then using English words which themselves are new words often....

More Farsi please. We are currently totally cut off from Iran and Afghanistan, which traditionally we have had much more in common with throughout history. It makes no sense for us to be able to understand Indians, and not our actual relatives. The official language of the Mughals was Farsi also. However, I'm a bit sentimental because I love Urdu.
Yes, but Hindi and India today mean totally different things than what they should have. For the common man, Hindi and India are both associated with the country of India. They lack the knowledge of the IVC and the history of Urdu (i.e. Hindustani) language.

The problem about Hindus changing the language and script of Hindustani is more about their opposition to Islam and Muslims, than recovering some long lost idyllic fabled past (which never happened.) India claimed it was a secular country, but their actions betrayed their true feelings. Our leaders like Quaid e Azam saw through their lies.

More Farsi please. We are currently totally cut off from Iran and Afghanistan, which traditionally we have had much more in common with throughout history. It makes no sense for us to be able to understand Indians, and not our actual relatives. The official language of the Mughals was Farsi also. However, I'm a bit sentimental because I love Urdu.
I understand however if Pakistanis take back words like Hindi and Hinudstan then there will be no confusion.

I also agree with more Persian, our Muslim history in the Subcontinent is in this Language not to mention most of Allama Iqbal's works....but we are dreaming

Also Islam came to our co-terminous Pakistani ancestors principally via the Persian tongue...
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