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Pakistan’s army chief Gen Raheel Sharif, the next Field Marshal?

Give him most upper rank if any than coas if stars 1000 are evdn less for me
He has proved it by his prompt actions/decisions that he must become a 5 star General. Its not he requires any favor from anyone for that rather if things are considered on basis of merit and performance then nothing can hold him from becoming a 5 star General. That would also set a precedence for others in line k " kaam karo gay tu kaam banay ga".
Any updates regarding Gen.Raheel's promotion as a Field Marshal?
Even a tenacious core commander can declare martial-law.... and in some countries a colonel could do it, example Libya.

I have some reservations about this. If some one can correct me, if I'm wrong, but don't field marshals tend to have the power to declare martial law, and dissolve national institutions. It's one of the reasons why the rank is hardly given, and mostly right before retirement.
what the highest number of stars available to someone in the military? and what sort of control does he have? i.e. does he have control of the air force, navy, army and intelligence agencies. not being niave here but just curious. when i see coas i dont understand what it means?
As usual, the messiah complex takes over. I think Ill return one day in my real life® with some millions in investment and get on a container and next thing I know I will be getting FB messages from the qaum here "Sir, you are great.. you are lion etc etc etc". Soon I'll be sultan, @Hyperion will serve as head of state, Might even make @Armstrong a minister.

On the topic.

The COAS is simply an example of what a good officer should be and has carried out his job remarkably well considering his environment, his predecessors and the historical line of Pakistan Army Chiefs. That does not warrant a field marshal promotion simply due to the needless worship it will create and end up making a ego bloated man out of him or create another messiah without a cause.
He legacy needs to be short and effective as an exemplar of what every COAS is supposed to do. Not a "special case" where people end up thinking it as an unachievable target. He is the benchmark for the next COAS whosoever it may be, and at best needs a section of a military installation dedicated in his name(which is otherwise dedicated at some pointless whims). There is already no dearth of "This building foundation stone laid by or this tree planted by or this pen purchased by.. in this country. We are an example of "Sonay se ziada garhai mehengi".

Let Gen Raheel be what he is; an example of what the COAS job description of the PA requires and leave him with his dignity earned on merit and unexploited by opportunists. Honest men do not need typical Pakistanis searching for messiah's to boot lick.
I dont understand this please
What difference will be if he get 5 star or field marshal plz explain
COAS General Raheel Sharif had to take action against the militants entrenched in Northern Pakistan. Now some people wants to award him the post of Field Marshal. These militants did not appear one day and posed problem they were there for years increasing their strength and controlling more areas. What about the former COAS, Corp Commanders and other senior staff who did not take action against theses militants for years ? Shouldn't these former Generals face general court martial for the dereliction of duty by not taking action against these militants years ago ?
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As usual, the messiah complex takes over. I think Ill return one day in my real life® with some millions in investment and get on a container and next thing I know I will be getting FB messages from the qaum here "Sir, you are great.. you are lion etc etc etc". Soon I'll be sultan, @Hyperion will serve as head of state, Might even make @Armstrong a minister.

On the topic.

The COAS is simply an example of what a good officer should be and has carried out his job remarkably well considering his environment, his predecessors and the historical line of Pakistan Army Chiefs. That does not warrant a field marshal promotion simply due to the needless worship it will create and end up making a ego bloated man out of him or create another messiah without a cause.
He legacy needs to be short and effective as an exemplar of what every COAS is supposed to do. Not a "special case" where people end up thinking it as an unachievable target. He is the benchmark for the next COAS whosoever it may be, and at best needs a section of a military installation dedicated in his name(which is otherwise dedicated at some pointless whims). There is already no dearth of "This building foundation stone laid by or this tree planted by or this pen purchased by.. in this country. We are an example of "Sonay se ziada garhai mehengi".

Let Gen Raheel be what he is; an example of what the COAS job description of the PA requires and leave him with his dignity earned on merit and unexploited by opportunists. Honest men do not need typical Pakistanis searching for messiah's to boot lick.
what you say is true, but dont you think he is doing a better job than his predecessors? i get what you mean where people think he is gods gift. he should be considered as an example of how a coas should be. and potential successors should use him as a template to mould them selfs to turn out like him. i hated kayani and musharaf.
Spot on! A field Marshall is the highest ranking officer commanding many army groups each having a number of armies under them. Army groups were usually commanded by 4 star generals in WWII. Pakistan has just one army of 600,000 personnel and therefore there is no need of a Field Marshal. But this could be given as an honorary rank after retirement as chief.

Point to note is that Field Marshals, Marshals of the Air Force and Admirals of the fleets never 'retire', though not in active service.
just like field marshall erwin rommel
who commanded army group b and army group africa

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