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pakistan's and their reluctance to evolve with western culture.

OP should wear plaid shorts and let a white man make love to his sister in the room next to his, so that he can be considered modern and a multiculturalist.


mate it was great to have your point of view on the subject thanks for reply.and pls refrain from using such language as i don't mind it nor it effects me. only thing this is doing is degrading the name of forum and none of us want that do we.
The question is why should we????
do westerners end up wearing shalwar kameez and eating nihari enmass??

We have very diverse indigenious culture and this Valentine day is just a commercial rubbish...

Western and Eastern cultures are two separate things. We don't have to adopt the Western culture because every country, race and region has its own set of norms and values. Every culture owes its existence through history and other important factors. Also, every culture has its positive and negative aspects. There are no superior cultures as some people would like us to believe. Cultures only complement each other.

People that are impressed by other cultures surely can embrace them, but they cannot expect to impose it on others. It is an individual choice.

Pakistanis drink
Pakistanis do drugs
Pakistanis are party animals
Pakistanis date women
Pakistanis vote and support democracy
Pakistanis do not support religious parties in elections so technically they wish to keep religion and state separate

Above and many more signs are tell tales that pakistanis love western culture

So, out of the roughly 200 million Pakistanis, all adhere to the values that you have summed up? Stop generalizing and fabricating rubbish.

Every society has masses which support a liberal stance and those that endorse a conservative view. This also applies for Western societies. Just because you support liberalism doesn't mean everyone shares your views.

Here is what you liberals and conservatives ought to learn first before handing out morality lectures and acting like the superior one. Learn to tolerate and accept each others existence. Just take the first step. We'll talk about the rest after that...
Western and Eastern cultures are two separate things. We don't have to adopt the Western culture because every country, race and region has its own set of norms and values. Every culture owes its existence through history and other important factors. Also, every culture has its positive and negative aspects. There are no superior cultures as some people would like us to believe. Cultures only complement each other.

People that are impressed by other cultures surely can embrace them, but they cannot expect to impose it on others. It is an individual choice.

So, out of the roughly 200 million Pakistanis, all adhere to the values that you have summed up? Stop generalizing and fabricating rubbish.

Every society has masses which support a liberal stance and those that endorse a conservative view. This also applies for Western societies. Just because you support liberalism doesn't mean everyone shares your views.
thats the beauty of liberalism we want you to be liberal but we won't to force it on you.
mate it was great to have your point of view on the subject thanks for reply.and pls refrain from using such language as i don't mind it nor it effects me. only thing this is doing is degrading the name of forum and none of us want that do we.
Class act bro!
thats the beauty of liberalism we want you to be liberal but we won't to force it on you.

Unlike many here, I know what liberalism means. Most here probably only heard it by name. I actually live in a liberal society. Perhaps one of the most liberal in the entire world. I was born and bred in one. I don't need to be lectured by others what liberalism means. I also know its ugly and heinous side as well as its beautiful and benificial aspects.

Of course, liberalism like any other ideology is imposed and propagated by its followers and supporters. The same applies for other ideologies in the world. Liberals who brag that they don't impose their thoughts and values onto others are in an utterly grave denial. What you are doing in this thread is actually propagating and imposing your liberal ideas onto others. You are just in denial.
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Who does not follow western culture?

Aren't the banks, investment firms, financial and accounting principles based on western principles? Suits, Jackets and Jeans, Fast food outlets, and even english tea. Isn't this western culture in its prime? How many of us are talking in Urdu or Punjabi? How many universities you can go into without english skills?

P.S This valentine or valentines day has no cultural significance, its just that people want to make money out o fit. Just like in Eid.
Pakistanis drink
Pakistanis do drugs
Pakistanis are party animals
Pakistanis date women
Pakistanis vote and support democracy
Pakistanis do not support religious parties in elections so technically they wish to keep religion and state separate

Above and many more signs are tell tales that pakistanis love western culture

But can you lay claim that EVERY single Pakistani in the world engages in 5he above activities
Who does not follow western culture?

Aren't the banks, investment firms, financial and accounting principles based on western principles? Suits, Jackets and Jeans, Fast food outlets, and even english tea. Isn't this western culture in its prime? How many of us are talking in Urdu or Punjabi? How many universities you can go into without english skills?

P.S This valentine or valentines day has no cultural significance, its just that people want to make money out o fit. Just like in Eid.

Banks, financial firms and many other institutes existed long before the Western culture even got its name. You think the world only existed when the Western culture came into existence? Read something about human history...

What you can claim is that currently the Western culture dominates in certain areas around the world. They have progressed in certain areas and are also good at marketing their success to other regions.

As for English at university, that is a flaw in your country which is careless to promote their own language and instead rely on foreign linguistic. This is not the fault nor supremacy of the English language.

This very topic is the embodiment of an epic identity crisis... You know that things are quite murky when insecure people have to rely on other cultures due to their own shortcomings and failures.

mate it was great to have your point of view on the subject thanks for reply.and pls refrain from using such language as i don't mind it nor it effects me. only thing this is doing is degrading the name of forum and none of us want that do we.

Don't be offended. He isn't swearing, merely pointing out some of the traits of liberal ideology. This is part and parcel of liberalism. It is deemed perfectly normal to have a sexual relation outside the marriage. Brother, father and mother don't care what little girly is upto in her room. Why do you feel degraded or uncomfortable when people say such things? After all, liberalism teaches liberal values in sexuality.
Banks, financial firms and many other institutes existed long before the Western culture even got its name. You think the world only existed when the Western culture came into existence? Read something about human history...

What you can claim is that currently the Western culture dominates in certain areas around the world. They have progressed in certain areas and are also good at marketing their success to other regions.

As for English at university, that is a flaw in your country which is careless to promote their own language and instead rely on foreign linguistic. This is not the fault nor supremacy of the English language.

This very topic is the embodiment of an epic identity crisis... You know that things are quite murky when insecure people have to rely on other cultures due to their own shortcomings and failures.

Don't be offended. This is part and parcel of liberalism. It is deemed normal to have a sexual relation outside the marriage. Brother, father and mother don't care what little girly is upto in her room. Why do you feel degraded or uncomfortable when people say such things? After al, liberalism teaches liberal values in sexuality.
mate read the post again i am not offended at all by his remarks.he can say whatever his mind was taught to think.
these crimes are drilled deep in our culture.these thing are taught to us since we are just few year old.it has become part of our culture

Is there any single country in the world without police and criminal justice system?
Simply no. Because it is basic requirement of every country in the world to take effective measures to minimise and control crminals for peaceful society.
It means existence of crime is universal phenomena.
If the ratio of crime is high in any society, implies that criminal justice system is weak. Nothing to do with the culture sir.
mate read the post again i am not offended at all by his remarks.he can say whatever his mind was taught to think.

I'm not your mate. You tell him to refrain from the language he was using... Surely, you weren't praising him there... His language is perfectly fine though.
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Pakistan's and thier reluctance to evolve with westren culture , title of the thread is logically incorrect.

We don't evolve with western culture because we are Pakistan's with different culture and values. Let me rephrase the whole narrative for better understanding of fellow newbies.

why hindus are reluctant to evolve with muslim culture?
Why western are reluctant to evolve with eastern culture?
If superiority complex is the problem with someone its not my baby.
Precisely! I could not have said it any better.
So, out of the roughly 200 million Pakistanis, all adhere to the values that you have summed up? Stop generalizing and fabricating rubbish.

Every society has masses which support a liberal stance and those that endorse a conservative view. This also applies for Western societies. Just because you support liberalism doesn't mean everyone shares your views.

Here is what you liberals and conservatives ought to learn first before handing out morality lectures and acting like the superior one. Learn to tolerate and accept each others existence. Just take the first step. We'll talk about the rest after that...

Out of 200m only Pakistanis in the cities had the chance to get a feel of westernasisation & they love it !! rest of them if they get the chance they will fail all diaper Pakistanis cum confused islamists unfortunately!! There is a off license wine shop (booze shop) every 2-3 kilometer now !
Is there any single country in the world without police and criminal justice system?
Simply no. Because it is basic requirement of every country in the world to take effective measures to minimise and control crminals for peaceful society.
It means existence of crime is universal phenomena.
If the ratio of crime is high in any society, implies that criminal justice system is weak. Nothing to do with the culture sir.
bro i will reply to your post as soon as possible.bit tired right now so pls don't mind.
It got be a balance between your own culture and what you adopt from west. They are sleeping with every other person .. That cannot corroborate us to follow...We have a distinct history of being close minded and we should be okay with it...

So should we celebrate Valentine's Day? Just like its done in West.

We dont even know when and how Valentine's day is spent living in Canada but Pakistanis are so passionate about it. By itself Valentines is not a bad thing. But why we want to celebrate it over the top and with such fervor that we waste so much space discussing its pro and cons?

The core issue is moral degradation and depravity with which we want to celebrate. A kind of frustration we have for opposite sex, this day it seems gives a vent to it. The media in Pakistan gives it coverage in a cheap, crass and uncultured manner. There seems to be a moral decline in society and this day to many is a symptom of that. A fear of an unknown and how their children will fare in this system.

The trouble with us that we dont want to adopt west's values when it comes to work ethic, professionalism, enterprise and industry but we want the full dose of decadence that comes as result of it. Thus we as society, without going through the cycle of economic development have arrived at the point where a such society is already looking at the decline, in values and in power.

Thats my concern and thats the concern of many in Pakistan who might not be able to give words to their sentiment but express it in anger and desperation.

If you really love your partner or the one you wish to spend life with... Everyday is Valentine.. you do not have to wait for 364 days to pass and earth to fully revolve around the sun to cherish it...
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