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pakistan's and their reluctance to evolve with western culture.

Pakistan was at its best in the 1960's during the Ayub Khan era. Neither before nor after.

It was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and all the other rotten carcasses who've followed that destroyed it. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his daughter and son-law were feudal tyrants of the worst sort who because Bhutto came from the minority Shiite sect sought votes from the Barelvis by targeting the Qadianis--the Barelvi bete-noire. And thus Pandora's box was opened...
lahore,sadiqabad and few months in my grandfather's village.

Dont get me wrong here.

I am just trying to get to know how much of exposure you've had with the elite society of pakistani, which is actually way more western than western themselves. Seems like you have no or very little exposure to 'Western type of culture' of Pakistan

Dont get me wrong here.

I am just trying to get to know how much of exposure you've had with the elite society of pakistani, which is actually way more western than western themselves. Seems like you have no or very little exposure to 'Western type of culture' of Pakistan
i have met few of them some are very nice people while other are extremely proud and rude.as we say money talks but i consider them same as their western counter part. they are 1% hence are almost same every where in the world and are not real representative of their culture.true representative of any culture is their middle class.

Dont get me wrong here.

I am just trying to get to know how much of exposure you've had with the elite society of pakistani, which is actually way more western than western themselves. Seems like you have no or very little exposure to 'Western type of culture' of Pakistan

Are you familiar with the term 'Gharbzadegi' and Jalal Al-e-Ahmed's work, 'Occidentosis: A Plague from the West'?

Dont get me wrong here.

I am just trying to get to know how much of exposure you've had with the elite society of pakistani, which is actually way more western than western themselves. Seems like you have no or very little exposure to 'Western type of culture' of Pakistan
and sir pls don't hold back i won't mind i just want to know your point of view.
i have met few of them some are very nice people while other are extremely proud and rude.as we say money talks but i consider them same as their western counter part. they are 1% hence are almost same every where in the world and are not real representative of their culture.true representative of any culture is their middle class.

Great post !
So in the middle class families, Ask any youngster about Desi history his answer would be zilch !
He will try to speak in broken English act like hes Gora, he will look down up on the one who cant speak English.
Whenever any mishap occurs in Pakistan, I see nowdays people lighting up candles, Aint that Western culture?
What specifics are you talking about exactly?

Are you familiar with the term 'Gharbzadegi' and Jalal Al-e-Ahmed's work, 'Occidentosis: A Plague from the West'?

I Am not sure. Although you are more than welcome to elaborate, if that's not too much to ask
Respectfully I would like to give my answer by raising another question, drunk driving and other related issue because of alcoholism causes a lot of problem in the west, In Islam consumption of alcohol is completely prohibited, you might argue that I control myself when I have alcohol and never exceed the allotted limit yes ok but can you guarantee as a nation you would never produce drunkards who will lose his/her kidney because of excessive consumption? or there would never be an individual who will drink and drive? I'm a Muslim living in a Muslim country and I have never even seen alcohol in my entire life, the problems that you might face because of alcohol doesn't even exist for me, Valentines day are one of the root causes of adultery and pre-marital relationships, it causes problems destroys families and marriage, you might say that you will abstain from such but you cannot guarantee as a nation that you will.

I don't think anybody is going to argue there are any pros to drinking too much. There will always be a segment of society that will figure out a way of abusing something. Some people just have to smoke 50 packs a day (not that smoking is any less worse than alcohol) or sniff a bag of glue or whatever. People even buy cold medicines and boil out the chemicals to get high...even drink car antifreeze. The list is endless of how low people will go.

So I'm not in favor of free alcohol for the masses. Letting everybody get into a drunken stupor. But the reality is most people are not the abusive types...they are just restricted due to those abusive types.
OP should wear plaid shorts and let a white man make love to his sister in the room next to his, so that he can be considered modern and a multiculturalist.


I don't think anybody is going to argue there are any pros to drinking too much. There will always be a segment of society that will figure out a way of abusing something. Some people just have to smoke 50 packs a day (not that smoking is any less worse than alcohol) or sniff a bag of glue or whatever. People even buy cold medicines and boil out the chemicals to get high...even drink car antifreeze. The list is endless of how low people will go.

So I'm not in favor of free alcohol for the masses. Letting everybody get into a drunken stupor. But the reality is most people are not the abusive types...they are just restricted due to those abusive types.

It's interesting observing which drugs a society permits and those which it bans. Sometimes drugs are banned not on the basis that they are substantially harmful, but because they are used by feared minority groups. This also has the effect of criminalizing and thus incarcerating minority members, no doubt to the great satisfaction of the majority.

Great post !
So in the middle class families, Ask any youngster about Desi history his answer would be zilch !
He will try to speak in broken English act like hes Gora, he will look down up on the one who cant speak English.
Whenever any mishap occurs in Pakistan, I see nowdays people lighting up candles, Aint that Western culture?
What specifics are you talking about exactly?


I Am not sure. Although you are more than welcome to elaborate, if that's not too much to ask
tolerance, separation of religion from state,judging every thing objectively instead of out rite rejecting it,human rights,proper regulatory bodies for every thing so we can put end to judar system and permote professionals,love for one country(can be shown by paying taxes).minority rights (start trading with ahmadeis etc).freedom of speech.things like that should be adopted from west as they have evolved them much better then we have.
tolerance, separation of religion from state,judging every thing objectively instead of out rite rejecting it,human rights,proper regulatory bodies for every thing so we can put end to judar system and permote professionals,love for one country(can be shown by paying taxes).minority rights (start trading with ahmadeis etc).freedom of speech.things like that should be adopted from west as they have evolved them much better then we have.
Honestly speaking its been a pleasure quoting you my friend.

This is exactly what I was expecting from you and this is what we should adopt too NON Judgemental attitude.
I don't think anybody is going to argue there are any pros to drinking too much. There will always be a segment of society that will figure out a way of abusing something. Some people just have to smoke 50 packs a day (not that smoking is any less worse than alcohol) or sniff a bag of glue or whatever. People even buy cold medicines and boil out the chemicals to get high...even drink car antifreeze. The list is endless of how low people will go.

So I'm not in favor of free alcohol for the masses. Letting everybody get into a drunken stupor. But the reality is most people are not the abusive types...they are just restricted due to those abusive types.

Most people maybe not but many do, sorry but I feel like you are being biased with your reasoning, most westerners do go to strip bars and clubs etc and most of them do get drunk, one night stands and sometimes you do not even know who you were with last night, it is a fundamental problem that I feel like you are belittling it, our reason to not to consume alcohol or have pre-marital relationship or adultery is based on faith, and in Islam it is completely prohibited again I would like to point that I have never seen a bottle of alcohol in my entire life, I have never even met a person who drinks, we don't have the problems related to alcohol that you have, most of Pakistanis in-fact almost all of us don't have pre-marital relationships, we don't have 50% divorce rate because of adultery and cheating on your spouses and it works, yes we have problems but that problems are based on ignorance and lack of knowledge of Islam, when we learn Islam all of these problems will go away but no we don't want the western culture.
It's interesting observing which drugs a society permits and those which it bans. Sometimes drugs are banned not on the basis that they are substantially harmful, but because they are used by feared minority groups. This also has the effect of criminalizing and thus incarcerating minority members, no doubt to the great satisfaction of the majority.

I think it is more likely related to criminal activity. If there are a bunch of break-ins and a common denominator is they are doing it because they are hooked on crack cocaine...then the punishment for possessing crack cocaine will go up. I'm sure there are far worse drugs but since they are not showing up tied to criminal behavior they don't get attention.

I'm sure many countries don't have any OxyContin abuse laws..it's only because it probably isn't known and hasn't been linked with criminal activity.
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Pakistanis drink
Pakistanis do drugs
Pakistanis are party animals
Pakistanis date women
Pakistanis vote and support democracy
Pakistanis do not support religious parties in elections so technically they wish to keep religion and state separate

Above and many more signs are tell tales that pakistanis love western culture
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