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Pakistanis, where would you choose to live in India, and vice versa!

Yes.. thats how its pronounced locally, now this too has been corrupted to ' Dilli".

If I were to travel to Pak the list is long. To see places I have heard old family folk speak of rather fondly , have old faded pictures too.. Kohat, Bannu, Nowshera , Quetta, Gujjar Khan to name a few.

Left to myself - Lahore, Peshawar, Bolan Pass, Khyber pass ( I realise its far fetched but then its only a wish list).

The areas you mentioned are Pashtun Areas.

Were your ancesters Pashtun ?
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You father worked in Shimla??
You're one of us. :devil:

Kidding leader, I 've never been to Shimla ,only heard of it.
I hope someday you can come down to India and visit Shimla.

Which place in Pakistan would you suggest me??? :-)

grandfather, yes..

I hope so too :)

hmm..if you like Mountains and extreme cold weather, then Skardu. lesser known but more magical & mysterious than Hunza Valley, Gilgit.. though Hunza is more beautiful..

or some where moderate like Galiyat, preferably NathiaGali.. I will make a hut there myself one day(as I wish)
actually not...but I would like to be with woman with brain and modest beauty ..then to be with beauty queen and dumba**
beautyqueen are for short time only....If u know what I mean...:P

Yeah but it's not like she's going to marry you :)
grandfather, yes..

I hope so too :)
Oops sorry for that "grand" blunder.

Leader said:
hmm..if you like Mountains and extreme cold weather, then Skardu.
Cold kills me,the low HB count does that to me.
But a day or 2 wont do any harm.
Leader said:
lesser known but more magical & mysterious than Hunza Valley, Gilgit.. though Hunza is more beautiful..

or some where moderate like Galiyat, preferably NathiaGali.. I will make a hut there myself one day(as I wish)

I checked the pics, and these places look so much like Kashmir or the Kashmir I remember. :-)

One day I will visit Pakistan. :yes4:

Oops sorry for that "grand" blunder.

Cold kills me,the low HB count does that to me.
But a day or 2 wont do any harm.

I checked the pics, and these places look so much like Kashmir or the Kashmir I remember. :-)

One day I will visit Pakistan. :yes4:


you are welcome :)

Waise Kashmir is different from Gilgit and Baltistan, if you look at Neelam Valley pictures or other pictures from Kashmir, you will clearly sense the difference...

and yes Neelam Valley, Kashmir is one heavenly place to visit as well.
People of Gujranwala eat more than a lahori, this is what hardcore lahoris themselves say. Historcially Gujranwala has been the daddy of Lahore :big_boss:
lets agree to disagree .. the people i knw from Gujranwala dnt eat alot ...
lets agree to disagree .. the people i knw from Gujranwala dnt eat alot ...

I think you are not a genuine jaddi pushti lahori punjabi , ask them about Gujranwala and eating habits of hard core punjabis of gujranwala.
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