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‘Pakistanis run 300,000 businesses in UK’

Look bro. It's but an argument. You probably were just heating and yes many people sit on their behinds and do Nothing but majority are hard working people. There are pockets of where high concentration of immigrants and low employment lead to problems. Anyways, may Allah guide us all to the best. Sorry for any offence
No problem mate....isn't it frustrating when you pay up to 40% of the tax every month yet you still pay for prescriptions, anyways it was just my anger nothing else.
In education, we're far behind in school/a-level achievement as well as university.
There's quite a big North/South divide


In terms of university numbers I'd say we're improving quite significantly if you look at Ucas stats

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Funny how no one agrees with you.
its ok to have different opinion.. especially since none of us have data to compare how much % of pakistanis receive benefits.. his experience is as genuine as yours.... UK is not a small village.
btw lot of pakistans are professionals in london.. not sure about midlands.
No problem mate....isn't it frustrating when you pay up to 40% of the tax every month yet you still pay for prescriptions, anyways it was just my anger nothing else.

Yes bro tax is an issue and that's why I am in pakistan. I left uk in 2010 having sold a big company. It was either pay tons in tax or stay away for 5 years. Now I am just enjoying pakistan. A full time traveller.
And just like another unwise person with no filter brain and mouth, you've posted the same absurdity again, after it has been debunked already by every post in this thread, with the only qualifying term 'most probably'.

Believe me, even a 'most probably' doesn't cut it, this absurdity is hard to cover, and I don't blame you for trying, but any other person would've taken the replies on the first page and left.

Just to reiterate that it's not even probable, total spending in the UK was £780 billion for FY17. Divided by the total population ~65 million, that's £12k for every man, woman and child, only it's MOST PROBABLY not just made up of benefit spending, but also spending on infrastructure, debt servicing, and elsewhere not on persons directly. With the same way of calculating, British Pakistanis number about 1.2 million lets say, these are the latest figures I can find, £60 billion divided by 1.2 million, and that too directly on benefits and not factoring non direct payments, that would mean each Pakistani man, woman and child would receive £50k in benefits each.

Believe me, if that were the case, we'd 'most probably' be living like kings, alas reality is far detached from that.

So please spare us another absurdity and don't make yourself look anymore unreasonable than you already have.
Right on the money. This is why I was very annoyed by the nonsense being spouted by Skywalker.
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani diaspora in the United Kingdom contributes £30 billion per annum to the country’s gross domestic product, said Andy Street, an officially nominated candidate for the mayor of Birmingham.

Mr Street said as many as 300,000 businesses are owned by the Pakistani diaspora in the UK. He said this while speaking at a reception organised by the Conservative Friends of Pakistan.

A businessman-turned-politician, Mr Street has been officially nominated for the first-ever election of the mayor of Birmingham. Mr Street said his visit to Pakistan is the first of many.

He said he will ensure that business opportunities between Pakistan and West Midlands are created. Mr Street said he is aware of the fact that the Pakistani diaspora has high disposable incomes. He said Pakistani products, like textiles and food items, have high demand in the UK.

Published in Dawn, March 9th, 2017

@LA se Karachi
Yeh its more to do with system of uk which enable them .
its to do with the generations

the older indian generation that owned the corner shops made so much money over the last 20 to 30 years that they branched out into other businesses like starting up their own factories having 4 or 5 houses on rent which our worth million in 2017 etc and they also made sure that their kids got into a proper profession, the indian uncle who owned the corner shop made sure his son and daughter went uni and didn't do the same job as their dad. these kids came out of uni with a degree and went on to become doctors, lawyers, dentists etc etc

where as the pakistani shop owner gets his son to work in the corner shop as soon as they are of age rather then sending him off to uni. the pakistani shop owner rather him and his son work together in the shop and open another one with the profits rather then setting up a different business.

The chinese and Indians have absolutely smashed how they do business here in the UK
You are right that its all depend how your next generation take your small business forward. I know one uncle from swat who had one cash and carry and then he expanded it to 3 shops and hand over all to his sons and his sons were clever who took the business forward by opening ice cream shop in high street with the name of sprinkle gelato and now they have branches all over in london and south of England and offer franchise as well so art is making money from money with expanding business rather than to be in same place where you were when started
I am not sure about 300k businesses but there is no doubt about Pakistanis owning significant number of corner shops almost everywhere in UK.

Few years ago, most of the newspaper agents were Indians but now you see visible number of shopkeeper from Pakistani background. Indian on the other hand switched to more profitable businesses of building material and household equipments
Not to mention that Co-op Pharmacy chain was also bought by a Pakistani for nearly a Billion Pounds. The owner of Bestway group.
Also Pakistanis are big in many other businesses . Some Pakistanis own 200+ houses per person in Manchester area
Do some think that takeaway and corner shop businesses in UK are cheap to buy?

£60K minimum for a fried chicken shop, and small grocery shops well over £100K. Those on benefits may be working there but do not have the means to own.
I have travelled up and down the UK in my years and every city, town or village you go to, you will likely to find Asian people in business. Pakistani people are no different. I recently bought a car from a man in a very white small town in the midlands. No asian people live in that town, but two Asian businesses run there. His car dealership and a Tamil grocery shop. He setup there due to low costs and he is 5 minutes away from a major motorway so can attract customers from 3 or 4 cities.

There was a while in the 80's and 90's after the factories closed were a significant minority of our community lived on benefits and worked cash in hand. Those days are long gone. A signifcant minority of our community is going to university and becoming professionals, the rest are learning trades or setting up businesses. There is still a lot of undeclared income, personally i consider it haram, but if people aren't concerned by that, i don't wish them ill for avoiding tax if they can, especially when the big businesses use political connections to do exactly the same thing.

A growing number of people nowadays work professionally and then trade on the internet. Conditions in the former mill towns of Yorkshire and Lancashire are worse, but people there are even more entrepreneurial. I know a father who used to run a garage selling tyres. His sons got degrees but struggled to find jobs without leaving their parents and travelling to other cities. So they sell tyres online. Alhamdulillah, a business that used to sustain one household has not been expanded to sustain 3 and they are looking to expand. Another man 1 know used to sell tyres when 1 was a child, today he has 14 shops doing the same. Someone i know has a father in law who sold carpets. He encouraged his son in law to setup a shop. Today each of the 5 brothers have their own carpet shop. There are endless examples.
Being from the UK, I'm just laughing at the tripe being posted here by certain 'wrist-slitters'.

Folks from the 'Pakistani' disapora represent at every level in the UK: Doctors, lawyers, surgeons, dentists, businesses of all types, large warehouses, wholesalers, car show-rooms, deeply anchored in the political sphere and what not... You will find universities in the UK, brimming with a plethora of Pakistanis, they are in my humble opinion the most improved group of people in the United Kingdom, 15 years ago must of the condescending remarks being alluded to here may have held true, the ground realities have changed and that too drastically. In 2017, the British-Pakistani youth in the UK; dress well, look well, have 'integrated' much much better than the previous generation whom adopted the British culture with a pinch of salt. What's more, I concur with the notion that British-Pakistanis contribute more than £30bn annually, a lot more.

Your average Pakistani here is wealthy and does not leech off benefits (don't refer to anomalies), does not live on a council estate, and are mostly homeowners; the Mayor of London being off Pakistani descent is the icing on the cake.

Here's an article from 2005 when Pakistanis/Indians in my opinion weren't doing all that great. Article substantiates how the British-Asian community make an invaluable contribution, 103bn annually back in 2005 or thereabouts. In 2017 however, I'm none the wiser. Do enlighten me.

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If they send even some money back to Pakistan each think how the country can benefit.

The remittances from Pakistanis living in UK has been generally helpful in managing the current account deficit in Pakistan.


However, BREXIT has cast doubt about the growth trend in the remittances from UK because economists hold very diverse views on BREXIT's implications on UK.
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