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Pakistanis must apologise to Bangladesh

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This thread has gone way out of line, and wasn't needed in first place because of being previously posted. Anyhow:

Not concerned with Christians, Hindus, Sikhism or people belonging to other faiths and religions. You can practice and believe in what ever teaching and Prophets you like.

However, about Islam, there is nothing called Indian Islam, Pakistani Islam, Arab Islam, Bangladeshi Islam etc etc. Our religion is universal for its Followers. What ever have been said in the Holy Qurran and Saieh Hadith is 100%ly true and and binding for all Muslims, regardless there race,region or culture. Anyone who doesn't believe in them(In teachings of Qurran and Hadith) wholeheartedly is crossing the lines is practically out of the Islam. He may continue to call himself as a Muslim, but in reality he is not.

You may see some ill practices common among Muslims, that are because of two main reasons. Cultural influences, like Indian Muslims are under the influence of Hindu culture, and ignorance and lack of knowledge about their religion.

Thats why it is said, that in order to judge Islam, follow its teachings and not the Muslims, cause Islam is perfect but Muslims are not.


By the way God is same for everyone irrespective of religion.

Either You/ijdani said something regarding no new religion & prophet, i just told you about sikkhism.
revealed???, buddy even bengalis know that, what is to be revealed, the killings the mukti bahini?? is something hidden??, not known by people???, my family lived in east pakistan and they are witness to the horrific scenes, the innocent lives wasted, like my grand father, who didnt manage out of east pakistan because he was killed by your so called freedom fighters, this is the height of ignorance. only because these non bengali people used to form the better educated middle class of dhaka, chittagong etc and used to have bengali servants and were better settled than bengalis themselves????

how many bengali people who didnt want partition were silenced by killings and murders. yes indeed you people are feed one side of story, false stories of rape and murder made up by your mujeeb party and indians.
But, the war of 1971 was initiated by the west Pakistan based civil and military cliche, and the Indian Muhajir Muslims, who were settled in the east, sided with this cliche. What do you expect in a situation like that?

Sorry for your grandfather, but 1971 was not a war of flowers, nor it was a war of words. It was a war of revenge and annihilitation. Yahya Khan and his gang of killers and rapists wanted to get rid of any one who spoke in Bengali.

The cliche wanted to teach us a lesson, but received a good lesson, instead. West Pakistani act was not edorsed by Allah. So, the result was a defeat and surrender at the hands of Hindu India. What a shame!

It is time Pakistan comes to its senses instead of hiding behind many excuses. Pakistan must apologise to the Bangladeshis who initiated the political process that was instrumental in the creation of Pakistan.
Thts your belief and keep it to yourself tell this to indian muslims, hindus christians sikhs and they will laugh at you.

The great prophet Guru Nanak formed Sikhism. there goes your theory of no more new religion and no prophets.

@eastwatch: grow up kid I am talking of shirdi Sai baba, and before talking crap plz get some knowledge using GOOGLE.

Lastly read faithfreedom it will make your mind more open and receptive.

According to Indians, Shikhism is just another form of Hindusm and again to many Indians Hinduism is not a religion at all which has no distinct prophet. Not my words...
Regarding Indian muslim, you should recheck.. i dont think they will laugh. Its just your delusion.
According to Indians, Shikhism is just another form of Hindusm and again to many Indians Hinduism is not a religion at all which has no distinct prophet. Not my words...
Regarding Indian muslim, you should recheck.. i dont think they will laugh. Its just your delusion.

Sikhism is a religion founded by their prophet Guru Nanak Dev & recognised by Indian Constituition, there goes your theory of no more religion and no more prophets.

Hinduism/Vedantism is not only a religion but also a way of life.
It is time Pakistan comes to its senses instead of hiding behind many excuses. Pakistan must apologise to the Bangladeshis who initiated the political process that was instrumental in the creation of Pakistan.

It is also time Bangladesh comes to its sense instead of hiding behind many excuses. Bangladesh must apologize to the Pakistanis and non-Bengalis who suffered at the hands of terrorists and thugs operating under the garb of political autonomy.

---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------

Move off the discussion on religion please.
It is also time Bangladesh comes to its sense instead of hiding behind many excuses. Bangladesh must apologize to the Pakistanis and non-Bengalis who suffered at the hands of terrorists and thugs operating under the garb of political autonomy.

---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------

Move off the discussion on religion please.

with due respect do you have any probe about this? :what:
Sikhism is a religion founded by their prophet Guru Nanak Dev & recognised by Indian Constituition, there goes your theory of no more religion and no more prophets.

Hinduism/Vedantism is not only a religion but also a way of life.

India is a wonder and no doubt about it and constitution does not dictate a religion. The religion prophet talked about is the universal religion like Islam, Christinity, Buddhism not some sect of followers to somebody with certain lifestyle. If I take your pov then there are 100s of religion even within Islam or within christianity. Also any prophet must bear certain criteria set by Islam and Guru Shaheb does not fall into those category, at least according to Islam.

Thanks and back to topic.. sorry mod, could not resist it..

India is a wonder and no doubt about it and constitution does not dictate a religion. The religion prophet talked about is the universal religion like Islam, Christinity, Buddhism not some sect of followers to somebody with certain lifestyle. If I take your pov then there are 100s of religion even within Islam or within christianity. Also any prophet must bear certain criteria set by Islam and Guru Shaheb does not fall into those category, at least according to Islam.

Thanks and back to topic.. sorry mod, could not resist it..


Religious intolerance at best. If the followers are fewer, how does it make it a sect ? Now what is universal religion !

Why do you want to disprove of a religion through the prism of Islam when Islam is another religion ?

Anyways ... back to "Pakistan must apologise ... "
What ever Pakistan does but it must not pronounce any word related to apology for 71 toward Bangladesh so long Munafiqs in power because it will only help bharat and Bangladeshi would think that West Pakistan is only to blame for whole episode. It will also create more hatred toward Pakistan among common Bangladeshis because it will validate all the Awamis lies and propaganda. Pakistan can not make Awami happy no matter what it does because Awami is hereditary program to hate Muslim and Islamic values.

Bangladeshi Muslims are living in tyranny as we speak and 71 like situation are on the making unless Awamis are suppress. Pakistan may want to help Islamic party instead.

Some sort of recognition may be require if we are to close this black chapter once and for all. Pakistan can take an initiative when Islamic rooted government like BNP comes in power and pass a joint resolution to recognize the wrong done(both sides more or less).
I feel that after Sheikh Hasina's current government, Pakistan and BD relations will improve considerably because the historical baggage gets left in the past after Sheikh Hasina and her cohorts are done governing. The younger and up and coming class of politicians in BD and Pakistan do not carry the historical baggage which in my opinion is a very good thing.

Pakistan-Bangladesh relation nose dive when ever Awami league comes in power while improve substantially during BNP regime. You may want to recall 2001-06. Awami league already proven to be a failed and narrow minded political party so BNP will come back to power in next election Insh'allah. This time we must take Pak-BD relation to next level.

Join defense and economic confederation. What's say brothers...........:cheers:
Joint economic and defense confederation, that is the way to go. Pakistan should also help Bangladesh with transfer of technology for building tanks, submarines, UAVs, jet fighters etc.
Everything cannot be said just in jingoism...Care to explain any one of you why do BD need mutual nuclear defense treaty??? Again keep the jingoism apart and give me a rationale explanation as to why BD need mutual nuclear defence treaty....How is such a treaty going to help either Pakistan or Bangladesh....

Very clearly, we don’t have any nuclear threat at all and we don’t feel any threat like that either. But sometimes few people talk about nuke deal just for out of zeal like me. I’ve noticed that few Pakistanis want that there will be some strong deals between BD and PK, and among them few also want that if we share minimum nuke power.

Tell me, why they say that for BD where we do not have other big mutual economical, technological or else deal even?! Because we have some kind of brotherly relation so few Pakistanis offer us (not to other countries) to share their power when they become emotional. And don’t wonder if we ever share nuke power (even we will not need that ever) after 20 or 30 years when the global politics will change, tnx.

Come out of your delusions...India did what it deemed fit in 1971...You guys needed help we provided it...There is nothing more or less that that...There is no need to distort history just to show your love or haterd for some country...

Read the post # 85 quoted below, plus read the relevant threads in military history section to know every truth:

An oppurtunity to flame and create flames never spoiled by indians?
Mukti bhani wasnt it created before 71 by indians
?wasnt it a proxy?didnt many indian authors write books on how they created mukti bhhani?
Wasnt mukti bhani inovoled in war crimes by starting the civil war?didnt they kill,rape families of West pakisatani soldiers?
Wernt they traitors or instruments of indian proxy mindseted establishment?
Though wat happened in 71 was something tht shouldnt have had happened but mukti bhani terrorists and saffron baniya mentality was more then involed or should i saw makers of this castastrophy.............
Even then we accept Bengladesh with open arms and same is done by bengladeshis.....but indians dont even forget to roll in this thread.
Shameless trolls.
Free kashmir and others

So basically was BNP a failure or people perceived it to be...Your two points are contradictory???

No, there is no contradictory. BNP did some mistake and corruptions, plus people also thought (though wrong perception and no proof) that BNP was responsible when there were some extremist attack in BD in past. Plus AL’s digital deception theory gave AL advantage.

Secondly India is your neighbour which you cannot change...So good relations with India is not going to hurt BD...If you remove your glasses of hate and jingoism then you would see that better relations with Country as big as India who is on the path to become economic super power of the world is not a bad idea...So ponder over it for sometime...

I want good relation with India if India will not interfere in BD politics/policy or else and if India will not act like innocent in name of business and friendship. Plus if India will solve the disputed issues.
What ever Pakistan does but it must not pronounce any word related to apology for 71 toward Bangladesh so long Munafiqs in power because it will only help bharat and Bangladeshi would think that West Pakistan is only to blame for whole episode. It will also create more hatred toward Pakistan among common Bangladeshis because it will validate all the Awamis lies and propaganda. Pakistan can not make Awami happy no matter what it does because Awami is hereditary program to hate Muslim and Islamic values.

Bangladeshi Muslims are living in tyranny as we speak and 71 like situation are on the making unless Awamis are suppress. Pakistan may want to help Islamic party instead.

Some sort of recognition may be require if we are to close this black chapter once and for all. Pakistan can take an initiative when Islamic rooted government like BNP comes in power and pass a joint resolution to recognize the wrong done(both sides more or less).
So, you are prescribing something that only India adores. India wants a permanent division of the two muslim countries in its east and west. A Pakistani apology will certainly melt down the ice between these two countries. Only India and people who are Moududi followers do not want that to happen.

I understand by your statement that you guys want a weak BD and you do not want a good relationship between the two muslim countries so that India can always bully us. But, we will not let the Moududi doctrine to succede. We will not allow an united India. This is what Moududi wanted when he was alive. Razakars remain as they were before.
Those who were responsible for 1971 fiasco are long gone and most or perhaps all of the key players (Ayub, Yahya, Bhutto, Gul Hasan, Tikka etc) are dead by now. Why should the present government or the people of Pakistan offer an apology for something they had no share in? Apology is not a debt of my Dad that I am bound to pay after his death.

I will request the Mods to close this thread as nothing useful is coming out of it.
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