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Pakistanis lose, US wins


Sep 12, 2008
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JUST when one thought the Pakistan government, and especially the Pakistan military, had decided to see sense and refrain from committing to an operation in NWA, Foreign Minister Qureshi reveals that all is ready for exactly such an operation with 34,000 troops already deployed. The only thing is when the operation would begin – and that is the only decision that seems to have been left to the Army. So, once again, our rulers have succumbed to US pressure and will embark on another series of killings in NWA – that is, against more Pakistani citizens – at a time when the US is itself begun to move towards talks with the Taliban. In fact, NATO itself has been ferrying the Taliban to locations in Afghanistan in preparation for such talks and US Envoy Holbrooke has formally stated that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won militarily and talks with the Taliban would take place.

While one can understand this particular government’s desperation to prostrate itself before US diktat, it is inexplicable why the Pakistan Army would agree to undertake operations that will neither bring stability to the country nor resolve its own terrorism problem. All that will happen is that there will be more civil-military antagonism, especially in sensitive areas of the country. Meanwhile, the US will also succeed in isolating Pakistan from all Afghan Pushtuns fighting the US occupation forces in Afghanistan. So the US will talk to the Taliban while weakening them politically and shift the centre of gravity of their unsuccessful war into Pakistan’s FATA region while they make their exit.

Surely the Pakistan Army cannot be so ready to compromise the security and stability of the country for a few weapon systems from the US – especially when even these will not be state of the art and will be subject to use restraints by the US. The Americans have already informed the Indians that the weapons they will sell to Pakistan will have their assurance that they will not be used against India.

While there are serious question marks over the outcome for Pakistan of the just-concluded Strategic Dialogue – with no movement forward on a possible debt write-off , ROZs and market access – it would appear that once again the US got exactly what it wanted from this Dialogue. And the worst of it is that simply to renew what are dubious bonds with the US, the Pakistan military has conceded to undertake the NWA operation simply to help the US in its dialogue with the Taliban just as it had earlier shown its complicity in the drones policy which has killed thousands of innocent Pakistanis. It is time Pakistan’s decision and policy makers reverted to looking after Pakistan and its people’s interests first.
The Army needs to be freed up from the flood situation and all tribal areas have to be manned properly before we go ahead with this. It is not the best thing to do, but 99% of the terrorism originates or has links with NWA. NWA is like LTTE of Sri Lanka, until completely cleared the problem will not be resolved. Yes we do not want to kill innocent people but if we do not do it, then innocent people in Peshawar, Nowshera, Kohat, Lahore, Quetta and Karachi etc.. will die.
The Army needs to be freed up from the flood situation and all tribal areas have to be manned properly before we go ahead with this. It is not the best thing to do, but 99% of the terrorism originates or has links with NWA. NWA is like LTTE of Sri Lanka, until completely cleared the problem will not be resolved. Yes we do not want to kill innocent people but if we do not do it, then innocent people in Peshawar, Nowshera, Kohat, Lahore, Quetta and Karachi etc.. will die.

Its only TTP terrorists that kill Pakistanis, and TTP dont harm U.S./NATO Troops.

TTP were in South Waziristan and Swat, some are returning to South Waziristan.

The groups in North Waziristan dont kill Pakistanis, their fight is with U.S./NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Pakistan can't just shut its eyes and go around killing every group, or you will never win the war, not even win the war against those killing Pakistanis only.

Pakistan doesn't have a trillion dollars to be spent on a never-ending war like U.S. is spending on this war.

Best thing to do for Pakistan is to focus at one group at a time. After TTP terrorists are extinct from Pakistan forever, then Pakistan can go into North Waziristan .

Fight against TTP is Pakistan's war. Fight against Afghan Taliban is not Pakistan's war.
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actually pakistan is itself putting last nail in its coffin and thanks to the great satan

JUST when one thought the Pakistan government, and especially the Pakistan military, had decided to see sense and refrain from committing to an operation in NWA, Foreign Minister Qureshi reveals that all is ready for exactly such an operation with 34,000 troops already deployed. The only thing is when the operation would begin – and that is the only decision that seems to have been left to the Army. So, once again, our rulers have succumbed to US pressure and will embark on another series of killings in NWA – that is, against more Pakistani citizens – at a time when the US is itself begun to move towards talks with the Taliban. In fact, NATO itself has been ferrying the Taliban to locations in Afghanistan in preparation for such talks and US Envoy Holbrooke has formally stated that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won militarily and talks with the Taliban would take place.

I am sure Holbrooke would be just as happy if Pakistan negotiated with the Hiqqani leadership to lay down their arms, expell foriegn fighters from thier lands and allow Pakistani army to station troops, patrol the area and control the border.
Its only TTP terrorists that kill Pakistanis, and TTP dont harm U.S./NATO Troops.

TTP were in South Waziristan and Swat, some are returning to South Waziristan.

The groups in North Waziristan dont kill Pakistanis, their fight is with U.S./NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Pakistan can't just shut its eyes and go around killing every group, or you will never win the war, not even win the war against those killing Pakistanis only.

Best thing to do for Pakistan is to focus at one group at a time. After TTP terrorists are extinct from Pakistan forever, then Pakistan can go into North Waziristan .

Fight against TTP is Pakistan's war. Fight against Afghan Taliban is not Pakistan's war.

The classical good terrorists - bad terrorist distinction.. ;)

All the best with that...
The classical good terrorists - bad terrorist distinction.. ;)

All the best with that...

You dont even know about the situation there so best to shut your mouth.

You're from bharat not from the harsh mountainous terrain of Waziristan.

If U.S. and NATO can't defeat these guys, what makes you think Pakistan can defeat all these groups plus TTP terrorists plus deal with the country's worst natural disaster in history?

Why should Pakistan blindly shoot at every group? These groups never harmed any Pakistani, its only TTP that harms Pakistanis. Why should we give our enemy strength by making more enemies near our western border?

So far Afghan Taliban have condemned TTP for fighting Pakistani troops, but if Pakistani troops fight against Afghan Taliban then they'll join hands with TTP against Pakistan and it'll be an armageddon situation for Pakistan.

But you'll love that wont you because you're indian.
I am sure Holbrooke would be just as happy if Pakistan negotiated with the Hiqqani leadership to lay down their arms, expell foriegn fighters from thier lands and allow Pakistani army to station troops, patrol the area and control the border.

If only if it was that easy...
You dont even know about the situation there so best to shut your mouth.

You live in bharat not in the harsh mountainous terrain of Waziristan.

If U.S. and NATO can't defeat these guys, what makes you think Pakistan can defeat all these groups plus TTP terrorists plus deal with the country's worst natural disaster in history?

Why should Pakistan blindly shoot at every group? These groups never harmed any Pakistani, its only TTP that harms Pakistanis. Why should we give our enemy strength by making more enemies in our territory.

So far Afghan Taliban have condemned TTP for fighting Pakistani troops, but if Pakistani troops fight against Afghan Taliban then they'll join hands with TTP against Pakistan and it'll be an armageddon situation for Pakistan.

But you'll love that wont you because you're indian.

Because Americans are buying your loyalty. $2Billion in military aid does not come for free. You have to fight some fights which you may not like.
or do what Hillary said "You do not have to take the money".
Because Americans are buying your loyalty. $2Billion in military aid does not come for free. You have to fight some fights which you may not like.
or do what Hillary said "You do not have to take the money".

$ 2billion is peanuts compared to damage NATO and U.S. caused to Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD – Pakistani authorities are simply helpless in checking truckloads of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) forces badly damaging the Indus Highway, the repair of which would cost billions of rupees to the national exchequer, TheNation has learnt reliably.

Nato trucks damaging Indus Highway | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Also TTP didnt even exist before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

Pakistani blood is not that cheap.
Its only TTP terrorists that kill Pakistanis, and TTP dont harm U.S./NATO Troops.

TTP were in South Waziristan and Swat, some are returning to South Waziristan.
TTP have torched hundreds of NATO tankers,was behind killing of CIA agents in afghanistan.TTP have repeatedly announced they wont allow NATO transit through pakistani territory.They have said one of the main reasons for them to fight pak army is because of pak govt's support to US war on terror.

The groups in North Waziristan dont kill Pakistanis, their fight is with U.S./NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Best thing to do for Pakistan is to focus at one group at a time. After TTP terrorists are extinct from Pakistan forever, then Pakistan can go into North Waziristan .

Fight against TTP is Pakistan's war. Fight against Afghan Taliban is not Pakistan's war.

IF fight against ttp is pakistan's war and ttp is not against NATO then why is pakistani army asking for reimbursement and military aid for fight against ttp?Why should US give you free military aid for your war(in which many pakistanis accuse CIA for helping TTP)
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