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Pakistanis Complete Education at Higher Rates Than Indians

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I have been to india in the last 2 years, and I am afraid to say, the poverty is as bad as it ever was, it made one humble to see people rooting around in rubbish dumps looking for a morsel to eat.


Pakistan has a fairly robust contribution to the CERN :pakistan:

Co-operation with Pakistan was pioneered by CMS, and has expanded continuously over the past 15 years to include ALICE and ATLAS as well as to the accelerator sector (SPL (Linac4) and CLIC), making Pakistan a significant partner for CERN. For CMS, Pakistan built the Magnet feet, contributed to the Tracker alignment, and built and installed 320 Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC), as well as contributing to CMS computing, the WLCG and data analysis. Pakistan has also built various mechanical components for ATLAS and for the LHC.

so you have contributed to CERN...no big deal..pakistan is still not observer state in CERN :)
anyways..good for pakistan :)
Aug 10 (Reuters) - Seventy-seven percent of Indians -- about 836 million people -- live on less than half a dollar a day in one of the world's hottest economies, a government report said.

Nearly 80 pct of India lives on half dollar a day | Reuters

lol ..a BIG JOKE...our poverty was 51% in 1990 accordin to reliable UN..then how come it suddenly become 80 despite our economic boom :lol:

see UN says this
India's poverty will fall from 51% to 22% by 2015: UN report - Times Of India

anyways...see what a reliable source say about pakistan

Nearly one in two Pakistanis at risk
Pakistan suffered from widespread hunger even before the monsoon floods, with an estimated 82.6 million people – a little less than half the population – estimated to be food insecure.

50 percent of all Pakistanis have little or no access to clean toilets and drinking water, a condition that renders them vulnerable to infectious diseases.

who depend on food assistance in Pakistan from 38 percent of the population in 2003 to 49 percent in 2009.

it means one in every two pakistani on PDF depends on US aid for food...:lol:

Pakistan: 8 Hunger Facts | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Data from the finance ministry suggest that nearly 75% of the population lives very close to the poverty line and very small changes can push very large numbers of people below it,

Pakistan Poverty increased to an astonishing 43 Percent - MarketWatch.pk
A new report suggests that Poverty in Pakistan is 51% ..i feel sorry for poor pakistanis..India will provide aid soon just like US is doing now...

The Percentage of Poor in Pakistan is 51 percent, reports an Oxford University Study | State of Pakistan
A survey of 104 developing countries by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford measures the incidence of poverty using overall living conditions for households. According to this survey , the percentage of poor in Pakistan is 51% compared to 17%to 22% poverty rates cited in the official statistics. Pakistan’s rank is 31st from the bottom among these developing countries. Not surprisingly virtually the the entire South Asia and the African continent is among the poorest in the developing world.

The studies of poverty based on $1.25 or $2 a day have been criticised as they look only at income and not at overall living conditions including malnutrition, health facilities, transport, etc. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) complements a traditional focus on income to reflect the deprivations that a poor person faces all at once with respect to education, health and living standard. It assesses poverty at the individual level, with poor persons being those who are multiply deprived, and the extent of their poverty being measured by the range of their deprivations.
I request members from indulging in poverty measuring contests. Its not right to gloat over the other's poor!
indian inferiority complex shining through.

William Dalrymple on Aug 14, 2007:

In the world's media, never has the contrast between the two
countries appeared so stark: one is widely perceived as the next great
superpower; the other written off as a failed state, a world centre of
Islamic radicalism, the hiding place of Osama bin Laden and the only
US ally that Washington appears ready to bomb.

On the ground, of course, the reality is different and first-time
visitors to Pakistan are almost always surprised by the country's
visible prosperity. There is far less poverty on show in Pakistan than
in India, fewer beggars, and much less desperation. In many ways the
infrastructure of Pakistan is much more advanced: there are better
roads and airports, and more reliable electricity. Middle-class
Pakistani houses are often bigger and better appointed than their
equivalents in India.

do you really believe that?
A new report suggests that Poverty in Pakistan is 51% ..i feel sorry for poor pakistanis..India will provide aid soon just like US is doing now...

The Percentage of Poor in Pakistan is 51 percent, reports an Oxford University Study | State of Pakistan
A survey of 104 developing countries by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford measures the incidence of poverty using overall living conditions for households. According to this survey , the percentage of poor in Pakistan is 51% compared to 17%to 22% poverty rates cited in the official statistics. Pakistan’s rank is 31st from the bottom among these developing countries. Not surprisingly virtually the the entire South Asia and the African continent is among the poorest in the developing world.

The studies of poverty based on $1.25 or $2 a day have been criticised as they look only at income and not at overall living conditions including malnutrition, health facilities, transport, etc. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) complements a traditional focus on income to reflect the deprivations that a poor person faces all at once with respect to education, health and living standard. It assesses poverty at the individual level, with poor persons being those who are multiply deprived, and the extent of their poverty being measured by the range of their deprivations.

I find it hilarious that you are using the MPI, as India comes off WORSE than Pakistan.:lol:
Let's not confuse "schooling" with "education / learning / awareness".

If we really want to see great examples of "educated" people, then see the students from China. They possess unstoppable focus on learning. While Pakistanis focus on international/outward religiosity. The result has been terrible for Pakistani students.

While Chinese students are welcomed in the West for higher education and jobs, thank to their peaceful humble behavior in Chinese universities, Pakistani students are shunned and punished for their poor behavior in Pakistani schools.

How many times do you hear Chinese students going around local campuses in China, punishing those who do not follow specific ghunda-type Mullah fatwas? Never.


Are you ignoring history? Or just don't know it?

Have you heard about what happened in China during the Cultural Revolution?

Are you aware that the greatest violence occurred at Chinese university campuses?

Do you know that Chinese leader Deng Hsiao Ping's only son was thrown from the top of a building and ended up a paraplegic?
I find it hilarious that you are using the MPI, as India comes off WORSE than Pakistan.:lol:

In spite of recent poverty declines with its rapid economic expansion, India still has higher poverty rates than Pakistan, according to a 2011 World Bank report titled "Perspectives on poverty in India : stylized facts from survey data" released in 2011.

Overall, the latest World Bank data shows that India's poverty rate of 27.5%, based on India's current poverty line of $1.03 per person per day, is more than 10 percentage points higher than Pakistan's 17.2%. Assam (urban), Punjab and Himachal Pradesh are the only three Indian states with lower poverty rates than Pakistan's.


Haq's Musings: World Bank on Poverty Across India in 2011
In spite of recent poverty declines with its rapid economic expansion, India still has higher poverty rates than Pakistan, according to a 2011 World Bank report titled "Perspectives on poverty in India : stylized facts from survey data" released in 2011.

Overall, the latest World Bank data shows that India's poverty rate of 27.5%, based on India's current poverty line of $1.03 per person per day, is more than 10 percentage points higher than Pakistan's 17.2%. Assam (urban), Punjab and Himachal Pradesh are the only three Indian states with lower poverty rates than Pakistan's.


Haq's Musings: World Bank on Poverty Across India in 2011

You are making the same mistake again .

This report uses data from 2005 and the growth trajectory in india and pakistan have been completely opposite in the last 6 years , the world knows.

You fail again.:)
A new report suggests that Poverty in Pakistan is 51% ..i feel sorry for poor pakistanis..India will provide aid soon just like US is doing now...

The Percentage of Poor in Pakistan is 51 percent, reports an Oxford University Study | State of Pakistan
A survey of 104 developing countries by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford measures the incidence of poverty using overall living conditions for households. According to this survey , the percentage of poor in Pakistan is 51% compared to 17%to 22% poverty rates cited in the official statistics. Pakistan’s rank is 31st from the bottom among these developing countries. Not surprisingly virtually the the entire South Asia and the African continent is among the poorest in the developing world.

The studies of poverty based on $1.25 or $2 a day have been criticised as they look only at income and not at overall living conditions including malnutrition, health facilities, transport, etc. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) complements a traditional focus on income to reflect the deprivations that a poor person faces all at once with respect to education, health and living standard. It assesses poverty at the individual level, with poor persons being those who are multiply deprived, and the extent of their poverty being measured by the range of their deprivations.

The Oxford report says India's fares much worse in poverty than Pakistan.

Oxford's multi-dimensional measure of poverty confirms that there is grinding poverty in resurgent India. It highlights the fact that just eight Indian states account for more poor people than the 26 poorest African countries combined, according to media reports. The Indian states, including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh , Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, have 421 million "poor" people, compared to 410 million poor in the poorest African countries.

OPHI 2010 country briefings on India and Pakistan contain the following comparisons of multi-dimensional (MPI) and income poverty figures:

MPI= 55%,Under$1.25=42%,Under$2=76%


Lesotho MPI=48%,Under$1.25=43%,Under$2=62%

Haiti MPI=57%,Under$1.25=55%,Under$2=72%


Haq's Musings: New Index Finds Indians Poorer Than Africans and Pakistanis
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close it yaar . you know it can't come back on track now .

Santro , why don't you disallow pakistan economy threads which compare it with india ?

You know mr . haq only makes posts of this sort and all his threads because of this dick measuring that he does , go down the drain.

Please think about it .

---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

The Oxford report says India's fares much worse in poverty than Pakistan.

Oxford's multi-dimensional measure of poverty confirms that there is grinding poverty in resurgent India. It highlights the fact that just eight Indian states account for more poor people than the 26 poorest African countries combined, according to media reports. The Indian states, including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh , Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, have 421 million "poor" people, compared to 410 million poor in the poorest African countries.

OPHI 2010 country briefings on India and Pakistan contain the following comparisons of multi-dimensional (MPI) and income poverty figures:

MPI= 55%,Under$1.25=42%,Under$2=76%


Lesotho MPI=48%,Under$1.25=43%,Under$2=62%

Haiti MPI=57%,Under$1.25=55%,Under$2=72%


Haq's Musings: New Index Finds Indians Poorer Than Africans and Pakistanis

Lol . 55 % in India and 51 % in Pakistan .:rofl:

with the current growth and inflation rates in our country just wait till 2015 and then see the difference between both . It is already happening according the world bank with poverty decreasing in India rapidly and increasing in Pakistan .
I cant get my head around this, but if only 0.9% of Indians aged 15+ are finishing their secondary education, how come 5.8% Indian aged 15+ managed to enroll for Tertiary education and about 3.1% managed to finish tertiary education? :cheesy:

No Tertiary education without finishing secondary education, which proves that data for atleast the secondary education attainment is flawed.

P.S: After visiting your blog I realized you are a lot senior than me, so apologies for any rudeness from my side


Please read the data carefully.

It is 0.9% of the 15+ age group, not 0.9% of those who enter secondary

In fact, all of the percentages are of the 15+ population in all countries

Bottom line: It means that there is a great education divide...most of the literate have just basic primary education and very very few get to the college level.
Its not about when the report came out, its about what data has been used. If I publish a report tomorrow based on data from 1990 and if someone published a report a month earlier based on data from 2005 which one will be more reliable?

No, you don't understand.

Go read the report and loo at the data set.

Barro and Lee DO HAVE 2010 DATA in their report.
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