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Pakistanis Become Refugees in Own Country

Dear Pakistanis,

Don't listen to the Bhartis.

Those are our own people suffering. The ISI needs to target the TTP, but Zardari has already sold the country to outside, by handicapping our PA, and ISI.

I know for a fact that many tribes within FATA are with the PA, and fighting against the Taliban, but ultimately it's the job of the military to provide security for the people.

Dear RazPak,

In essence you are saying what I have/ others have said earlier and I am a Bharati.. Such a confused soul you are!
Dear RazPak,

In essence you are saying what I have/ others have said earlier and I am a Bharati.. Such a confused soul you are!

Bharti concerns are not genuine. It doesn't matter what happens to the thousands that are displaced to Bhartis. Thus we would rather talk about about our internal problems amongst each other.
Bharti concerns are not genuine. It doesn't matter what happens to the thousands that are displaced to Bhartis. Thus we would rather talk about about our internal problems amongst each other.
Then please take it off line from this thread, we are involved in a thread which you were not present and do not hold exclusive right to, by the way, please stay on topic, no need to bring your frustration on this topic..
Bharti concerns are not genuine. It doesn't matter what happens to the thousands that are displaced to Bhartis. Thus we would rather talk about about our internal problems amongst each other.

But Bro, We've posted it in the world affairs...MY feeling is that we learn more from the person who has different opinion than us...We may not agree (never)....We are telling the world community, so whatever the propoganda going on against it (truth inside)...
But Bro, We've posted it in the world affairs...MY feeling is that we learn more from the person who has different opinion than us...We may not agree (never)....We are telling the world community, so whatever the propoganda going on against it (truth inside)...
I would like to say that we are not devils to like some peoples suffering, for those who feel that we are like that It does not matter to us, the god knows!
Fighting with the Taliban will not bring a solution.

Taliban is like Cancer for our modern society. And one at no condition shd live with cancer. It needs to be treated.
cut it off from the part it is effecting. that is the only solution.
But Bro, We've posted it in the world affairs...MY feeling is that we learn more from the person who has different opinion than us...We may not agree (never)....We are telling the world community, so whatever the propoganda going on against it (truth inside)...

But it's not a world affair it's a pakistani affair whatever problems we have it's best dealt privately amongst pakistanis rather than make it a public issue just like you should with a family matter.There is no need for input for people who do not have pakistan's best interests at heart like indians.I'm also disappointed this thread was made by a pakistani as if there wasn't enough "bad news" threads and propoganda about pakistan on this forum and all over the world already now our own people are taking part too:disagree:
Fighting with the Taliban will not bring a solution.

I don't know about the Afghan ones, but the Pakistani Taliban are created because we keep helping the US bomb their villages and cities on the frontier; so obviosuly they think we're their enemies as well and turn against the State, essentially becoming "Taliban".
If we get out of the WoT, and stop bothering the Tribals, things should normalise and the Taliban disintegrate into dust.
I don't know about the Afghan ones, but the Pakistani Taliban are created because we keep helping the US bomb their villages and cities on the frontier; so obviosuly they think we're their enemies as well and turn against the State, essentially becoming "Taliban".
If we get out of the WoT, and stop bothering the Tribals, things should normalise and the Taliban disintegrate into dust.
try explaining to ignorant american/pakistani governments
I don't know about the Afghan ones, but the Pakistani Taliban are created because we keep helping the US bomb their villages and cities on the frontier; so obviosuly they think we're their enemies as well and turn against the State, essentially becoming "Taliban".
If we get out of the WoT, and stop bothering the Tribals, things should normalise and the Taliban disintegrate into dust.
wow I'm amazed at your thinking, you are actually ready to let them go free who have killed your innocent citizens to flourish?

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