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Pakistanis Become Refugees in Own Country

This article was just sickening. Our people can no longer live safely in their own lands, what a disgrace! :angry:

Honestly every time I read or hear the news it seems as if Pakistan is fragmenting; shattering in to pieces. We desperately require a renaissance in Pakistan & if God wills, it shall be coming soon!
Well there is still 'the last hope'.Think he will be prime minister.
Let's put it this way, CIA is trying to make pakistanis, become hostages in pakistan!
Well, its just another, left hook as we, say in boxing, this thread is a tool Of cyclelogical warfare!

Well, pakistan allways, have option to armed IRAN , with a nuke, how that sounds! Buddy?
Let's put it this way, CIA is trying to make pakistanis, become hostages in pakistan!
Well, its just another, left hook as we, say in boxing, this thread is a tool Of cyclelogical warfare!

Well, pakistan allways, have option to armed IRAN , with a nuke, how that sounds! Buddy?

Do you people ever get tired of conspiracy theories?ur education system is nonexistent,leaders are ultra corrupt,feudal kabza groups and army hold most of the land and resources,taxes aren't collected,terrorists once sponsored by your own boys are running wild,there is ethnic tension.Does CIA really need to do anything?
It's time to give up conspiracy theories & blaming others. Any problem an individual or a nation faces is a result of our own doing, & it's we who have to solve our problems on our own.
It's time to give up conspiracy theories & blaming others. Any problem an individual or a nation faces is a result of our own doing, & it's we who have to solve our problems on our own.

I guss, my reply sounds, loud & clear!
Even america, has its voilent history, how can we forget that?
Does voilent american history means, it should be destroyed, at the most voilent of its times?
Fake & CIA sponsored revolutions, in IRAQ LIBYA, EGYPT have, became the worst & naked shamless, examples of american extermism!
In the, end its 7 star atomic, club, itS up to USA , if it want to expand, it with one more digit? Or no club, fatal distruction, of every living human bieng(world war 3)
World should be equal, to every one, pakistanis or americans, I guss, if pakistanis can unite themselves, they can control, their all faults!
I guss, my reply sounds, loud & clear!
Even america, has its voilent history, how can we forget that?
Does voilent american history means, it should be destroyed, at the most voilent of its times?
Fake & CIA sponsored revolutions, in IRAQ LIBYA, EGYPT have, became the worst & naked shamless, examples of american extermism!
In the, end its 7 star atomic, club, itS up to USA , if it want to expand, it with one more digit? Or no club, fatal distruction, of every living human bieng(world war 3)
World should be equal, to every one, pakistanis or americans, I guss, if pakistanis can unite themselves, they can control, their all faults!

Your reply isn't too well organized bro. Anyway the point is though other countries have had bad times & maybe faced hardships even worse then us; they have managed to come out of them. If not, they are at least making an effort to do so, Pakistan on the other hand isn't doing much. If there was any movement within Pakistan that aimed at bringing about a renaissance in our country; I would certainly be a part of it. Provided of course that I agree with its aims & objectives.

In reference to the CIA sponsored terrorism, how can any of us be sure of that? How can anyone be certain that the revolutions going on in the Arab world were sponsored by the CIA? Those revolutions taking place in the Arab world are occurring at the behest of their people, they are struggling for their freedom & rights themselves.

Like I said earlier, people should blame themselves for their faults, no one on earth can prevent a nation from succeeding. In the end all I want to say is that while other nations of the world happen to be succeeding, we seem to be disintegrating. That is what makes me want to go ":hitwall:".
Your reply isn't too well organized bro. Anyway the point is though other countries have had bad times & maybe faced hardships even worse then us; they have managed to come out of them. If not, they are at least making an effort to do so, Pakistan on the other hand isn't doing much. If there was any movement within Pakistan that aimed at bringing about a renaissance in our country; I would certainly be a part of it. Provided of course that I agree with its aims & objectives.

In reference to the CIA sponsored terrorism, how can any of us be sure of that? How can anyone be certain that the revolutions going on in the Arab world were sponsored by the CIA? Those revolutions taking place in the Arab world are occurring at the behest of their people, they are struggling for their freedom & right themselves.

Like I said earlier, people should blame themselves for their faults, no one on earth can prevent a nation from succeeding. In the end all I want to say is that while other nations of the world happen to be succeeding, we seem to be disintegrating. That is what makes me want to go ":hitwall:".

Ohh, u can't see triators like shakil afridi, hussain Haqani!
Ammar musa of OIC, sanctionS against IRAN , IRAQ EgYPT, LIBYA, calling their leaders dictators? Making of no-flying zones, accepting their traitors , as US nationals, supplying arms & Ammo to nothern alliance in afghanistan, in LIBYA?
Sending fake journalists ,(spies) in IRAN , to charge up resiStAnce movemets, against , the leadership of IRAN, come on man, it attracs you, & you think, that peoples of these states, brought the revolution?
In the end, its bAluchistan ! Just check out their congresmen ,hell he taliking about yesterday?
We can go through, all this meSs just get united! & can win against all odds, lety to CIA , just. Bring it what ever they got? Keep faith.
Ohh, u can't see triators like shakil afridi, hussain Haqani!
Ammar musa of OIC, sanctionS against IRAN , IRAQ EgYPT, LIBYA, calling their leaders dictators? Making of no-flying zones, accepting their traitors , as US nationals, supplying arms & Ammo to nothern alliance in afghanistan, in LIBYA?
Sending fake journalists ,(spies) in IRAN , to charge up resiStAnce movemets, against , the leadership of IRAN, come on man, it attracs you, & you think, that peoples of these states, brought the revolution?
In the end, its bAluchistan ! Just check out their congresmen ,hell he taliking about yesterday?
We can go through, all this meSs just get united! & can win against all odds, lety to CIA , just. Bring it what ever they got? Keep faith.

Of course there are traitors in our country, so who should we blame for that but ourselves? Other nations or our enemies will continue taking steps against us, however our failures must be blamed on ourselves alone.

What do you mean by it attracts me? Regarding the revolutions in the Arab world, I know many Arabs, I live in Arabia myself & I can assure you most people are happy that the dictators ruling over them are getting kicked out.

Unity is needed of course, but a massive change is now a necessity in Pakistani society for it to flourish. Even if we do get through these tough times our society isn't likely to learn its lesson & may degenerate once again. That is why I hope a renaissance occurs in Pakistan; one that is similar to the Italian renaissance.

Then I am sure Pakistan will succeed! :pakistan:
if the Gop decides to act and clear the place of militants . the drones will not be necessary . but unfortunately they have not been able to do so .

They choose not to do so. Pak has always been harboring and providing shelter to these non-state actors over the decades. Now that the problem has grown to be a cancer in their very society, u still fail to see any committed measures by the army or the government to combat the problem. Instead u get half-hearted attempts in place and some really sloppy security. Eg., the Taliban jailbreak recently that sounds really dubious. None of what's been happening gives anyone the confidence that the Pakistani government and/or the army has any kind of control in those areas. As long as the USA continues to have no confidence in their one-time allies, the daily drone strikes are going to continue.

Of course there are traitors in our country, so who should we blame for that but ourselves? Other nations or our enemies will continue taking steps against us, however our failures must be blamed on ourselves alone.

What do you mean by it attracts me? Regarding the revolutions in the Arab world, I know many Arabs, I live in Arabia myself & I can assure you most people are happy that the dictators ruling over them are getting kicked out.

Unity is needed of course, but a massive change is now a necessity in Pakistani society for it to flourish. Even if we do get through these tough times our society isn't likely to learn its lesson & may degenerate once again. That is why I hope a renaissance occurs in Pakistan; one that is similar to the Italian renaissance.

Then I am sure Pakistan will succeed! :pakistan:

If all Pakistanis are able to embrace that positive attitude, then u guys will definitely find a way out of this mess and succeed. And all Indians for sure hope that u do as well, for a stable Pakistan that's a lucrative business destination is far better neighbor to have than a violently unstable one heading towards anarchy.
Why are Indian jadoogars on this thread predicting about destruction of Pakistan, please go away thanks
But it's not a world affair it's a pakistani affair whatever problems we have it's best dealt privately amongst pakistanis rather than make it a public issue just like you should with a family matter.There is no need for input for people who do not have pakistan's best interests at heart like indians.I'm also disappointed this thread was made by a pakistani as if there wasn't enough "bad news" threads and propoganda about pakistan on this forum and all over the world already now our own people are taking part too:disagree:

I'm sorry for those who assume we do need to discuss in private...Already, koo bakoo phail gai baat ruswaee ki....

I do agree bro, but look around everywhere on the media they say...Even on the dawn they talking about the side-affects of war...kabootar ki tarh ankeen band krny sy wo bili sy buch nahi jay ga...I were having other good intentions for MY loving country and poeple so posted ...just like PTI imran showed the world and ....Their is always a possiblity that good human being are in every cult (race, nationality), perhaps it may bring something good for MY people who are getting suffered...LIKE by disgracing ourself on the issue of ACID (oscar award), at least now internal people are more moved to solve the problems of acid....

Sorry for bringing disgrace, but whatever the problems in PAKISTAN we own it more like GRACEFUL people on the planet and we are motivated to take it out of TROUBLES (inshallah)...PAKISTANIS is the best confident, creative, motivated and loving nation on the earth, its my eman after always seeing my brothers and going through national songs...but troubles are there in every coutnry but Allah has chosen us to be part of international politics...(IF it has been no PAkistan then USSR would have occupied the Afghanistan...and we are motivated...LIKE IMRAN Khan said that those people who follow HARD way get more sucess...WE are motivated with good and will bring good INSHALLAH

PAKISTAN PAINDA BAAD... :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
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